Yeah, it's shorter.funkystudent said:so for a person who has never played ether of these games... Ico first???
Yeah, it's shorter.funkystudent said:so for a person who has never played ether of these games... Ico first???
GQman2121 said:For a ten year old game, its holding up pretty damn well.
alr1ghtstart said:camera controls for SOTC are inverted. "Normal" is inverted, yet "Inverted" is normal. Strange. It also looks like they used the 4:3 menus and stretched them, instead of using the 16:9 menus. Maybe I'm imagining things.
MikeE21286 said:Just got my copy in the mail from newegg
It'll be even tougher forme once Dark Souls drops.Grisby said:Picked up my preorder. This is gonna be interesting juggling these games and Gear's 3's multiplayer.
_dementia said:It'll be even tougher forme once Dark Souls drops.
_dementia said:It'll be even tougher forme once Dark Souls drops.
The menus (and other GUI elements - stamina circle, healthbars) were stretched in the ps2 version as well.alr1ghtstart said:camera controls for SOTC are inverted. "Normal" is inverted, yet "Inverted" is normal. Strange. It also looks like they used the 4:3 menus and stretched them, instead of using the 16:9 menus. Maybe I'm imagining things.
Aw man OCremix are the best!jett said:
EU? Have to wait until Oct. 10 or something.MrCookiepants said:Well this sucks. Went to redeem my code for the dynamic themes and such and it keeps telling me it's invalid. What do I do?![]()
According to reviews the 3D is even better in Ico!plasmasd said:The 3D in SOTC is the best 3D I've ever experienced. Its like playing a whole new game. Must just be due to the massive landscape. First time to ever get nervous of heights in a videogame.
Incitemaybe said:Well this game taught me that my plasma needed to be set to "non-standard" in the RGB menu and Full on the ps3 itself. Now the blacks aren't so crushed and my color in general pops alot more. Thanks Ico/SotC collection!
Persona7 said:Newegg does not control the game once they ship it.
Blame whoever delivered the item.
Yeah really.AEREC said:Newegg Defense Force est. 2011
THE NO LIFE KING said:Thats sounds about right. Happen to me before buying games at newegg. They'll probably send you a new one instead of you returning the damage game.
I fail to see how newegg is responsible for the guy at UPS who didn't have his coffee that day and runs over your game with a forklift.AEREC said:Newegg Defense Force est. 2011
plasmasd said:The 3D in SOTC is the best 3D I've ever experienced. Its like playing a whole new game. Must just be due to the massive landscape. First time to ever get nervous of heights in a videogame.
_dementia said:According to reviews the 3D is even better in Ico!
makingmusic476 said:As a random side note, did anybody ever notice that the minimap in Final Fantasy XIII was clearly designed to be a circle, but was stretched vertically to be an oval (looked like your typical 4:3 to 16:9 stretch)? It annoyed me to no end, especially given how other elements of the GUI were obviously not stretched at all.
Oh, wow, they put that back in.An-Det said:I'm at a standstill in Ico. I'm at this point (2.5-ish hours in, area called Water and Wood) in the game, but theAny suggestions?metal bar I'm hanging off of ends here (different from the video/original game), and there is a slab beneath the landing that implies it is supposed to launch me up. However, it doesn't get near high enough, so I'm stuck.
Spoilered just in case.
An-Det said:I'm at a standstill in Ico. I'm at this point (2.5-ish hours in, area called Water and Wood) in the game, but theAny suggestions?metal bar I'm hanging off of ends here (different from the video/original game), and there is a slab beneath the landing that implies it is supposed to launch me up. However, it doesn't get near high enough, so I'm stuck.
Spoilered just in case.
Its doing it for me.Saint Francis said:I remember playing ICO on the PS2, and my duel shock controller would vibrate as I ran along,
holding hands w/Yorda. It's not vibrating on my PS3. Am I missing something, or has it been removed?
alr1ghtstart said:it does launch you up, it's just a pain to time it correctly. Start holding jump right before it shoots up. It might take awhile. There's another obstable outside that is pretty hard that wasn't originally in the US version.
And I'm loving the interview and their laughing at the US Ico cover.
Out of curiosity, what TV do you have, and what settings did you use before you just changed them?Incitemaybe said:Well this game taught me that my plasma needed to be set to "non-standard" in the RGB menu and Full on the ps3 itself. Now the blacks aren't so crushed and my color in general pops alot more. Thanks Ico/SotC collection!
I was looking at what 3D looks like in both, using cross-eyed method on youtube, and they both look really great in 3D. It's more pronounced and epic looking in SotC than what Eurogamer editor led me to believe. Framerate suffers in SotC, that's for sure though._dementia said:According to reviews the 3D is even better in Ico!
Well, not if you compare them with the best, but so many current gen games are really ugly, animate terribly in comparison, and have lighting setups and texture work that looks like it's done by a pre-schooler in comparison.RoadHazard said:It's a beautiful game, though. While it doesn't look like a current-gen game (those of you who are saying that are deluding yourselves)
OH MY FUCK. THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH.sublimit said:Aw man OCremix are the best!
These Ico and SOTC remixes are great as well:
PS Button?Reveirg said:How about an option to pause cutscenes, Sony?
Seriously. =/
Einbroch said:PS Button?
Dang. That's kinda bad. I know for Star Ocean 4 you had to hit the Xbox button to pause them, there was no other way.Trevelyon said:Nope.
Ico and Yorda's run animations are really amazing, not sure if it's just charm and the characters but it's so pleasing to look at. I'm trying to think of anything this generation that comes close, and I can't.Lord Error said:Well, not if you compare them with the best, but so many current gen games are really ugly, animate terribly in comparison, and have lighting setups and texture work that looks like it's done by a pre-schooler in comparison.
I have a 50in Panasonic Viera plasma and I had the ps3 at full RGB.Lord Error said:Out of curiosity, what TV do you have, and what settings did you use before you just changed them?
Neuromancer said:EU? Have to wait until Oct. 10 or something.
No don't! Ico's puzzles are naturally designed. They make logical sense there's nothing cryptic about them. Just keep at it.MrCookiepants said:Yep. And thanks.
ICO's puzzles can be so cryptic. :/ Tempted to look at a guide.
same with me also, but I always go to about 6 saves points, and at least 5 or so trees. Then I fought the first two colossi easy easy... lol Hunting lizards is too much fun.. lolLeshita said:Oh man, I just realized some of these battles are a total cakewalk for me since I played this game before and kind of remembered how to defeat them, combine that with the jump and stab and they just die too fast to be satisfying. I literally finished off theColossus in around a minute and a half (or so it seemed). :/mini
vazel said:No don't! Ico's puzzles are naturally designed. They make logical sense there's nothing cryptic about them. Just keep at it.