Record it, because that'd be cool to see.
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of content in this game. I don't even know what to do or where to go at this point in the game.
What armor do you have? What is the highest tier ore you found? What bosses have you beat? Hardmode yet?
I've beaten the Eye and I've got Meteorite armor or whatever it's called. Not sure what to do now since I feel over/underpowered everywhere I go.
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of content in this game. I don't even know what to do or where to go at this point in the game.
I've beaten the Eye and I've got Meteorite armor or whatever it's called. Not sure what to do now since I feel over/underpowered everywhere I go.
Fuck those potions cooldown. How am I suppose to deal with the laser spam from WoF?!
Fuck those potions cooldown. How am I suppose to deal with the laser spam from WoF?!
Thanks, just beat it. Blood moon out though, and some armor dudes knocking my doors. -_-
Has anyone gotten a non-hamachi personal terraria server to work yet? I swear I've done every single thing in every guide. I've forwarded all ports, verified a million times over with portforward's checker that they are, I've added exceptions for terraria and the server exe's in windows firewall and avast, I've disabled both entirely, I can even connect to my own server via my internal ip, external ip, and localhost addresses. But nobody outside of myself can do so. I thought redigit said he'd fixed all this nonsense this time around. What do, terraria-GAF?
I couldn't run a server without jumping through ridiculous hoops before 1.2, now that they implemented UPnP support I don't need to do anything at all.
Haven't been on because I'm not much of a builder, and I've been losing interest in the game in general I suppose. It was a good update. I enjoyed the game for many more hours. But the only real reason to press on with playing would be to help other folks, where they really don't need the help because the game is actually easier now, or to build stuff, or to collect everything in the game. And I'm not much into either of those to the extent the game pushes for. Will dip in every now and then, but I feel like I'm "done" once again.It's been days since the GAF server has seen people, at least on my end.![]()
New character is optional but recommended, and definitely a new world.I have to start a new game to get the most out of the new update additions, right? (Because of new world generation features, I mean.)
Haven't been on because I'm not much of a builder, and I've been losing interest in the game in general I suppose. It was a good update. I enjoyed the game for many more hours. But the only real reason to press on with playing would be to help other folks, where they really don't need the help because the game is actually easier now, or to build stuff, or to collect everything in the game. And I'm not much into either of those to the extent the game pushes for. Will dip in every now and then, but I feel like I'm "done" once again.
I suck at this game..whats the next steps?
Bosses. Hardmode jungle and dungeon. Hardmode bosses.
not sure if spoiler so:How do you activate hardmode? Does this change ore gen or do I do this on a new world? I can't fly or best weapon is a diamond
Guys I have almost platinum gear.
I have a diamond staff, some mana and 380 HP. Guide and Dye dude...
I suck at this game..whats the next steps?
So if you want to craft the Diamond Staff (10 platinum bars + 8 diamond) and you have a world with gold... sorry, no dice! Good luck with the Extractinator or new world :/
Fix this shit.
So if you want to craft the Diamond Staff (10 platinum bars + 8 diamond) and you have a world with gold... sorry, no dice! Good luck with the Extractinator or new world :/
Fix this shit.
You're expected to make do with a Ruby Staff, which uses gold, but causes less damage and knockback, has a slower projectile speed and a longer use time... because Redigit doesn't understand that if you make something even slightly stronger, people will consider anything else inferior. Seems like even a basic psychology course would teach this, but... you know... kicked out of high school.
I only gotten diamonds from the Extractinator. 2 to be exact. :\
You're expected to make do with a Ruby Staff, which uses gold, but causes less damage and knockback, has a slower projectile speed and a longer use time... because Redigit doesn't understand that if you make something even slightly stronger, people will consider anything else inferior. Seems like even a basic psychology course would teach this, but... you know... kicked out of high school.
Should had just been the same damage but different knockback/firerate/statuses. IDK
Well maybe if he gets enough negative feedback about it, he will fix it so you can have any of the ores in any world.
I didn't care about it. It's just temporary gear anyways. Get something that is good enough to kill the next boss then craft better armor from what the boss drops (or the new ore it allows you to mine).
I don't understand why it has to be the same for everyone, this isn't even a competitive game.
There are 2 things that kinda bothered me:
1) I play mostly as ranged (because good luck killing a flying eye with a sword, or any other boss for this matter) and it doesn't look like i have much weapon choice. So far i found only the megashark effective (the arrow weapons are harder to aim).
2) Relying on random events. The only items (a crafting material and a weapon) I currently want can be obtained only as a random drop from an enemy during solar eclipse - a random event. It would be nice if something like this could be summoned like the bosses (even if it required a lot of materials). I don't like sitting for half an hour doing nothing in the hope that the next day will have an eclipse.
The Solar Eclipse is an event occurring only in Hardmode after any mechanical boss (The Destroyer, The Twins, Skeletron Prime) has been defeated in the world[1]. It is announced at the beginning of a day with the message, "A solar eclipse is happening!", lasting from sunrise to sunset. During the Solar Eclipse the light will be only slightly brighter than at night and you can see the moon in front of the sun.
Just had this happen. Wtf?
Just had this happen. Wtf?