Dear Argus,
Go fuck yourself.
OK, I am so confused right now. What are the differences between the PAL and NTSC versions of SotC? I remember playing the original PAL PS2 version and it was the same as the one I have now; as in the time given to complete time attack mode. I just beat Malus within the 9:30 I was given (on normal time attack), but every other video I've seen on YT allows for 13 minutes or some absurd amount.
What the heck?
I felt exactly the same.First time playing through both of these games, am I the only one that finds SOTC very frustrating? ICO was fine with the exception of a few moments, actually I really enjoyed the game. Which is why I'm trying to give SOTC a chance.
The thing that gets me is the design of these "puzzles". I'm fine with games like Braid and Portal, I don't get stuck and I don't have to look up solutions either, but this is infuriating. You see it, or you don't I suppose. There's nothing to figure out. Specifically, the 4th colossus(the horse with the underground passage). After running around(and under) the arena for what seemed like forever I looked at the solution, if you can call it that. This is the sort of moment where you walk away for a week, or maybe don't come back at all. Just wondering if anyone else can relate or if my brain just doesn't work and it's obvious to most people.
I believe it was missing from the US version, but present in all the others (I know it was in the Japanese version, anyway).Is the slowmo upon delivering the final blow new? I don't remember it in the US version.
Is the slowmo upon delivering the final blow new? I don't remember it in the US version.
So if I don't give shit about trophies and don't care to play on hard, does the grip screw-up still matter? Is it noticeable on normal at all? I just want to relive SotC at 60 fps.
The grip differences are way overblown. It only makes a noticeable difference on two Colossi in hard time attack. It's a shame that it was never patched, but this is still the definitive version of SotC. It's a must-own.So if I don't give shit about trophies and don't care to play on hard, does the grip screw-up still matter? Is it noticeable on normal at all? I just want to relive SotC at 60 fps.
The grip differences are way overblown. It only makes a noticeable difference on two Colossi in hard time attack. It's a shame that it was never patched, but this is still the definitive version of SotC. It's a must-own.
Keep in mind that if you're in an area with an idol door, bringing Yorda to the door and activating it will instantly clear the area of all enemies.Hmm, playing ICO for the first time (already played Shadow of the Colossus) and I'm kinda stuck here, right after the first save point. Either I'm doing something very wrong or I just suck (very possible, not into action games).
I'm in the area where I'm fighting two shadow creatures for the first time (two black holes). I've been hitting these guys for like 40 minutes now and I feel like I just don't damage them at all... I've looked for a walkthrough video and saw a guy wielding a sword or something in that area while I'm fighting with my bare fists (well, more like pushing them...).
What am I doing wrong? Either I don't damage them at all and have to go back find a weapon first or I need to damage them some more or I'm like sooo close to killing them each time right before they disappear in the hole with the girl and the respawned creature has a full health bar again or something?
Man, I want to enjoy this game, but I feel like I'm not gonna enjoy it much if I have to fight off a lot of these creatures. Too frustrating.
Edit: finally beat them after a break, guess they really do replenish health when respawning. After not letting the girl get dragged down for a long long time, I killed them all... No fun though..
Are there any NG+ features in Ico? It's probably my favorite game at this point, but I don't care about trophies. However, I would play through it again very soon if the experience was slightly different.
You can enable subtitles for the untranslated language, and there's a bonus lightsaber weapon to be found.
Going for the Plat on SOTC and i regret it. Love this game so much but the grip/stab actions are definitely a little fucked. They added more losing balance to be more realistic which is fine. But what they didn't realize is that they made it damn near impossible to complete a stab unless you're on a specific sweet spot that doesn't even make sense. For example i noticed grabbing under the symbol i wouldn't lost grip at all compared to actually be right on top of it.
It's not that noticeable to most people because you only really notice it on a few colossi mainly 3, 6, and 15. Hard mode if i remember correctly was only giving you smaller stamina while some colossus added a few more symbols. Now all of a sudden they fucking shake so much it's just luck to get a stab in. I don't mind a little extra challenge but this is flat out broken.
Just compare these vids.
Still beautiful game and these problems don't really break the game. But if you're going to go for the easy platinum you better step back now. Hard Time Attack will seriously piss you off.
I don't remember ever holding a stick haha.
*watches Yorda do everything but go up a ladder* I have to wonder if The Last Guardian's production issues have largely to do with the fact that no one on Team ICO knows how to fucking program an ally AI.
Not if you are trying to beat the game in a timely fashion. :\Yorda's AI is fine![]()
Not if you are trying to beat the game in a timely fashion. :\
Jeez, even with thethe combat is still frustrating.lightsaber
Holy crap, you canHow did I not figure that out sooner.move the statues during the fight with the queen.
It's completely doable, just a bit more difficult.Wait, how did youwithout doing that? (._. )defeat the queen
It's completely doable, just a bit more difficult.
Not really if you get your timing right, the hardest part isIt sounds a lot more difficult, lol.
Dear Argus,
Go fuck yourself.
He's borderline unplayable on hard. I just wish Bluepoint would own up to the mistake and patch the controls with the US version. I had blown through 14 colossi in less than 4 hours playtime, then Argus took me a full hour. WTF, guys - did absolutely no one playtest this version?
Also pisses me off a little that they removed the diagonal jump exploit for temple climbing. So the only way to do this now is to beat the game many times to build your meter? Crazy sauce.
I started playing Shadow of the Colossus, but I don't think I can finish this. The HDR is seriously giving me a headache.
What did Bluepoint change or not change?
I don't like it as much as Ico, at least from a gameplay perspective. I defeated the first four colossi a month or so ago, but I haven't returned to it since. I do plan to finish it eventually.
Ah. It definitely feels more difficult, even on normal. Almost frustratingly so.They implemented the European version of the controls, which are supposed to be more difficult but just end up being much more frustrating - Wander has very small windows of opportunity to attack while holding on. Consequently you get first timers not really interested in sticking it out because the controls aren't up to snuff. Speaking of which...