Some games could have become a game-changer. But its impact was not enough to create trends and actually create a new genre, a good example is alone in the dark, but Resident evil came with something much more striking that changed the horror genre.
These kind of games for me are the best games ever created, because they create genres and sub-genres, or aggressively they are fantastic memorable games, not necessarily needing to be a new genre, but creating something great based on an already made genre.
Examples (not in order);
-Super Mario Bros
-Age of Empires 2
-Sim City
-Clock Tower
-God of War
-Sonic (fast paced mario)
-Chrono Trigger (another lvl jrpg)
-Final Fight
-Street Fighter 2
-Streets of Rage 2 (not the "average joe" clone of final fight)
-Full Throttle (and lucas arts point and click)
-Splatterhouse (first ever horror b based game)
-Mortal Kombat (created age restriction for games)
-Virtua Fighter
-Tekken 3
-Gundam Endless duel (gameplay waaay ahead of its time)
-Killer Instinct
-Resident evil
-Silent Hill (psychological horror)
-Silent Hill 2 (changed even the cinemas)
-Half Life 2
-Resident Evil 4 (over the shoulder
-Devil May Cry (Redefined action games to another level)
-Dark Souls
-Twisted Metal
-Dynasty Warriors
-Sengoku Basara (Dynasty Warriors on crack)
-Soul Calibur
-Super Mario 64
-Metal Gear Solid (ps1)
-Guilty Gear and Advanced VG2 (start of anime fighting games with crazy combos)
-Top Gear
-The need for Speed/Underground
-Aero Fighters
-The King of Fighters
-Gta 3
-Ultima Online
-Guitar Hero
-Secret of Monkey Isnland
-Dragons Lair
-Pokemon (gbc)
-Tomb Raider
-Goldeneye (n64)
-Mario Kart
-Counter Strike
-Max Payne
-Super Meatboy
-Cuphead (influential, lots of old cartoon themed games now)
-Destruction Derby
-Burnout 3
-Viewtiful Joe
-Panzer Dragoon
-Gunstar Heroes
-Phantasy Star Online
-The Sims
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Scribblenauts (ds)
-Mad Dog MacCree
-Killer 7
-Diablo 2
-Deus Ex
-Space Invaders
-Call of Duty 4
-Samurai Shodown
-Fortnite (yeah...can't deny lol)
-Wonder boy
-Marvel vs Capcom (not because 3x3, but for the crossover later become a tendency)
-Command & Conquer
-The Last of Us 2 (No gameplay or innovation existed, its here because was the first game with no shame to show "Agenda flags" that inspired so many games later, unfortunately. Come at me)
-Street Fighter 3 Third Strike (another level of fg footsies, parry already existed...)
-Power Stone
-Left 4 Dead
-Zelda Ocarina of Time
-Phoenix Wright
-The Elder Scrolls
-Puzzle Bubble
-Indigo Prophecy
-Harvest Moon
-Braid (maybe the start of the so called "ART indie games?"
-Final Fantasy VI
Feel at home to complete this list, since what we see out there today are just games inspired by these dividers and creators of genres and sub genres.
--> What games i should post ?
Please don't just think about what you like, think about games that are trending, inspired tons of developers until today, redefined games formulas, or maybe even created genres and sub-genres!
If you post nonsense i will get your attention lol.
And sorry, english isn't my first language!
PS: I'll do another thread soon with revolutionary games that people overlooked or stay in the undergroung shadows. I wont put those here because majority of people haven't played them, so let's start by the surface, but realistic list.

Some games could have become a game-changer. But its impact was not enough to create trends and actually create a new genre, a good example is alone in the dark, but Resident evil came with something much more striking that changed the horror genre.
These kind of games for me are the best games ever created, because they create genres and sub-genres, or aggressively they are fantastic memorable games, not necessarily needing to be a new genre, but creating something great based on an already made genre.
Examples (not in order);
-Super Mario Bros
-Age of Empires 2
-Sim City
-Clock Tower
-God of War
-Sonic (fast paced mario)
-Chrono Trigger (another lvl jrpg)
-Final Fight
-Street Fighter 2
-Streets of Rage 2 (not the "average joe" clone of final fight)
-Full Throttle (and lucas arts point and click)
-Splatterhouse (first ever horror b based game)
-Mortal Kombat (created age restriction for games)
-Virtua Fighter
-Tekken 3
-Gundam Endless duel (gameplay waaay ahead of its time)
-Killer Instinct
-Resident evil
-Silent Hill (psychological horror)
-Silent Hill 2 (changed even the cinemas)
-Half Life 2
-Resident Evil 4 (over the shoulder
-Devil May Cry (Redefined action games to another level)
-Dark Souls
-Twisted Metal
-Dynasty Warriors
-Sengoku Basara (Dynasty Warriors on crack)
-Soul Calibur
-Super Mario 64
-Metal Gear Solid (ps1)
-Guilty Gear and Advanced VG2 (start of anime fighting games with crazy combos)
-Top Gear
-The need for Speed/Underground
-Aero Fighters
-The King of Fighters
-Gta 3
-Ultima Online
-Guitar Hero
-Secret of Monkey Isnland
-Dragons Lair
-Pokemon (gbc)
-Tomb Raider
-Goldeneye (n64)
-Mario Kart
-Counter Strike
-Max Payne
-Super Meatboy
-Cuphead (influential, lots of old cartoon themed games now)
-Destruction Derby
-Burnout 3
-Viewtiful Joe
-Panzer Dragoon
-Gunstar Heroes
-Phantasy Star Online
-The Sims
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Scribblenauts (ds)
-Mad Dog MacCree
-Killer 7
-Diablo 2
-Deus Ex
-Space Invaders
-Call of Duty 4
-Samurai Shodown
-Fortnite (yeah...can't deny lol)
-Wonder boy
-Marvel vs Capcom (not because 3x3, but for the crossover later become a tendency)
-Command & Conquer
-The Last of Us 2 (No gameplay or innovation existed, its here because was the first game with no shame to show "Agenda flags" that inspired so many games later, unfortunately. Come at me)
-Street Fighter 3 Third Strike (another level of fg footsies, parry already existed...)
-Power Stone
-Left 4 Dead
-Zelda Ocarina of Time
-Phoenix Wright
-The Elder Scrolls
-Puzzle Bubble
-Indigo Prophecy
-Harvest Moon
-Braid (maybe the start of the so called "ART indie games?"
-Final Fantasy VI
Feel at home to complete this list, since what we see out there today are just games inspired by these dividers and creators of genres and sub genres.
--> What games i should post ?
Please don't just think about what you like, think about games that are trending, inspired tons of developers until today, redefined games formulas, or maybe even created genres and sub-genres!
If you post nonsense i will get your attention lol.
And sorry, english isn't my first language!
PS: I'll do another thread soon with revolutionary games that people overlooked or stay in the undergroung shadows. I wont put those here because majority of people haven't played them, so let's start by the surface, but realistic list.
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