Zinthar said:
So the Wii version is as deep as the PC version? If so, I might have to grab a copy of that version...
Depends on your definition of depth.
The production trees are short in both games.
On Wii you only have like 16 ressources and some of them are only one building. This is improved in the PC version but not as much as in the older games. Around 60 ressources here.
Corn is only one building on Wii and generates food directly. Therefore you need a mill and a bakery on pc as well.
Biggest difference between the two games is that you don't need trading routes on Wii because all your storage on all islands counts together. So if you produce spice on island 1 it's instantly avaiable on island 2 without a need for shipping it there.
And on PC you have to manage the western world and the oriental world. So you have to create an oriental city as well and this city needs western stuff and the western stuff needs oriental stuff. There is some kind of cross dependency if you want to call it like that.
Zzoram said:
How long does a level take on PC? How long can Endless mode go and still be fun? Is it fun to just play Endless every now and then as a standalone experience?
dunno, like I said I can only speak based on the Demo you can check out as well and all I know from being an Anno fan

Gamestar says after 20 hours endless mode you've not achieved all possible things. So this depends on your own goal and what's fun to you.
You can do a lot of sidequest all the time. Produce ressource xy, collect this and that, trade with someone, reach a specific location with a ship or on land. This was in 1701 as well but now it's much more improved. There is near to no "I don't know what to do" moment throughout the game. But all of those are optional.
Like I said I'm mission 6 out of 9 on Wii and I'm 15hours in the game. I think the PC game can top this by a factor of 2, so if you are an average player you can leave around 30 hours on those 8 missions. The first 2 are only some kind of tutorial. (A sucking one because you have to do that and do that and this ...) But play the demo, first 2 missions are included here
~Kinggi~ said:
Well this sucks, i was hoping for something deeper than 1701.
It is deeper on the one hand and not deeper on the other hand. I cannot explain exactly, let me try to.
- more ressources
- more buildings
- a lot more to do between building something
- monumental buildings - those need a lot of time and ressources to build them
- really great habour system where you can build up your own custom habour
- bigger islands
- more islands
- orient and western world dependend on each other
- you can place the fields again now
- you can set buy and sell prices again
- improved upgrade system for your villagers - it's not possible to upgrade all of them now
What exactly have they dumbed down from that game?
- you can only build one stone cutter per stone mine.
- there are no endless mines - if they get empty you can pay to fill them again
- the moment you are near an island you know all of its ressources AND the amount of them
- its the same old raster layout of the buildings even after showing it is possible to rotate them in trailers and screenshots. Even some native folks have rotated buildings
- the self placed fields (see above) are bound to the building you placed them (you can place 4 of them per farm but there is room for like 7, so if you build those 7, another farm next to this one cannot use those 3 because they do not belong to them. So there is no field sharing any more)
- You gain A LOT too much money - 18 buildings are enough to have a self running village which creates overage and has a balance of +100 :lol (with chapel and fisher
That's all I can think of at the moment and which are real downers to me!
If its the same exact gameplay mechanics with just more resources and buildings than thats a good thing i think.
decide by yourself by reading through my points or ask specifically or play the demo yourself
In my opinion the game is a lot more easier (from what I've seen) - They say it will be a lot more challenging in the end but I don't think it's that huge.
I think it is compareable to the settlers series. If you liked the step from settlers 3 and settlers 4 to settlers 6, then this could be a game for you.
I don't like settlers 6 as well because it's some kind of a playable screensaver
A lot of text again, sorry, but I'm really sad and want to help you to decide. But I don't want to prevent you from buying this game, especially because they made it like they did to attract more of the not so hardcore eco guys
Any more questions, ask