Mr. Luchador
And yes, the Triple H character is amazing. I hope they got the name as well.
I had to settle with 'H H H' in the end, all the others (Triple H, Hunter Hearst Helmsley) were taken!
And yes, the Triple H character is amazing. I hope they got the name as well.
The percentage includes installing time, not just the download.
When I finished downloading the initial 22 gigs, the percentage was only like 20% or something
Yes, i like the fact that my character doesnt look like a christmas tree. Also, i find the armour really detailed.
Oh, well that makes me feel a little better. Does it speed up once the install starts?
Easy now and read my follow up post before you defend SWTOR (I know you from the thread.As long as people still play, who cares? SWTOR and many MMOs that have "bombed" are doing just fine with large player bases and continued game support.
This has probably been asked and answered before, but this version (PC) can be played with a 360 controller?
Its time to play the GAME muhahahaha.
I had to settle with 'H H H' in the end, all the others (Triple H, Hunter Hearst Helmsley) were taken!
I truly laughed out loud. +1.
I can't believe that. Wow. 5 days and even the wrestling names are taken? Whatcha gonna do, brother?!
I won't be but I've been reading impressions and watching Twitch streams. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to buy it quite a number of times already. PvP looks awesome.SWTOR-GAF represent! What are you guys doing here? You dive in too?
Hulk Hogan was taken. Macho Man Randy Savage was taken too. My mate took Hulkamania though!
While I have seen both some of the bland and detailed armors in the game while watching streams it does seem that most of what you buy from stores will be pretty boring stuff.
I havent seen much of crafting but could that be where the best looking armor will come from?
While ultimately it doesnt affect my overall enjoyment of the game, I have been disappointed in the high level end game armor of SWTOR. A bit too over the top for my tastes and didnt seem to represent the classes they belonged to.
Some of mine.
Why do your screenshots look so much softer (and better IMO) than the game does for me?
I'm playing at 1080p with everything on high...
nope, which is bizarre since this is basically a console mmo
Are there other Daedric Realms besides Coldharbour in this game? If so, which one's?designated screenshot page
The artists are pretty good at daedric realms in general.
This has probably been asked and answered before, but this version (PC) can be played with a 360 controller?
Why do your screenshots look so much softer (and better IMO) than the game does for me?
I'm playing at 1080p with everything on high...
Are there other Daedric Realms besides Coldharbour in this game? If so, which one's?
I would love to see their rendition of Mehrune Dagon's Deadlands.The major ones I've seen so far are Coldharbour and Quagmire. There was also a quest where I was trapped in a pocket realm of another minor daedric lord. I'm in the Daggerfall Covenant though, so other factions may see other things.
The way healing targeting works in this game is garbage :l
Arghhh trying the game on a friends house... sorcerer or nightblade?
What's the cheapest place to grab this? Getting the urge to play it and given I know the Black Marsh is in it my long line of Argonian characters need to return home!
Cant get this game to run. I click 'play' in the launcher and the crash reporter pops up with the 'eso has stopped working'.
Ive tried repairing the install, updating my drivers, running in compatibility mode, and running as administrator. No luck. Anyone run into this issue and able to solve it?
Windows 8.1 with an AMD 7850
What's the cheapest place to grab this? Getting the urge to play it and given I know the Black Marsh is in it my long line of Argonian characters need to return home!
So close to getting this game. With my schedule i'd only be able to play on the weekends and rarely during the evenings. After I hit 10 would I be able to just jump in and play pvp for a little and log off whenever?
Can someone help me out with campaigns and factions and such? I keep hearing about how pvp is unbalanced and one faction (campaign?) dominates and there's nothing for anyone ever to do. How can I make sure i pick the right place to play so I can have balanced pvp?
Do you prefer to be a caster or melee? Both classes have viability as DPS and heals, with NB being the more unique and difficult healing class.
I like melee classes more but I heard sorcerer is fun in this game. Anyway is bow and arrow viable in PvP?
Also how easy is it to switch between healing and DPSing? Can I dps in pve and switch to healing in pvp easily?
Yes, but at level 10, even with the level boost, you will still be at a disadvantage. Doesn't mean you won't be effective, though!
I'm only level 10 resto staff temp, but aren't a great majority of heals either AoEs or lowest HP member?
what the fuck is this bullshit? So I cant enjoy my 30 days (which, honestly, is all Ill play of this most likely) without having to put a card in, and on top of that it gets pre-charged (meaning if you dont have funds...for the SECOND month, you cant play the first month you paid for when you bought the game)