I clearly missed something in the last few weeks/months
I clearly missed something in the last few weeks/months
might end up ending my iTunes and Netflix subs for it, there seem to be some very decent content on it as far as I've searched
They should be jacking all the stuff Lexus is doing with all the short films from Sundance and the indie route but they rather YouTubers firstIf I was in charge of YouTube, I would start snatching up the short movies and animations people post there and invest in them for Red instead of vine stars trying to act.
Normally under other circumstances I would agree with you. But the nature of these specific conflicts can all be chalked up to immaturity. We're not talking about thirst pics or anime beef.
Speaking of college, I just learned that out of all my roommates, I'll be the only black guy.
Not really feeling that.
If I was in charge of YouTube, I would start snatching up the short movies and animations people post there and invest in them for Red instead of vine stars trying to act.
I clearly missed something in the last few weeks/months
Sometimes the call is coming from inside the house
We gotta be way more selective with how we pick our club members from now on. Ask em what their favorite Robert Townsend movie is.
RIPHotep's keep tweeting me now. Hotep twitter has found my ass.
you are already deadHotep's keep tweeting me now. Hotep twitter has found my ass.
Hotep's keep tweeting me now. Hotep twitter has found my ass.
you are already dead
Damn they going after Beefy with the force of a thousand perpetually angry dipshits.
How did I summon them? Did he pull the wrong pokeball?
We gotta be way more selective with how we pick our club members from now on. Ask em what their favorite Robert Townsend movie is.
I laughed at at a dude for getting beat down for grabbing a girls booty, then they started calling me gay etc. It weird how all of them are homophobic as fuck and all wear Egyptian shit.
Meteor Man, no question
Wait what? Dude gets beat up for not keeping his hands to himself, but somehow you're the one that's wrong?
Sup, fam.
So...Lucha Underground is pretty awesome. o.o
Yep and the girl should choose better and close her legs apparently. It is mad, 100's of them were tweeting her, now a few are tweeting me saying I am anti black man. Also saying BLM aint shit because they are just gay mens rights
Sup, fam.
So...Lucha Underground is pretty awesome. o.o
you are already dead
Yep and the girl should choose better and close her legs apparently. It is mad, 100's of them were tweeting her, now a few are tweeting me saying I am anti black man. Also saying BLM aint shit because they are just gay mens rights
Genre nerd in me wants to say Metor Man, but I love me some Five Heartbeats.
What season?
True.Nas won
just got $465 trade in credit from gamestop after turning in a bunch of shit. Guess I'll be getting a switch whenever they have those back in stock
Everything is so good.
You're better off winning a bid war on eBay.
Not really that hard to piece together when you remember the reason Alf got banned in the first place was because someone was sharing screenshots from the BCT discord with the sandbox babies, and he was responding directly in the thread with discord screen grabs and pieces of chicken. And in a "private" BCT discord discussing Amir0x, screens apparently were shared again. Hence:
Combine this with the "laughing black" accounts in the thread and transracial avengers actively trying to get Alf banned again through alt-accounts, you can't blame him for not being in a rush to post in here.
The BCT op is too bloated. I'll do the next thread cause I just thought of how to fix it.
Why would I make it worse?jojo gifs?
The BCT op is too bloated. I'll do the next thread cause I just thought of how to fix it.
This community is being targeted and watch, all i can advise is don't put anything out there you don't mind just anyone knowing. It is what it is, but never be scared to do you. Sea lions tend to breed a lot