Fucking work and this evening need to pass so I can play.
I got overseer a while back. Do I need to play it to understand what is going on in Telsa Effect?
I think if you know the characters and are familiar with the general lore, you should be fine. There are YouTube videos that show the ending of Overseer if you are curious about how that one ends.
Except it ends in a huge cliffhanger. Is it even broguth up in the new game? Doesn't look good since Chelsea Blando is MIA.
Just started it up and fooled around a bit. Very impressed with the quality of the video. Nice ui too. I am giddy so weird
Going to eat and then back to put some time in it.
Except it ends in a huge cliffhanger. Is it even broguth up in the new game? Doesn't look good since Chelsea Blando is MIA.
Delivery of the download keys is complete at this time.
These are STEAM keys
The download is DRM FREE (this is an option to usits literally a checkbox)
You can download the game, pull it to your desktop and never look at Steam again if that is your choice.
There is no plan I am aware of to send an additional set of GOG keys.
IF you havent received you key, dont panic.
It could be a delay in the servers, but more likely its:
A) The Code went to the email you backed the project with, not the one you expected to be used
B) Caught in your spam filter. There is content (strange characters and a link) in the email that can trigger some filters. Please check.
I'm anxious to find out if you can play the game with an Xbox controller. Can you confirm?
In closing, Tex Murphy’s return has been long overdue, but the wait was most certainly worth it. Big Finish games have struck gold with this deep and engaging sixth chapter of the Tex Murphy saga. Tesla Effect is a resounding success in almost every conceivable regard. Embracing both the slapstick antics the series is known for while simultaneously offering an engrossing story full of clever plot devices and consistently hilarious and witty writing, you’ll be hard pressed to pry yourself from your keyboard from the moment you begin the game until the final curtain call. Add to that the numerous and challenging puzzles littered throughout Tesla Effect and you’ve got the recipe for a caper no adventure gaming fan worth his salt should miss. While a few technical hiccups may scuff the surface of this exceptional adventure, they do very little to take away from this obvious labor of love and stands as this year’s adventure game to beat.
Fans of Tex Murphy, or classic point-and-click adventure games in general, won't want to miss Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure, which is now available on Steam for $19.99. We wouldn't call it a perfect game, but possibly one of the most charming little experiences we've had for a while. It may not usher in a new era of full motion video games, but we do hope it will keep the series alive for another installment.
+ Pure point-and-click nostalgia
+ A fun cast of colorful characters
+ Mostly satisfying puzzles
- Scavenger puzzles slow pacing way down
- A couple of weird glitches
- Certain items are incredibly tough to spot
Playing Tesla Effect feels like jumping into a time machine. The game looks and feels like the Tex Murphy adventures fans know and love, with that fresh coat of paint thanks to the 2K resolution during the full-motion video sequences. The quirks in the production and acting, while noticeable, manage to be charming, and the game as a whole is incredibly intriguing. The astonishing amount of video and dialogue produced for the game also gives it plenty of longevity, and the branching paths and multiple endings ensure that this one will probably be on your hard drive for quite a while. It deserves its place there, as well: Tesla Effect is a fine adventure game, and hopefully we won’t have to wait so long to see Tex again.
If there was ever a game that should be enjoyed on the comfy couch, it's this one.
And, guess what? That's right, no controller support!
If there was ever a game that should be enjoyed on the comfy couch, it's this one.
And, guess what? That's right, no controller support!
Nothing screams comfy couch gaming like an old school point and click adventure... oh...
Admittedly with the exploration style it probably would've worked just fine with this. I was surprised to find out Broken Age supported the 360 controller and that looks less like the kind of game that you'd go "yes, I want to play this with a controller!"Nothing screams comfy couch gaming like an old school point and click adventure... oh...
But you know, it would be pretty sweet to sit back on a couch with a wireless keyboard/mouse, put the feet up, and play an old-school adventure game on a large screen.![]()
Nothing screams comfy couch gaming like an old school point and click adventure... oh...
Anyone playing this on a 2k monitor? Impressions on the 2k vid?
1: Atlus?
I assume 2K is 2048×1080? It looks plenty sharp to me but I'm running a little over that at 2560x1600.
Marketing and QA. I'm not sure if they're helping with distribution of the physical rewards.
Bummer. Wish we could pick GoG instead of Steam as our reward. It would be nice to have the all the games on one service.
edit: If anyone is going to pre-order on Steam, I'd be happy to trade my key for a GoG gift of the same game.
they had me at "Pure point-and-click nostalgia"
always wanted to try one of the Tex Murphys, but forgot about them every single time between the LucasGames and the Sierras. i'll get this one
Well there has to be something drm-free, despite what that guy says, chris was emailing backers in 2012 guaranteeing them a specifically non-steam, drmfree method, and if they can't host on their own site due to the bandwidth, GOG is pretty much the only option.
If he's reneged on that I'll be asking for my $110 back, but I suspect(hope?) it's just miscommunication within big finish.
Well there has to be something drm-free, despite what that guy says, chris was emailing backers in 2012 guaranteeing them a specifically non-steam, drmfree method, and if they can't host on their own site due to the bandwidth, GOG is pretty much the only option.
If he's reneged on that I'll be asking for my $110 back, but I suspect(hope?) it's just miscommunication within big finish.
Well, the game launches even when Steam is closed so it's definitely DRM free.
If you have a chance read through that thread I linked earlier (same link).
I have to say that the responses by Steve @ BFG are rather ill-advised and dismissive. Then a few other backers are flaming those requesting GOG keys, arguments about whether Steam is DRM or not are raging, etc. BFG hasn't handled it well at all, and they should have foreseen this issue as well as planned ahead by doing something like backer surveys that other projects have done.
Not steam free though.![]()
Both sites are awesome
They really should have GOG keys for those that want them, though. It's not like GOG charges for keys or has a limit.
I assume that BFG just didn't realize that "Steam-free" trumps "DRM free" for some, and now they're concerned about people getting more keys than they purchased. It's a strange oversight after running such a great fundraising campaign.
Ugh, want to play so badly but stuck in hotels for work trips until next week. Very pleased to read positive reviews from folks who seem to get it. Want to savor this one in a comfortable environment for sure.. but maybe a 15 GB download on hotel internet won't be as bad as I think..