We need to trade notes.
Beefy, report back from the sunken place. Dudes had Jewelry down there.
Slice it up, remove the root, throw it in water with salt(I use whatever with iodines) for a few hours. Heat up the oil, use a lot of oil, not that single mm in the bottom of the pan but nearly to cover it all up.
Fry it, turn them around when they become lightbrown, takes about 10m.
Take them up, smash them like tostones, fry them again like tostones and here you can add whatever. I use garlic oil.
To it I usually have gallo pinto.
I actually never considered doing it any other way. That's how mom mostly did it. Sometimes grandma made it together with Cassava and coconut milk.
I have decent opinions sometimes
I was...what 5 when Spider-Man 2 came out? I loved it then loved it. Got me into comics. Then I went back and watched it...nah
hah, Yes going back to old movies you loved really changes things.