Should have been this instead of that horsey thing. 4? I think.bone_and_sinew said:I still wish they would've included the spider colossus that got cut. It looked sick.
Should have been this instead of that horsey thing. 4? I think.bone_and_sinew said:I still wish they would've included the spider colossus that got cut. It looked sick.
Qatar said:Awesome OT
I never got the chance to play these games, too bad I can't play them now as they need much time and I really don't have that much time these days.
ICO is about 4-5 hours and Shadow of the Colossus 5-7.Qatar said:Awesome OT
I never got the chance to play these games, too bad I can't play them now as they need much time and I really don't have that much time these days.
Ico does, SotC doesn't.makingmusic476 said:They actually run in 1080p? :O
I would pay a lot of money to have my memory wiped so that I can play SotC again for the first time.alr1ghtstart said:I envy all you lucky bastards that get to play these for the first time.
It's upscaled to 1080p, and still better than 720p.StuBurns said:Ico does, SotC doesn't.
According to the OP they both run at 1080p, but only ICO runs at FULL HD 1920x1080.StuBurns said:Ico does, SotC doesn't.
Well it introduces slow down, so I would argue it's not better despite the resonable IQ boost.makingmusic476 said:It's upscaled to 1080p, and still better than 720p.
Magnus said:I think this was...the very first (?) HD collection there was a huge positive buzz about. Right? At least, it was the first one I personally had a huge attachment to, and I just plain can't wait, most particularly for Shadow of the Colossus in HD at a locked framerate, and ICO in widescreen. Outstanding!
I'm sure you playing but disable trophies on xmb?Ostinatto said:i dont like the trophies killing all the atmosphere of the game.
SolidSnakex said:Ueda's recent comments on this collection and TLG
;_;AranhaHunter said:The Last Guardian 2 in 2053!
Cruzader said:I'm sure you playing but disable trophies on xmb?
RedSwirl said:Mind adding this into the OP for Colossus?
High Resolution images
Other Screenshots
Empty Press Kit
Art Book
Concepts of deleted bosses
Fan Art
Speed Run Videos
Hyuga said:;_;
I hope we will see two games from him this generation.
makingmusic476 said:It's upscaled to 1080p, and still better than 720p.
Didn't GT5 also run in 960x1080? Or was it 1024x1080?
Hyuga said:;_;
I hope we will see two games from him this generation.
Willy105 said:Wow at that European box art.
It's almost offensive.
TruePrime said:It was an accident. I already Apologized to A1r, when I saw the reviews I thought he was going for a minimum type approach and letting the content speak for itself.
RedSwirl said:Mind adding this into the OP for Colossus?
High Resolution images
Other Screenshots
Empty Press Kit
Art Book
Concepts of deleted bosses
Fan Art
Speed Run Videos
HomerSimpson-Man said:GT5 is 1280x1080. About 400,000 pixels above 720p.
If by "sick" you mean "SCARY AS FUCK KILL IT NOW!", then I agree. A lot of the colossi that they cut from the game have given me nightmares. Especially that worm one. (I think it's a worm?)bone_and_sinew said:I still wish they would've included the spider colossus that got cut. It looked sick.
Fucking hell, it's ICO and SOTC, games with some of the most amazing art direction ever.Philanthropist said:Or 50% more pixels than 720p.
SotC's 1080p mode pushes 12.5% more pixels, although it seems it makes the framerate stutter from time to time. 720p mode is smooth.
Some people care about this stuff a lot. If it's something you don't really care for, you should really keep your negative statements to yourself.toythatkills said:Fucking hell, it's ICO and SOTC, games with some of the most amazing art direction ever.
Well yeah, spiders scare the shit out of me too man. I like spiders as enemies in games since I get to kill themIf by "sick" you mean "SCARY AS FUCK KILL IT NOW!", then I agree. A lot of the colossi that they cut from the game have given me nightmares.
I'm not scared of spiders, but that colossi is creepy looking.bone_and_sinew said:Well yeah, spiders scare the shit out of me. I like spiders as enemies in games since I get to kill themAnytime an enemy is imposing/intimidating/scary in gaming, it makes that part of the game a lot better.
These games would look awesome if they re-released them on SNES. It's just not important. If you care about this stuff a lot, you're wrong to.Some people care about this stuff a lot. If it's something you don't really care for, you should really keep your negative statements to yourself.