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[The Indirect] Spider-Man 3 PS5 Star Confirms What We All Suspected About the New Game's Story


only possibility of something good is that they've re-evaluated & done a complete reboot over the last year. but even that doesn't make it a sure thing at this point. insomniac has as bad a case of woke as any western game developer (maybe any western company, period)...

They forced waaaay to much the hand with Spider-crap 2. I was even willing to give the benefit of doubt since I was initially very hyped for Wolverine, but the leaks only reafirmed what they proposed on Spider-man 2.

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I want to be Spiderman in a Spiderman game. Not a side character.

What I find funny is that in no way he clarified this is gonna be a fully Peter Parker Spider-man game. He only said he won't be sidestepped, doesn't mean they couldn't make him to be played only 20~30% of the game while the main character is Miles.
They forced waaaay to much the hand with Spider-crap 2. I was even willing to give the benefit of doubt since I was initially very hyped for Wolverine, but the leaks only reafirmed what they proposed on Spider-man 2...
yep. i remember playing the ratchet & clank reboot in 2016 & very quickly thinking 'this's not my beautiful insomniac'. they hopped on the bandwagon very early on, & it was particularly jarring considering how 'politically incorrect' / 'questionable' much of the humor in the r&c series had always traditionally been...


yep. i remember playing the ratchet & clank reboot in 2016 & very quickly thinking 'this's not my beautiful insomniac'. they hopped on the bandwagon very early on, & it was particularly jarring considering how 'politically incorrect' / 'questionable' much of the humor in the r&c series had always traditionally been...
Hopefully things will change now that Ted Price is gone. He joined ResetEra so no doubt became brainwashed.


And they don't even have the guts to remove Peter entirely from the game because Mire Molares is very impopular.

Oh yeah, look at how “unpopular” Miles is.

Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

And before anyone who hasn’t seen the film (or is just straight up bullshitting) tried to bring it up, yes, Peter is in it, but only for roughly the final third of the film. That box office result is not influenced by Peter, but Spider-man fans who are open-minded of the concept of the mantle being shared which Miles wasn’t even the first in the comics to also bear the mantle after Peter (referring to Ben Reilly and Miguel O’Hara).

If people had an issue with Peter not being the only Spider-man ever, they should have been whining about it all the way back in the 90’s. In fact, even people who don’t read the comics and only watched the cartoons and movies should know this, as Ben Reilly was in the 90’s cartoon. But of course, only when Miles showed up to bear the mantle, did it suddenly become “an issue”.
Hopefully things will change now that Ted Price is gone. He joined ResetEra so no doubt became brainwashed.
i'd really loved all his previous work, & never wanted to see him as being part of this problem. but, it all happened on his watch, that's for sure. i just've always had a hard time believing anyone over 30 could actually take all this gender nonsense seriously. maybe it's just about not rocking the boat? tho, again, that's something that the r&c series never really had a problem with. something about woke just somehow made it the exception to what'd previously been some seemingly open-minded, clear-headed people. aka, 'adults'...


Only thing I can hope is that it will give them an excuse to revamp the core gameplay more to just play different.

I liked Spiderman 2 enough, but got diminished returns on so many of the mechanics being the same, and that's on top of the core combat being rooted in the Akham games that I've played 4 of already.
I mean yeah, when you switch back to Peter once the main story ends, he says, "guess break is over". It was always intended for him to be back, lol. Also in the first cutscene in the first game we already see the eviction notice and unpaid bills suggesting peter is already struggling with balancing being Spiderman and Peter Parker. Don't know why people thought he wouldn't return.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Biggest issue for me wrt this news is that I would not be able to use the Scarlet Spider (OG) costume as much during the game.

Best suit design after Dan Jurgen’s Ben Reilly’s one:


When you have to reassure players that you'll *somehow* play as Spider-Man in the next Spider-Man game, you know something has gone very wrong.


The whining about Peter taking a break at the end of 2 was dishonest as hell.

Peter quits every now and then, even as recent as last week. And of course the third game is about him coming back.



Oh yeah, look at how “unpopular” Miles is.

Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

And before anyone who hasn’t seen the film (or is just straight up bullshitting) tried to bring it up, yes, Peter is in it, but only for roughly the final third of the film. That box office result is not influenced by Peter, but Spider-man fans who are open-minded of the concept of the mantle being shared which Miles wasn’t even the first in the comics to also bear the mantle after Peter (referring to Ben Reilly and Miguel O’Hara).

If people had an issue with Peter not being the only Spider-man ever, they should have been whining about it all the way back in the 90’s. In fact, even people who don’t read the comics and only watched the cartoons and movies should know this, as Ben Reilly was in the 90’s cartoon. But of course, only when Miles showed up to bear the mantle, did it suddenly become “an issue”.

Not sure if this movie is the best example of Miles's popularity. I think the main draw of the movie was people wanting to see a bunch of different Spider-Men(?) interact; not because of Miles.

Miles is definitely popular in his own right though, and I think the best example would be that solo game he had. Didn't that one sell 15m+?
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Similar boat as others that after hearing so much mid stuff about Spidey2 and finding the first game and the Miles game dragged, a third game really isn't in my immediate cards.

Expect more MJ gameplay too. Fun.
Will Mary Jane completely transition?
Will Peter Parker finally admit that he likes to be the bottom?
Will we help BIPOC artists with their breakthrough or settle for helping the disabled and gay?

We´re gonna find out....
well, the people who buy this will find out, I´ll be at the sidelines with my popcorn.
Fuck whatever Insomniac has become.
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Weeb Underling
I like that game one, Spidey just starts out and then game two which is a few years later, he's already ready to hang up the web. This is the most progressive communist Spider-Man ever. Such a lazy Peter.
I gotta admit, I kinda saw this coming down the pipe as soon as the first game entrenched MJ as the love interest, especially this Lois Lane ass version.

The Peter MJ relationship is like the lost holy grail for to a lot of comic fans, and doing so much to keep Peter and MJ together while largely isolating him from other women who he could possibly have sexual tension with (no Gwen Stacy, who would've made perfect sense as the main love interest in game 1), no Betty Brant, Black Cat relegated to DLC then turned into a lesbian, nothing new like pairing him up with another female NYC superhero. There was a blink and you'll miss it thing with Silver Sable in the last DLC for game 1, but then they put the brakes on that by having MJ "befriend" and get trained apparently in CQC, ranged firearms and guerilla warfare, then not having her appear in game 2 at all.

Marvel Comics does it very poorly, but I understand why they push back against the whole "let Peter grow up" thing in the sense that he needs a wife (MJ) and kids, like Reed Richards or something. The truth is that it's added precisely nothing to anybody the heroes it's happened to. One of Spider-Man's key features is some degree of "relatability" - but he shouldn't be just like us in every way. None of these characters should be.
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
this just confirms he wont be the main character. Spiderman being relegated to a side character in his own game is going to be quite something.

P.S Watch silk specter be a black lesbian.
Wrong universe. I assume you mean Silk. She's already been shown in Spider-Man 2. Korean girl.

Peter was not in the Miles Morales game, and that was very good.

Also, you're all crazy. Spider-Man 2 was a really good game and a cool take on a classic Spidey story. I just wish Peter didn't give MJ the only unit of the most OP weapon in the game. Back end would have been easy if Peter & Miles had the stun gun as well.

Also, the last suit they gave Miles was trash.

Otherwise, very good game. 8.5/10.
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Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I want to be Spiderman in a Spiderman game. Not a side character.

pretty much

And after 2 i have really lost interest in these games. I have never seen so polite characters in a video game - just boring to watch
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Gave it a try last month and while I don't regret it, definitely won't buy 3 if they're going in the same direction. Which will probably be the case since the SBI nutjobs are still involved.

The gameplay was solid (some things that 2018 did better but still very fun to play).
But the writing was abysmal.


I called it at the end of 2, the next game will be the the Spider family, so like Gotham Knights with 4 characters, Peter, Miles, Silk and Spider Gwen


I didn't buy the second one because it was too woke.

I'mma drop a hard truth bomb here, and I'ma bit of a Sony fanboy myself.

I don't like Insomniac games. Never have. I feel like the SM games are just worse ripoffs of Arkham with a worse hero and story and Miles Morales.

I feel like the last Rachet was a nice like side activity but a very forgettable game. I just don't like their gameplay, I don't like their wokeness, and I don't like their games. I think the games are shallow and have shallow gameplay. I think they are the Michael Bay(if Michael Bay was super woke) of game developers. There are dozens of developers that I would play any game they ever put out before I would pick up my favorite Insomniac game. I find the game all middling and can't even think of a "favorite." No insomniac game could EVER be anyone's desert island game, no?
Ralph Wiggum Easter GIF


Will Mary Jane completely transition?
Will Peter Parker finally admit that he likes to be the bottom?
Will we help BIPOC artists with their breakthrough or settle for helping the disabled and gay?

We´re gonna find out....
well, the people who buy this will find out, I´ll be at the sidelines with my popcorn.
Fuck whatever Insomniac has become.
What if the bipoc artists are also disabled and gay?

After the pathetic emasculated snivelling cuckold that they made Peter in SM2, I'm not sure I care about his role in SM3.

It's gonna take a lot to reverse the damage that SM2 did to the characters. And it will need to start by firing Sweet Baby Inc... however, I don't currently see that happening.


I loved the first Spider-man game, what happened in the story in 2 that everyone hates it other than making MJ uglier?
How badly did they screw up Venom?
I didn't buy the second one because it was too woke.

I'mma drop a hard truth bomb here, and I'ma bit of a Sony fanboy myself.

I don't like Insomniac games. Never have. I feel like the SM games are just worse ripoffs of Arkham with a worse hero and story and Miles Morales.

I feel like the last Rachet was a nice like side activity but a very forgettable game. I just don't like their gameplay, I don't like their wokeness, and I don't like their games. I think the games are shallow and have shallow gameplay. I think they are the Michael Bay(if Michael Bay was super woke) of game developers. There are dozens of developers that I would play any game they ever put out before I would pick up my favorite Insomniac game. I find the game all middling and can't even think of a "favorite." No insomniac game could EVER be anyone's desert island game, no?
gotta disagree. in its prime (ps2/ps3), the ratchet & clank series was a demented, irreverent, chaotic joy, & one of my top dozen video game series, easily. which, for me, has only made it even more painful to witness their transformation into a bastion of ideological nonsense. when they were good, they were awesome...
Insomniac used to be cool but their writers are awful.

Ratchet and clank rift apart has the most safe, boring and dire story in any game I've played.

I refuse to even 'acquire' Spider-Man 2 because the game looks so shite.
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