Just picked it up at Best Buy on the way home from work! Yay for sales, one of my online friends pointed it out to me. If he didn't I would've missed out on this great offer. Plan to start it soon 
SamuraiX- said:Just popped the disc in.
Shurs said:It's nowhere near as good as Portal 2's menu screen.
Compared to portal 2, it's pretty terrible...Shurs said:It's nowhere near as good as Portal 2's menu screen.
Melfice7 said:So i'm hunting the lizards and fruits and on the map it says theres still a lizard on autumn forest @ 5-E on map, even though i already killed and catched one exactly where it says on the map :s what gives? i already looked EVERYWHERE and theres no sign of another lizard.. maybe its a bug?
edit: Jesus after like 1 hour looking the bastard showed up
Someone said a couple pages back that the code will be working after the 10th of October.I don't know what was his source though.Reckoner said:I'm trying to redeem the code that came with the game on the ps store and it is giving me an error. am I the only one?
They look pretty great in HD, so I don't think you'll be disappointed. From what I saw of my roommate playing, the framerate stability in SOTC seems to have improved too. It could be my memory and eyes playing tricks on me though.Incendiary said:Even though I already own PS2 copies of both Ico and SotC, I broke and bought the collection today at Best Buy. They're just such good games, and I don't have my PS2 with me at my new place and I've had the urge to replay SotC recently. So...I think it's money well spent.
ICO.03sho said:Never played the games before and I plan to pick this up next week.
Which should I play first?
Nope, at times SOTC looks like it's moving at 60fps to me, which is a notable improvement.soultron said:They look pretty great in HD, so I don't think you'll be disappointed. From what I saw of my roommate playing, the framerate stability in SOTC seems to have improved too. It could be my memory and eyes playing tricks on me though.
The sound is glorious too. c:
Carl said:See what you all mean about the grip now! Fuck me i nearly destroyed something while taking down Colossi #15. Every time i tried to charge my stab i bounced around like a turd. Impossible to stay still long enough to take him down. Fight took me at least 5 times longer than it should have
It's not a bug. It's how it's always been (for me at least).yggdrasil said:Reeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllly hoping Sony patches this to make the grip bug less maddening.
Mush said:It's not a bug. It's how it's always been (for me at least).
But aren't you basically doing what every speed runner does in any last-gen game; finding ways to go from A->B faster?KennyLinder said:it's just too perfectly setup
rhino4evr said:I like when people that play hard mode complain that it's too hard.
The "bug" didn't make the normal single player difficult. I'm breezing right through
Incidentally, it was one of the smoother running fights. Anything with water in the PS2 version was where the framerate woes became nigh unplayable, and there's still issues in the PS3 version (7 especially). It's soooooo very nice to have 16 running buttery smooth, though; it became a slideshow as soon as you got to him and never let up.rhino4evr said:It's really hard to imagine that #13 was even possible on the PS2...WOW
rhino4evr said:It's really hard to imagine that #13 was even possible on the PS2...WOW
jett said:Cruising through SotC. 1 hour in, 5 colossi defeated. I've played this game way too many times, and normal is just cake.I don't have any problem with the "new" grip. I don't really see much of a difference with my PS2 game in that aspect.
Man this game is gorgeous.
hey_it's_that_dog said:Yeah, it's come up several times. It sounds like the physics are slightly different in the sense that you get shaken more easily. It's a terrible and frustrating change, IMO. (Not that I'm claiming it was intentional. It would be nice if they fixed that shit.)
Question: Did you beat 14 the intended way or did you use the exploit? Every time I've tried the exploit, Wander would fall so I had a feeling it has been fixed but maybe I just suck at it...ScOULaris said:I just want to clarify one thing. The slight difference in Wander's grip stability in this version (probably a side-effect of the higher framerate) does not make the game significantly harder or unfair. If anything, it makes it slightly more realistic.
It is noticeable of some colossi more than others. Even though some vitals seem like they give you no time to stab, they actually do. In this version (because it was ported from the PAL version), trying to stab too early actually penalizes you by making Wander slip. Once you figure out when to stab and wait for that opportune moment, you're good to go.
I just wanted to post something about this from my phone because people were starting to blow things out of proportion. I beat every HTA except for #3 and #15 in one try easily. Those other two took me about five tries each. That's far from unfair.
Melfice7 said:I got all the lizards and my stamina isnt enough to climb the temple to get the last fruits.. ughhhhhhh
Melfice7 said:I got all the lizards and my stamina isnt enough to climb the temple to get the last fruits.. ughhhhhhh
That doesn't work anymore; you actually need tons of grip meter to make it work now.Ostinatto said:are you doing the jumps correctly?
Ostinatto said:are you doing the jumps correctly?
Melfice7 said:I have like 10% stamina left just by climbing the first wall >_<