I still play the game, just not online. I use Kensou, Takuma and either Clark or Maxima. If I ever get serious about playing this game again I want to pick up Ryo so I can have a solid battery up front.
I play Vice, Chin, K'
I'm thinking of maybe dropping Chin because as much as I love his simple combos that do insane damge with a few drinks the guy has some trouble getting in at times (anyone with low projectiles). That and his normal ranges STILL mess with me at times. He's good once you can use him, his stances, and learn to avoid throwing that unsafe stuff and no one knows the matchup too well it seems, but I'm not so smooth on execution and this guy takes some work.
Thinking about either Mr. Karate, Kyo, Nests Kyo, or Andy.
BTW: Who the heck is that girl who keeps appearing in the dojo stage? I keep seeing her slide a panel out to look at me and I don't recognize her. Its driving me nuts.
I play Vice, Chin, K'
I'm thinking of maybe dropping Chin because as much as I love his simple combos that do insane damge with a few drinks the guy has some trouble getting in at times (anyone with low projectiles). That and his normal ranges STILL mess with me at times. He's good once you can use him, his stances, and learn to avoid throwing that unsafe stuff and no one knows the matchup too well it seems, but I'm not so smooth on execution and this guy takes some work.
Thinking about either Mr. Karate, Kyo, Nests Kyo, or Andy.
BTW: Who the heck is that girl who keeps appearing in the dojo stage? I keep seeing her slide a panel out to look at me and I don't recognize her. Its driving me nuts.
Where do you have Chin in your order? If on point replace with EX Kyo, 2nd or 3rd replace with Mr Karate.
Malin, I think.
My order is Vice/Chin/K'
Oh, Vice on point. I would think she would be 2nd or 3rd because her having meter is really important because of the juggle anywhere with ex sleeve
Another reason I'm thinking of making a seperate team for her with Terry on Point for her. I've been playing her simply because I like playing her. I'm still learning the meta of this game and its slow since streams are harder to come by and since I really spent most of my time on college or marvel till now. She's fun to use though so I don't want to ditch her. Just make a team setup for her that works better...Chin I'll drop though. Too much work for me to invest time into yet. God I miss Oswald, Shion, and Duck King. My old team misses me. Well them Lee Pai Long, Jhun Hoon, and Whip really...I played a ton of different folks over the years with KOF and miss a lot of their movesets.
I think she can work on point since the sleeve into command grab builds meter for her and not the the opponent. It also does not build the opponent any meter on hit or block.
Yeah I'm still figuring this game out since I hardly got to play it. It wasn't until MVC3 that I decided to stop playing fighters casually and that I'd try to learn them seriously. I'm going back and enjoying KOF 13 now though because I'm tired of grinding on Iron Fist teams and thought it'd be nice to finally learn KOF games seriously. Chin wasn't too hard to start because all his combos are pretty similar plus quarter circles/half circles aren't too rough to get strung together motion wise on a stick. Especially considering vanilla marvel I played Ryu and tatsu-ed all day and in UMVC3 I played Iron Fist religiously and quarter circle rekka canceled all day. Like I said though Chin just isn't clicking enough outside of point blank so I'd like to try some other dudes.
Andy is awesome in this from what I'm experiencing dorking around with him. Is he ever unsafe? I put him in first and no meter the guy is just holding his own with everyone's toolsets.
I'm also digging Claw Iori more and more as I start doing drive cancel and super cancel combos with him. He just reminds me so much of Freeman from Garou when he slashes around but with better normals.
Considering that you play a rekka character, why don't you try out Mature and Claw Iori.
Close heavy normals are usually negative on block. There is also a two part videothat shows how to punish his dashing elbow on block (-8).
You can get an idea how unsafe/safe a character is just by picking them, and setting the CPU to "one-block jump", just execute what ever move you want while holding up to jump along with the CPU, and see how long it takes for both of you to recover. It is really helpful.
Double post, yet again. But fuck Raiden.
Pointless attempt to stir some discussion, but what teams has everyone settled on, or what teams do you want to use in the future?
Currently I am using Mai/Mature/Liz.
Want to use Yagami team(with Ex Iori) in the future.
Did I say Claw? I meant Flame, sorry.
Yeah Flame is definitely rekka based and has better zoning. I used to mash out his rekkas to chase folks on the older ones. I thought you were talking about the quarter circle motions on Claw being similar to rekka combos for Iron fist the QCF then QCB and such. To be honest the timing on super cancels feel like those rekkas to me at times. I like canceling claw into claw with new Iori for that reason.
I noticed you said you play Elizabeth. I haven't used her much if any. Whats she like for you?
She is very reliant on her jumping normals for offense and defense for me so she is in air a lot. If she isn't in air qcf+p does well in keeping out non-lows, while far d will go over a good number of low provided that she is far enough away.
j.d is a really good poke for her and a great antiair. j.b is pretty good for stopping grounded anti airs and hh.b will trade with some non-ex dps.
Nobody can really agree on which characters are the worst, just which are the best. After the top 3, top player's opinions wildly differ.
I don't think it is necessary to have an entirely new team to counterpick one annoying character, hell, I don't think it is good to counterpick in this game period. I have never seen it work in anyone's favor at tournaments.
Pick 3-5 characters you like the best and stick with them.
Bumping with more stupid tier lists.
Dune's latest list. Old one for reference.
UUU's list( Dune considers him to be one of the best players in Japan.)
Thinking about switching my main team to Terry, EX Kyo, and Shen in that order. I just feel like these characters will be easy for me to use and do combos with. Another big thing is also having fun with the characters I play, but I feel like I can enjoy multiple characters in this game.
Thinking about switching my main team to Terry, EX Kyo, and Shen in that order. I just feel like these characters will be easy for me to use and do combos with. Another big thing is also having fun with the characters I play, but I feel like I can enjoy multiple characters in this game.
Some match videos from japan, Tokido vs Oogosho
EX Kyo, Terry, Shen would be a better order I think.
EX Kyo builds meter like its no one's business and is less reliant on it than Terry.
No real harm in picking characters because they are fun (it is the reason I play my team), I think you will have the most success in playing characters you enjoy rather going the top tier route.
I haven't played this game in so long...I still can't get K's BnB midscreen combo down perfectly.
What are you having trouble with?
I haven't played this game in so long...I still can't get K's BnB midscreen combo down perfectly.
OMG that second round with the Chin OCV is delicious! Tempts me to go back in on him, but not until I'm a bit better I'm afraid. So great seeing the old guy do it. Guy needs to dropkick more with Raiden against Mr. Karate though.
I see you in like every fighting game thread haha if you don't mind me asking what's your best game?
I just started playing fighting games in April, so I'm a newbie in everything, but so far my best games would be SF4AE and P4A. I have yet to play more than 3 matches in KOF, because I'm still learning how to apply the basic combos. Being a newbie sucks because you have to start out being absolute shit for a pretty long time, but the plus is that literally every fighting game is new to me, even the ones I played when I was younger because I always mashed.
I don't think you should focus so much on combos, focus on anti airing, and learning how to mount an offense.
But if I dont know a combo how can I do anything once ive gotten in?
You can throw, poke with normals and jumps, keep people out of the air since you are anti airing, trap them with your fireball, etc.
A lot of people get by without combos. Look at Jwong, he doesn't know combos either, but he gets far in the tournaments he enters anyways due to the fact that he can keep people out of the air.
If you really need something, cr.b into his fireball string will work just fine.
Yang Yao Ren( tied for 7th at Evo 2012) is streaming.
Ah, I was just following Combofiends advice on the game which was to learn your characters highest dmg meterless combo, learn their combo into super, learn their HD combo, then once you have those 3 down learn about proper movement like hops etc.
Ah, I was just following Combofiends advice on the game which was to learn your characters highest dmg meterless combo, learn their combo into super, learn their HD combo, then once you have those 3 down learn about proper movement like hops etc.
The reason I want to put EX Kyo second is because I want to have enough meter to do his hd combos. I love comboing his QCFx2 super and canceling into NeoMax. I have an easy hd combo down with both EX Kyo and Shen and think it would help if I have them in second and third respectively.
Yeah that's pretty bad advice to follow, especially for someone new to fighting games.
Learn a basic combo or two and that's about all for now, then concentrate on learning how to move and evade. Also put time into learning you're characters' normals and move properties (what can be used to anti-air, what can be used against lows, fast reversals etc.). These will take you quite far, not only in KOF but the genre in general.
Heck, even at high level knowing the most damaging combos isn't everything. Look at the Bala VS MadKof evo match, Bala came with the execution and damage whereas MadKof brought the smarts.
Oh, that makes sense then.
I don't know much about this game, but I'm gonna go with everyone else purely because KOF is traditionally a severely footsie reliant game. If you can't figure out when to roll, run, or hop you won't be able to get in on stuff properly to punish folks or mix them up high/low with pressure. He sounds like he's trying to apply his marvel tactic of learning severe combos to get it done off the first hit, but thats a lot harder to do in KOF and the technical precision to do it consistently is rough at times.
I guess I'm the opposite right now since all I've been doing is footsie play and a few basic BnB combos with only a couple drive cancels in them.
Speaking of which I messed around with Mature and her rekka pressure really does feel familiar to me after all the Iron Fist play in UMVC3. She doesn't look like she'd be too hard to learn once I get a bit better at my own team to kind of keep in the wings as a reserve character to build meter with. Chin will probably be a reserve anchor since he really needs that meter to help him get in off those ex-rolling wrist shot thingies (the move names kill me in this game). So far I'm still rocking Andy/Vice/K' with K' occasionally popping out for Claw. Andy keeps getting better and better and I got my first Neo Max cancel out of his AA windmill thingy last night. The input on that always screws with me since its a DP motion into a QCBHCF+2punch motion. That QCBHCF motion is my achilles heel as I keep superhopping when I go for it most times because I'm messing up the motion. Pulling off a Neomax cancel into it felt like Christmas. Loving Andy more and more. Guy builds great meter for Vice who is slowly going from "fun" to serious since I moved her off point after hearing it suggested. She now goes from getting maybe something big to maybe a couple somethings. Just gotta learn better combos and get more consistent with everyone...
Also screw Yuri's corner pressure. :C Jump fireball outta nowhere always eats me alive. Need to roll more or use blowback better...
Yep, rolling the jump fireball at that distance gives you enough time to punish it for a full combo.
I wanted Whip and Chizuru back, still pissed that Kula is in XIII instead of Whip.Hurray! Good to know I'm starting to understand things better. I always just herp derped this series till now. Loved playing them all and messing around with all the cool looking cast, but I never tried getting serious with a KoF game till now. Maybe I can reach the point where I can start begging for cast by X-mas lol
Too late.I'd love Duck King, Shion, Oswald, Bob Wilson, Freeman (with claw Iori move additions), Lee Pai Long, Whip, and Jhun Hoon. All my past mains that didn't make it.
I wanted Whip and Chizuru back, still pissed that Kula is in XIII instead of Whip.
My team right now is King / Shen / Yuri . I've been playing Yuri and King forever but both Shermie and Blue Mary didn't make it so I am stuck searching for a third. Shen does work but he's definetly under performing for me.