Apparently they aren't working until the 10th of October or somethingsnk2 said:I just received my copy (EU version), and it has a voucher code to download the videos and dynamic themes, however, the code doesn't work.The copy was brand new, sealed.
Has anybody encountered the same problem?
revolverjgw said:Exactly how much more grip does one lizard give you?
I dunno if there's been any confirmation of this, but there are other collections on PSN so I'd say it's very likely...Jacob4815 said:The collection will be released on the PSN?
FireCloud said:Playing through ICO again and it is surprising how little I remember from my previous play through. It seems that only the areas where I got stuck the last time have stayed in my memory. I've been breezing through those areas. The other areas I'm having to figure the puzzles out all over again.
I probably played it two years ago. Anyone else having the same experience? I guess it is just part of getting old. One day all of my games will be new again.
FireCloud said:Playing through ICO again and it is surprising how little I remember from my previous play through. It seems that only the areas where I got stuck the last time have stayed in my memory. I've been breezing through those areas. The other areas I'm having to figure the puzzles out all over again.
I probably played it two years ago. Anyone else having the same experience? I guess it is just part of getting old. One day all of my games will be new again.
Mzo said:When you were a kid you were like a super information sponge. Now as an adult you don't retain as much useless information. I think it's pretty normal to forget something like a video game you've only played once two years ago as an adult. Conversely, I can still remember like every song from every game I played as a kid.
Mzo said:When you were a kid you were like a super information sponge. Now as an adult you don't retain as much useless information. I think it's pretty normal to forget something like a video game you've only played once two years ago as an adult. Conversely, I can still remember like every song from every game I played as a kid.
Vomiaouaf said:Oh my. I waited to play these games for so long, but I'm having a really tough time getting into ICO. The puzzle dynamic (bomb + fire) is getting a bit redundant, which really kills the enjoyment of an otherwise unique atmosphere. Tell me it gets better after the first half?
So there are more noticeable frame skips later on in the game, huh :\StuBurns said:For all the talk of bad framerate being 'cinematic', playing SotC in 1080p, the best moment so far was the slowdown while hanging on no.5. It does seem to give the sense of something tasking for the machine to handle, as if it's that grand a thing, it can't be properly rendered. I'm not saying I agree the original framerate is preferable or anything, but I can maybe see that logic now.
Wander's stability/grip physics have been slightly tweaked in the HD Collection, and #3's stomach vital is where the difference is most readily apparent.revolverjgw said:I don't remember holding on being so annoying before. It took me forever to kill the 3rd colossus because even his tiniest movement sent me spazzing out of my attack animation.
i HATED the third colossus. between trying to get him torevolverjgw said:I don't remember holding on being so annoying before. It took me forever to kill the 3rd colossus because even his tiniest movement sent me spazzing out of my attack animation.
Noticeable yeah, but I would say so far absolutely nothing that hurts player performance at all. And it's slow down, no frame dropping so far.Lord Error said:So there are more noticeable frame skips later on in the game, huh :\
Do frames just drop, or does the game actually slow down?
ScOULaris said:Wander's stability/grip physics have been slightly tweaked in the HD Collection, and #3's stomach vital is where the difference is most readily apparent.
It's pretty annoying, and it makes HTA for #3 unbelievably difficult.
It's hasn't been confirmed by BluePoint games or anything, but the general consensus among the experienced SotC players is that there's DEFINITELY a difference between the grip physics in the HD Collection and the original PS2 release (both NTSC and PAL).RyanardoDaVinci said:Is this confirmed?
It would explain why all my old strategies for flawless runs do not work anymore...
snk2 said:I just received my copy (EU version), and it has a voucher code to download the videos and dynamic themes, however, the code doesn't work.The copy was brand new, sealed.
Has anybody encountered the same problem?
Good to know that. I just received my copy as well from (mine wasn't factory sealed though, which is weird, as Totori that came with it was sealed) and was about to write amazon to inform them that my code didn't work.Nocturnowl said:Apparently they aren't working until the 10th of October or something
You'll find save altars while roaming around the beautiful world. There will be a silver-tailed lizard hiding around somewhere near every altar. Kill them and eat the tail; increases your stamina by a tiny bitkayos90 said:Beat the 3rd boss and 4th boss. The third gave me a scratch on the head because I kenw where to go but I didn't know how to get the stupid armband off. Does anyone know how to increase stamina because it's really screwing me over.
Interesting... Because I only noticed an actual frame drop once in 1080p mode which wasn't there in 720p mode. No slowdown. I wonder if this slowdown you're seeing is caused not by resolution but by something else, like CPU not being able to calculate stuff fast enough, or even added intentionally to highlight the detail and epicness, like a passing slow-mo shot in a movie would do.StuBurns said:Noticeable yeah, but I would say so far absolutely nothing that hurts player performance at all. And it's slow down, no frame dropping so far.
But that's the 1080p mode, I believe 720p is meant to be perfect.
11 is my favorite one. You practically can't fail there if you know what you're doing. If he keeps knocking you over, pull back across that gap that he can't cross (from where you came into that room) and think things over. If you think knockdowns there can get bad, just wait for the 14th one.revolverjgw said:And the 11th one has me in an infinite loop of running into me, keeping me down in a fucking stunned state for about a decade, then smashing me as soon as I get up. This fucking game. I wish he'd just kill me so I can retry but he barely does any damage.
About a pixel extra, maybe two if its 1080prevolverjgw said:Exactly how much more grip does one lizard give you?
Ugh, this is going to bug the hell out of me now. Finally get a chance to give the game a serious try, and now I'm going to be thinking the whole time that it's just the tiniest bit not actually the same game.ScOULaris said:It's hasn't been confirmed by BluePoint games or anything, but the general consensus among the experienced SotC players is that there's DEFINITELY a difference between the grip physics in the HD Collection and the original PS2 release (both NTSC and PAL).
Whether or not this change was implemented purposefully or just a side-effect of the physics engine being computed while rendering at a higher framerate is unknown. I am hoping that BluePoint will comment on this soon.
It's only really an issue with #3 and #15 in Hard Time Attack. Otherwise, when just playing through the game normally, the physics are actually more realistic than they used to be. It's only when you're pressed for time that it becomes a problem.Fine Ham Abounds said:Ugh, this is going to bug the hell out of me now. Finally get a chance to give the game a serious try, and now I'm going to be thinking the whole time that it's just the tiniest bit not actually the same game.
StuBurns said:Noticeable yeah, but I would say so far absolutely nothing that hurts player performance at all. And it's slow down, no frame dropping so far.
But that's the 1080p mode, I believe 720p is meant to be perfect.
My guess is, if there's any difference (I haven't noticed any on Colossus #1) it's because of the physics engine being calculated at a higher rate. I also think this is the reason the controls feel ridiculous smoother now. I don't remember SotC controling this well even at times when it was running 30FPS on PS2.ScOULaris said:Whether or not this change was implemented purposefully or just a side-effect of the physics engine being computed while rendering at a higher framerate is unknown. I am hoping that BluePoint will comment on this soon.
ScOULaris said:Full menu screen artwork:
ScOULaris said:Full menu screen artwork:[img][/QUOTE]
I wonder how this would look as my iPad wallpaper
Ico is about 5 hours for a first-timer.Foliorum Viridum said:I picked this up today!
How long is Ico for a first timer? I'm wondering if I should dedicate a day to it and nail it in one sitting (or day, if it's longer than I expect). Seems like that would be the best way to do it.
revolverjgw said:I don't remember holding on being so annoying before. It took me forever to kill the 3rd colossus because even his tiniest movement sent me spazzing out of my attack animation.
revolverjgw said:And the 11th one has me in an infinite loop of running into me, keeping me down in a fucking stunned state for about a decade, then smashing me as soon as I get up. This fucking game. I wish he'd just kill me so I can retry but he barely does any damage.
TheExodu5 said:I'm assuming SotC must have gotten a lot of praise for its soundtrack, right? It's phenomenal. Definitely one of the best I've ever heard.
lastinline said:So, I finished Shadow of the Colossus last night on Normal. I must say, just like ICO, I really enjoyed playing SOTC. Killing off each colossus was a blast, and I loved how you had to approach them differently. I thought that the ending was quite nice.So, I'm pretty glad I got this collection. It was 40 bucks well spent.As the ending was playing, I didn't think the girl was going to wake up at all but she finally did. That was nice to see after all that was done in the game. When the horse came around after she woke up I was so glad. It was a somber moment when he fell into the river when the bridge crumbled. What shocked me the most is that the main character turned into a baby. I really don't understand why that happened, but maybe it was because of what that old man said? He said that the main character will have to atone for what he has done. I'm not entirely sure about that one aspect, but at least he will be taken care of by the girl now.
Foliorum Viridum said:I picked this up today!
How long is Ico for a first timer? I'm wondering if I should dedicate a day to it and nail it in one sitting (or day, if it's longer than I expect). Seems like that would be the best way to do it.
Second said:"Phenomenal" is the right wording for the OST. It really is phenomenal, and very memorable. One of the best gaming OSTs out there...