then I get resurrected again, and to my horror I realize that the re-roll in the Dice Room landed me with the worst possible item for this entire process - Judas' Shadow.
I'm such a fucking moron.
Just like to say Crypt of the Necrodancer is on sale on steam right now. If you like roguelikes and a great soundtrack from Danny Baranowsky
Aw man, I've been playing this most of today and I just realized like 7 or 8 trophies didn't pop. I guess cause PSN is down?
Need a little help with unlocking
MissingNo sounds like a fun challenge run but it still seems more like shooting yourself in the foot than anything. .
It's fuuun! Really, I once picked it up around the middle of the run and the rest was a pretty wild ride. It helps that effects of some of the items you roll remain later on, like transformation or pick up increases (I got Fly on one floor and Pyro (the 99 bombs Pyro) and until the end of the run I had flying and an absolute ton of bombs). Getting to the next floor was exciting every time hah.
They should have a seed (like one of the special seeds with a different map every time, but a certain effect every time) that adds the Missingno effect. I want to try it, but it's really rare (I actually had to seed exploit to collect it and most of the other secret room things acutally), and I wouldn't want to screw over a good run with it.
Secret room items and the black market are waaaaay too rare to make any sense IMO. They kind of lose their reason for existing when you see them once every 150 hours...Just looked through my Collections Page, I still didn't come upon Transcendence even once. The hell.
Just like to say Crypt of the Necrodancer is on sale on steam right now. If you like roguelikes and a great soundtrack from Danny Baranowsky, pick it up.
Trying desperately to platinum the game before the DLC hits because if Wrath of Lamb is any indication they'll make it harder... Hell, they've already made it more challenging in a sense by nerfing Krambus' head and Dark bum. Trying to get through the challenges. Have about 13 done so far out of 20... Some of them seem way to unfair though. That solar system challege? I have to beat Mom's heart with THAT?
Secret room items and the black market are waaaaay too rare to make any sense IMO. They kind of lose their reason for existing when you see them once every 150 hours...
I was more thinking in the sense of spirit hearts preventing red heart damage and leading to a higher chance of bonus rooms, no?And black/soul hearts have no bearing on what room you get, that's a debunked myth by now.
E: Haunted, I'd actually agree the hardest part is not accidentally killing Satanon my unlock of the character I died simultaneously with him because ugh orbitals
Don't laugh now, but I actually accidentally killed Satan's second form while trying to die to him. :lolAre you kidding me. Thanks to Rotten Baby and Mom's Knife I accidentally killed satan while just waiting to die
I think Error and Retro rooms should be as rare as they are, since they're just a bonus item pedestal you simply luck into. The secret room pool and the black market, though, have items that are meant to help you along... I just don't see the point of Skeleton Key being incredibly rare, since it really doesn't have that huge of an impact on any given run.I have real plat god, have found ONE fucking black market. Only found I Am Error with Undefined. Found TWO secret room-only items playing normally (when I do find items it's usually something ass like Cursed Eye, which is also a treasure room item). Even Retro Treasure Rooms feel too rare since I don't actually want level skips from Shovel.
Haha, I knew it! I was going to include a line about NL in my original post but left it out. Remember that NL is a funny guy, but not at all an expert at the game. I recommend Bisnap, even if he's kinda boring, if you want to learn more about the game.I was more thinking in the sense of spirits hearts prevent red heart damage -> higher chance of bonus rooms, no?
I'm actually still not sure how exactly the mechanic works, but Northernlion keeps mentioning something along those lines. :lol
Haha, I knew it! I was going to include a line about NL in my original post but left it out. Remember that NL is a funny guy, but not at all an expert at the game. I recommend Bisnap, even if he's kinda boring, if you want to learn more about the game.
(One thing I find annoying about how both NL and Bisnap are doing Rebirth is that they record in advance and every video they upload today is like 2 weeks old, including 2 week old knowledge about the game... It's pretty unhelpful.)
You can't charge brim through rooms now? What the fuck is this shit?
This has to be a bug, right?
50 hours in, one Chest clear, and I think I might be wrapping up my time with this, at least until the expansion or a significant patch drops.
It's been fun but the over-reliance on RNG to get damage increasing items has started to grate on me. Too many good runs ending too soon because I can't spend 50 minutes picking off tiny pieces of Isaac's HP without dying.
I just started this game, and I feel like everyone else is talking about a different game. Do I need to beat this a few times for it to get interesting or something?
Man, the dead cat is a terrible familiar. Couldn't beat the Heart with Samson because the fight resets whenever I'm hit.
RNG is always going to be a factor, but Isaac is really a game about finding a way through the RNG. Learning everything you can do to raise your chances is a big deal, and almost every run can be won as long as you're diligent enough in doing everything you can do. There will be some runs where RNG just relentlessly fucks you and there's nothing you can do, but the average run can always be improved.50 hours in, one Chest clear, and I think I might be wrapping up my time with this, at least until the expansion or a significant patch drops.
It's been fun but the over-reliance on RNG to get damage increasing items has started to grate on me. Too many good runs ending too soon because I can't spend 50 minutes picking off tiny pieces of Isaac's HP without dying.
Dead Cat is just an all around boss item with several (situational) uses. It's a divisive item because it sounds horrible to beginner players, but it gets veteran players excited for the things they can do with it. One of the most clever items in the game, IMO.Dead Cat is invaluable for The Lost though.
You can't charge anything through rooms. Almost definitely a bug.
PSN outage doesn't have anything to do with the trophy glitches.Unlocked 5 trophies during PSN outage, they didnt pop and didnt unlock.
This was including Golden God
I am no trophy whore but I am really fcuking pissed of about this.
PSN outage doesn't have anything to do with the trophy glitches.
Uh....guys? I think I just broke the game. I just beat the chest with the lost, an I definitely didn't do it fairly. For some reason I was completely invulnerable. You heard me. I literally couldn't die no matter how much damage I took. I'm not sure what caused it. I visibly took damage countless times and my character made the pain sound it always makes when you take damage. Yet I never died. I wrote down the seed and I'll see if this happens again tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed. This is weird. Any idea what could have caused this?
Has there been an update on when this is getting out of early access?
Do make sure to check stores, secret rooms and devil deals, pretty much every run should include some decent stuff really. Also be sure to do challenges and look up unlocks, some very good, fairly common items are locked (mom's knife is a very important one, and the runes are nice bonuses to unlock).
Also be sure to open all the red chests, turning into Guppy or getting a Goat's Head can singlehandedly turn a run around.
I don't know man, I've had the glitch a few times before so I had to do a second save, but litteraly ALL trophies I was supposed to get in the last 3 days didnt unlock. Seems odd.
Also, how the fuck this did pass certification with the trophies not working ?
Had some great combos recently. Was playing as Azazel and got quad shot. Four Brimstones that overlapped each other.
Uh....guys? I think I just broke the game. I just beat the chest with the lost, an I definitely didn't do it fairly. For some reason I was completely invulnerable. You heard me. I literally couldn't die no matter how much damage I took. I'm not sure what caused it. I visibly took damage countless times and my character made the pain sound it always makes when you take damage. Yet I never died. I wrote down the seed and I'll see if this happens again tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed. This is weird. Any idea what could have caused this?
Is there a way to find secret rooms with any kind of consistency?
Also, is there a list of items out there that require you to do certain things to unlock them? Until now it's just been random for me, since I don't really know what the requirements are.
How do you turn into Guppy?
Secret Rooms must be bombed into, and are located next to more than one room, usually 3 rooms, if not then 4, then finally 2, then one.
Super Secret Rooms are only located next to one other room, and this room can't be a special room (item, shop, boss,...). Also, the entrance of the Super Secret Room must be directly accessible (no rocks nor gaps in the way).
There's definitely a lot I don't know.
How come some runs end after beating mom's heart? I've been able to get to Satan sometimes, but not every time. And it's usually when I have a really powerful set of items that the game ends on the heart (when I want to go on the most). Ugh.
Yup, unless they can retroactively fix them with a patch. It sucks.So what happens if you don't unlock a trophy. Are you just screwed and need a new save file?
When you beat the game, do you get NG+? Or do you just keep restarting from scratch?
Yeah.PS Vita, EU version?
Uh....guys? I think I just broke the game. I just beat the chest with the lost, an I definitely didn't do it fairly. For some reason I was completely invulnerable. You heard me. I literally couldn't die no matter how much damage I took. I'm not sure what caused it. I visibly took damage countless times and my character made the pain sound it always makes when you take damage. Yet I never died. I wrote down the seed and I'll see if this happens again tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed. This is weird. Any idea what could have caused this?