Hero of Legend
What's this I hear of a game breaking bug in the Wii version? 
it cannot be emphasized enough how fucking overlooked this game is. not only is it way above the shovelware that it usually ends up shelved with (if ever gets to see the world outside of the discount bin, that is) in the stores, but it actually is a darn good entry in the settlers/anno series. if you have the slightest of interest in the genre, have a wii, and don't have this game, you can blame only yourself.farnham said:just played the wii version and i have to say im stunned at how great the game is
i played the first anno on the PC and loved it back then but never went back to the series until now.. and the wii interface is just perfect for the game..
Today Ubisoft announced Anno 1404 Venice, the add-on for Anno 1404, the acclaimed real-time strategy and simulation game released earlier this year. Anno 1404 Venice will combine the signature gameplay mechanics of Anno 1404 and the richness of the Venetian culture. In addition, gamers will now be able to play Anno 1404 with their friends thanks to the new online multiplayer mode. The add-on is due to release next February 2010 in EMEA territories.
With Anno 1404 Venice we are proud to bring a whole new dimension to gamers by letting them experience new multiplayer challenges online with their friends said John Parkes, marketing director EMEA at Ubisoft, we're confident that this add-on will please fans of the series as well as newcomers to the franchise.
Key Features of ANNO 1404 Venice:
The rich Anno 1404 environment gets complemented with a new Venetian setting offering new possibilities of interaction:
Build two new Venetian ship types: the small and big tradesman cog
Develop secret cabinets, infiltrate your enemies and sabotage their expansion
Take control over enemy cities thanks to your influence in the cities council board
Play Anno 1404 online in a multiplayer mode:
Choose to play versus or coop to defeat the AI by combining your techniques
Up to 8 players
New challenges and quests:
Up to 60 new items and 300 new quests with two new types: trading race and ship boarding
Discover and exploit a new type of island, the Volcano island
New scenarios to face new challenges with new achievements, medals and crests
An overview of the most important changes:
- The Golden Ship is now available after accomplishing all the Achievements (the corresponding affected Achievements have been corrected and can now be completed).
- The cooldown period between individual Quests for the Emperor and the Sultan has been reduced.
- Sultan Quests are now available even if players do not have Noblemen in their City.
- Players can no longer see the routes taken by opposing Transport ships.
- Buildings and fields may now be rotated by pressing the middle mouse button.
- Construction time for the Large Oriental Trading Ship has been doubled.
- Players can now also connect to the Gateway to the World under Windows 7.
Other changes:
- Savegames in user-content scenarios are no longer corrupted when a fellow player is vanquished in that scenario.
- In some cases uploads to the Gateway to the World failed. This bug has been fixed and uploads to the Gateway to the World should now be much more stable.
- Fixed a bug in mission 7 in which, under certain conditions, a black pearl necessary for completion of the mission was not given to the player.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the player to multiply the Goods on a Ship through skillful movement between the Ship's cargo slots.
- The title "World Traveler" is now correctly displayed in the title selection.
- Purchasing the second or third stage "Occidental Shipbuilding" Attainment sometimes led to all the Goods over 40 tons being thrown overboard by the Ships involved. This error has been corrected.
- Ships in the "Historic Battle" Quest can now shoot back!
- The cost in Gold shown in the Caravanserai delivery notification was displayed incorrectly. This error has been corrected.
- Envoys whose Needs are now all met and who pay very few Taxes are now "euphoric" instead of "angry".
- The Experts Customs goods Items are now somewhat more powerful.
- A number of small improvements have been made.
- Several spelling errors were corrected.
Zzoram said:Why don't they remove TAGES from the Steam version of the base game? The expansion doesn't seem to use it.
Nah, they removed the OG version so that they could sell only the Gold edition and Venice standalone.TheExodu5 said:I think they're doing so now. The original game is down from the store.
You can just buy the copy from GamersGate and it works fine.clip said:Is there any way to play Venice without buy ANNO 1404 again? I've got the european retail version of 1404, but the steam and impulse versions say they require dawn of discovery, steam particularly notes requiring the steam version.
Ikuu said:You can just buy the copy from GamersGate and it works fine.
I have a retail copy of Anno 1404 and the installer from GamersGate says 1404 Venice, I'd imagine it works with both. Send them an email and they'll let you know.Victrix said:Does it work with Anno 1404 and Dawn of Discovery, or only one? I have the dvd version of Dawn of Discovery, and Steam explicitly says it only works with the Steam release of DoD
pix said:Does anyone have a good website resource that has tips on playing this game online or in endless mode? Like basic building strategies and where you should build certain buildings?
vocab said:Is there a new campaign in venice or is it just sandbox style? I really like the campaign style of Dawn of Discovery.
sweetvar26 said:1. How do you establish your base on another island? I take my ship down to a different island, I can't build either a marketplace or a warehouse. Am I do something wrong?
2. It is hard to get my resources building to work at 100%. I tried doing lot of different stuff but I guess the only thing you can do is space them out, am I right?
3. One last one, how do you turn the ascension rights off? The fucking peasants keep using my resources to upgrade their houses while I try to build other building and I keep running out of them. Selfish fucks![]()
Plaguefox said:Apologies if this is old or known to the Anno / DOD fanatics out there, but I couldn't find anything online about it.
What the hell is that? It was basically a giant wooden puppet dancing around in one of my forests back when I played the game last year. I don't remember the circumstances surrounding its appearance, but it's only shown up that one time. I forgot all about it until Venice came out and I looked back over my old screenshots.
Caesar III said:It's only securom if I recall and the main game (Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery) is without it already. Only the Venice Addon has Securom right now. They did not and won't use the Ubisoft Game Launcher for this game.
Caesar III said:check back the pages in this thread, there was a patch in August which removed the securom protection from the main game.
if you install the game and then the patch you don't need to activate anything anywhere. Just do not start the game before patching. I cannot remember installing tages but if this is the case you can uninstall it using the tools on the tages website. IIRC you don't even need to enter the serial key for DoD itself. Only for the Addon Venice which has TAGES.Plaguefox said:When I reinstalled it (on my new system this time) in preparation for my purchase of Venice, TAGES did prompt me and I did have to let it install in order to continue with the installation of Dawn of Discovery. I had another similar prompt when installing the Venice add-on.
Rocket Punch said:So I found this game on Wii and DS for $10 each and bought both. I just spent 3 hrs in the first few missions on my Wii. If the DS game is half as good I'd have to say its the best $20 I have ever spent on games.