Holy shit, 70000 people playing at the same time...these are some AAA numbers.
Had no idea Isaac was so popular.
Every time I play this game I get a headache, jesus. Anyone else? I'm loving this game so much but can't play for more than an hour or so at a time. I hope they change the lighting in the game or at least make it an option to turn it off.
There's an option in the menu to add a filter, but it seems to do nothing. Anyone know what it is?
It smudges the pixels, kind of removing the pixel look. You should be able to see the difference it if you have it on fullscreen on pc.
Some random thoughts:
- The new chariot jingle is fucking bad. So bad I'm tempted to believe it's a glitch and the sound files are messed up or something.
- Azazel didn't seem as OP to me as others have said, his range is really shit, there's no good way to deal with explosive enemies.
- Cain runs really spoil you - returning to another character without the Luck Foot afterwards feels bad.
So is Samson bugged? I've got the trophy for no damage taken in both the basement and the womb and he won't unlock. Also for azazel I assume it's 3 separate deals right? I can't just take 3 options from one?
Has anyone tried this with Share Play yet? Is it possible to play the co-op mode together this way?
This game is so unforgiving. Been playing for an hour and just keep dying. 2 runs straight withTears. They're cool but I suck with themAnti-Gravity
I only get good items like once in 10 runs.
Is there any way to 'force' an item to spawn? Or it's just pure luck?
I only get good items like once in 10 runs.
Is there any way to 'force' an item to spawn? Or it's just pure luck?
I just keep losing my health in the most silly ways like running into fire or spikes in the ground.
One thing I've always wondered:
If you kill Isaac.... then who are you? D:
I may be late to the party, but I got a Tammy's Head and a Brimstone... and my god, you can one shot entire rooms, EVERY ROOM. I laughed my way to Mom with plenty of time on the clock for the Boss Rush room, but got way too cocky and died there (aside from that combo, items were mediocre at best). Unfortunately I did not get the seed. I would love to do that run again.
Some random thoughts:
- Cain runs really spoil you - returning to another character without the Luck Foot afterwards feels bad.
Did anyone list what every dice room does? Right now I only know6 rerolls your items
Still really good. Arcade rooms are still abusable if you have a bit to invest to get the ball rolling.Lucky Foot has been massively nerfed tho![]()
What does3 rerolls common items (hearts, chests, etc.) sitting around on the floor.
5 rerolls the floor.
6 rerolls you.
Not sure about the others yet.
What doesmean exactly?reroll
.Randomise the items, so for example I used one the other day and every item I'd picked up so far was changed to a new, random item.
So retooling the floor would mean what. That the layout changes or just the items in it? And rerolling you would mean your powers would change?
Where do you find dice rooms? Hopefully not too deep into the game as I rarely make it to the 4th floor.
Some random thoughts:
- The new chariot jingle is fucking bad. So bad I'm tempted to believe it's a glitch and the sound files are messed up or something.
- Azazel didn't seem as OP to me as others have said, his range is really shit, there's no good way to deal with explosive enemies.
- Cain runs really spoil you - returning to another character without the Luck Foot afterwards feels bad.
New to this game and LOVING it...I can see myself wasting hours on it already. That being said, is anyone else finding it buggy? I cleared the objective to unlock Samson, but nothing happened....then I cleared the first 2 levels without damage, but no trophy popped up. Anyone else experiencing this?
Edit: game has also crashed twice since I installed 2.01.
It's definitely glitchy. Trophies haven't popped for me on PS4 either, and it's crashed a few times on both Vita and PS4 for me.
That being said, the trophies seem to be mainly ok on the Vita version.
So retooling the floor would mean what. That the layout changes or just the items in it? And rerolling you would mean your powers would change?
Where do you find dice rooms? Hopefully not too deep into the game as I rarely make it to the 4th floor.
I finished 2 levels without taking damage and I didn't unlock Samson. why?
what's the easiest challenge? Also what boss do you need to kill in order to complete them.
- trophies don't work on Vita (yet).
- Cain runs really spoil you - returning to another character without the Luck Foot afterwards feels bad.
Your build looks sick. Dont know what all it is but there is soooo much shit stuck to you.
Anyway it seems like the game is fucking chock full with secrets and all kinds of crazy stuff so my question is: if I just keep playing and killing bosses, will I eventually actually finish the game? I don't have to jump through some crazy invisible hoops to unlock the final boss or whatever, right?