Mornin' everyone.
Got the popo called on us cause apparently music was too loud. It was a scene out of that "neighbors" movie. Found out the call came from the newest couple that moved on the road... 8 houses down. 8 big ass homes down.
Because I am sadly familiar with the VPD both good and bad, and these white folk wondering what I'm doing in this type of neighborhood, which also isnt new. Nothing happened. I had called in ahead of time about a Canada Day celebration so I don't get no noise complaints, music wasn't even that loud, we were when a game of bones and monopoly was going down. So cool, take it as another young white couple that believe a black man can't have a nice home and live in a nice town without selling DRUGS. Lmao my family was over and they tried the "I dont know if drugs are involved or not but I hear shouting."
The dispatcher had to have rolled her eyes so hard cause she sent two blackity black police officers. And these dudes was about to be off duty so I invited them to the party, we proceeded to drank and play bones.
Other than that I'm road tripping it to Santa Cruz with the fam bam to get read for Pt. 2, got 10 more hours to go.