Spreading out the playerbase by equalizing the zones is good, but I wonder if that also risks diluting it too much. Maybe it would be a good idea to add extra incentives to specific areas through a weekly rotation or something (unless they already did that).
So how is One Tamriel?
One of my main issues with the game is that no matter how many quests I did, I felt like I was always grinding super hard just to stay properly levelled.
Do you reckon now is a decent time to dive in? I can get this game on XB1 for quite cheap and I'd sure love to go exploring.
It's weird seeing people talking about how the game is in as good a state as ever, populated, running smoothly etc., and yet there's basically no activity in this thread.This one page spanning over a month, even as a major patch that changed a ton of stuff was just released. EDIT: At least it's better than the previous page though!
Same situation as another forum I go to, everyone says ESO is in a good place but there's almost no discussion for some reason.
Anyway I just got the gold edition in the recent Steam sale, I'd like to join the gaf guild if I can, if it's active, I don't know what it takes to do that. I'm @unclesporky, character Khopi.
I recently made a DW sorc as well, but am only like level 8. I guess I should just keep on following the questing path? I've heard that actually grinding mobs is faster in many situations and I'm not averse to giving that a try.
I've had a hard time really getting into this game but if I can get a character to 20+ I think I might be more inclined to stick with it.
I'm in Ebonheart area if that matters.
Feel free to send a friend request to "@xtvengeance". I am on pretty often and will help when I can.I'm NA.
Does anyone know the download size of the PC version?
I decided to give it a go and the download started at 40 GB remaining and it now says there are only 25 GB remaining (meaning I've downloaded 15 GB already), however, it says it's only 8% complete overall which makes no sense if it was really only 40 GB in total.
I haven't been able to find any official info/answers to such a basic question that should be readily available somewhere on the official site.
So i had an itch to install this game again. I quit a month or so after release before the first content update. I was lvl 37 before and had a good time, but lost interest. I just started a new character and got up to lvl 5. Its still pretty and the mechanics are fairly solid. Just wondering what shape the game is now and if it is deep enough to be worth playing now. Also need to wrap my head around the DLC+sub+Expansion
will morrowind have its own main story? i played through the existing main story recently and stupidly decided to delete my main character. i'm taking a break right now but i really hope i don't need to play through the main story again. i am hoping morrowind has a new one and i can just play that then ignore the old one.