Has an overpowered Judas that I managed to take all the way to Mega Satan. Beat the game for the first time, only to find out that I don't unlock anything for it. I should have beaten the lamb first or something.![]()
I love Maggy! Only Dark Room left for her.
You're swiping, not tapping it, right? Does the touchpad work in other games? If you're doing it right but it's not responding it sounds like the touchpad might be broken. But make sure you're doing it right, it's a sorta odd gesture but it's amazing once you realize how it works.
He doesn't?! He always seems to pause but I guess it's RNG
thank you so much for that. After some troubleshooting i realized the ribbon cable INSIDE the touchpad came loose when i last modded my ds4. Opened it back up, reconnected everything and it now works.
You saved me a headache and 60$
It still works on Playstation. Payback for Hard mode still being broken (among a few other things post 1.3)
Any tips/best character/items/hearts setup for beating the final boss?
BTW some of the challenges are good practice, Computer Savvy for instance is hilariously easy but fun.
I play Computer Savvy every time I screw up on a half-decent run to stop myself hating the game. The only (sensible) challenge that could possibly be more ridiculous is Brimstone, Ludovico and Spoon Bender.
I wish there were more runs like that in challenges just for funsies. In a BASE MENT run I ended up with Loki's Horns, Spoon Bender, Mom's Knife and Brimstone. I could just tap the button and fire streams of homing laser knives in 4 directions. Amazing stuff. Cleared rooms in seconds. I wish there were a BASE MENT seed that let you cycle through the full game each time so you get to fight cooler stuff. Skatole alone clears half of rooms in the Basement instantly, and some are already empty.
I'll have to keep an eye out for that, I've been meaning to try the xbone sticks in one of mine (the rubber is turning smooth on the left stick somehow, figured it's a good excuse to try that mod)
thank you so much for that. After some troubleshooting i realized the ribbon cable INSIDE the touchpad came loose when i last modded my ds4. Opened it back up, reconnected everything and it now works.
You saved me a headache and 60$
Dumb question time, I have an item which makes me do a swallowing noise and heal one half heart every so often. What is it? Note: Not tied to any particular action, I can even be standing in an empty room.
Dumb question time, I have an item which makes me do a swallowing noise and heal one half heart every so often. What is it? Note: Not tied to any particular action, I can even be standing in an empty room.
Placenta, auto-regen health (extremely slowly), boss room item
Thanks. There are almost too many items in this game, hard to keep track of what's what. I'm impressed when I watch a stream that can name them all on sight.
It's just a matter of learning. Play with platinumgod.co.uk/rebirth and you'll learn as you go. I can name the item/effect of pretty much anything on the fly now, but I was crazy overwhelmed and never thought I'd beat so much as The Chest before.
I can name pretty much everything except the zodiacs and the syringes, which is okay because all of the zodiacs are pretty much immediate pick-ups. With syringes just remember that yellow = bad.
Also, Golden God + Mega Satan + All Challenges is complete enough for 52 in a Year, right?
It's just a matter of learning. Play with platinumgod.co.uk/rebirth and you'll learn as you go. I can name the item/effect of pretty much anything on the fly now, but I was crazy overwhelmed and never thought I'd beat so much as The Chest before.
It is... it is done.... I'm free...
OK well, technically I still need to get the missing items but to hell with that, it's probably going to be very annoying and boring, but I don't care, the hard, incredibly daunting part is done. In the recent few days I played the game a bit less because I was hopelessly stuck on the final part of Godhead, but at last the deed is done.
Yeah, I'm sure.
I'm already at the point where I can recognize the majority of Trinkets as well as the majority of Pact items on sight, which is better than I could have imagined two months ago.
I also recognize a few items that I never want like the Cursed Eye.
Do seeded runs not work to the lost unlock on ps4? i've been trying and it just won't give me a puzzle piece.
Wait, what exactly are you doing? You don't get a puzzle piece if you're doing the 4 deaths for the unlock, the puzzle pieces show you what to die to (and are totally unnecessary if you already know what to do). Seeded runs work for all the deaths EXCEPT Azazel. There is zero feedback you are doing anything right until Azazel dies. They must be done in a row, with no other deaths in between, and possibly in the same session (might as well to be safe). Remember to not take any revival items at all, and avoid auto-fire familiars and the like for Azazel, I accidentally killed Satan and it's very embarrassing.
Wait, what exactly are you doing? You don't get a puzzle piece if you're doing the 4 deaths for the unlock, the puzzle pieces show you what to die to (and are totally unnecessary if you already know what to do). Seeded runs work for all the deaths EXCEPT Azazel. There is zero feedback you are doing anything right until Azazel dies. They must be done in a row, with no other deaths in between, and possibly in the same session (might as well to be safe). Remember to not take any revival items at all, and avoid auto-fire familiars and the like for Azazel, I accidentally killed Satan and it's very embarrassing.
Oh my god you guys. No. NO. I can not believe this just happened to me!
I can confirm that they don't have to be done in the same session. I messed up Azazel so quit before I died. I then turned the PS4 off and tried again with Azazel the next day and got the unlock no problem.
Oh my god you guys. No. NO. I can not believe this just happened to me!
There is apparently a seed that gives you Pyromaniac and Kamikaze on the first floor. I haven't tested it yet, but it basically makes you invincible if you spam Kamikaze.
7NTP CMY2 if you're interested. If it works and I am near breaking point with The Spoiler I will probably use it.
Ouch. But how (and why) did you use The Bible without getting killed on Isaac?
BTW, lil brim is probably your best bet in that challenge. Demon Baby is worth the get, but too short ranged as I'm sure you noticed. Lil Brim is still slow, but very helpful
Oh my god you guys. No. NO. I can not believe this just happened to me!
Wait, what exactly are you doing? You don't get a puzzle piece if you're doing the 4 deaths for the unlock, the puzzle pieces show you what to die to (and are totally unnecessary if you already know what to do). Seeded runs work for all the deaths EXCEPT Azazel. There is zero feedback you are doing anything right until Azazel dies. They must be done in a row, with no other deaths in between, and possibly in the same session (might as well to be safe). Remember to not take any revival items at all, and avoid auto-fire familiars and the like for Azazel, I accidentally killed Satan and it's very embarrassing.
Using Bible on Isaac or Blue Baby used to kill you in the original game, I had no idea they changed it for Rebirth.
Still no patch for EU PS4/PSV.
Eh, use the Holy Mantle seed I posted. Kamikaze + Pyro is of mild use to the Spoiler because he's not actually healed, it's just infinite bombs, immunity to Satan's hooves/mom's foot and a bit of local damage (insanely risky against some enemies...most enemies). Without two red hearts it's not really that broken at all.
Unless it triggers invincibility frames, does it? Even if it did, that's an incredibly unpleasant way to play as you'd have to be constantly exploding. The Holy Mantle seed is reasonable without being a joke, still requires plenty of skill.
RIP controllerOh my god you guys. No. NO. I can not believe this just happened to me!
I mean, you won't be able to exploit seeds forever, right? They patched that out in 1.032 and even though the PS versions are behind, surely that patch is eventually going to make its way to PS4/Vita as well.You do get invincibility frames because I think it still technically counts as damage.
I won't immediately do that anyway. I'll struggle through a load of proper runs, then go Holy Mantle, then go Pyro/Kamikaze if all else fails.