KOF13 is free for PS+ members
I am going to spread this EVERYWHERE.
KOF13 is free for PS+ members
Double post, but I just found out that I have a little extra time on my hands. I will be available to play some at around 6 CST tonight.
Is this dead online or something? Just got it.
I'll be on in a about an hour if you want to play, make sure to use a wired connection. What is your PSN?
Otherwise, yeah, you have to wait a while in training sometimes.
Valle took out Justin (For realz) on Season Beatings, it was AWESOME.Any idea of what this might be about?
I only have the vague notion that Valle manages tournaments nowadays, and I don't know how proeminent KoF has been in his in recent times.
This also reminds me of that thing about koF having a no-entry-free side-tournament at MLG, not sure if this month or the next...
Yeah, ggs. I was having random execution errors all over the place.ggs walker, today's connection was awesome, very smooth overall.
Still for the life of me can't pull off Takuma flying kick combo online.
Wait, Mr. karate isn't unlockable? I have to buy him??????
I played KOF-I online for the first time today. It actually ran pretty well.
I'm considering going back in on xbox live soon if the job hunt doesn't pickup soon. I'm trying to save up since where ever I find work will require me to move out of state, but it'd be nice to play this. I got some crap internet here in WV, though. $60 a month and my up/down speeds are literally equivalent of Puerto Rico's. Trust me because I competed for worst speeds with someone from Puerto Rico on and we tied.
Anyhow with poor internet service in the area is KOF XIII likely to be stomachable online for me? I play Andy/Vice/K' with Claw and Chin as pocket standbys.
I will play some if you are still online.Anyone playing on PSN tonight?
I got this when the put it up on the PSN+ tab. I will say that this game feels very different from what I'm used to in 02 and NG Battle Coliseum(comparing Ryos) . I will have to get a feel for these new mechanics introduced, but non the less it I liked what I played in Story mode.
AOF characters in general have a tendency to play differently in each game.
I am sure perusing the OP will help you learn how to play, we can answer any questions you might have for the game as well.
I will say that this game feels very different from what I'm used to in 02 and NG Battle Coliseum(comparing Ryos) .
NGBC Ryo was an intentional mix of his and Takuma's recent KoF movesets, while his XIII self is sort of a return to the post-96 version of his arsenal without the KoF only moves, except for the parries and Tenchi Haohken.
Robert on the other hand almost feels completely transplanted from AoF with some tweaks.
I kinda favor that way of bringing those characters back to basics - in a way, KoF basics and AoF basics depending on character, since they were experimented with so much over the years and reverting both to their original game selves like the FF guys would make them too similar.
I see.I was wondering why he was missing some moves and other where changed input wise. I've been feeling a bit better playing with Robert in 13 than with Ryo so I might play him more. Though I still go with character loyalty, so I'll be choosing Ryo as well. Now my only problem is finding a third.
Now my only problem is finding a third.
Takuma? He's actually more different than his previous appearances in either AoF or koF, since he got a few new tricks, but still manages to work as a compromise between some Ryo and Robert classics, with the exception of an uppercut special (unless you count his NeoMAX).
I downloaded this from PS+ last week. i'm terrible at fighting games, but still enjoy playing them on occasion. I can't even get passed the 2nd tutorial where it asks me to do a move and then cancel into another move. maybe I'm just not doing it fast enough. idk.
anyway, I'm at least enjoying playing through arcade mode on very easy. I think I've gotten good enough to bump up to easy mode now. :/
I'm on right now if anyone wants to play.
PSN: Shrosha
I'm on right now if anyone wants to play.
PSN: Shrosha
if you can get 15-25ms between you two it should be sufficient. that was my average to one friend from ger to swe.
btw, are you guys using wired? that's a must.
Do you live in the US?
I'd be your test dummy to see how well I can do against other people online. I could also use the practice since I'm still trying to get used to this game.
GGs, btw. I was the one who went into your room. You have a really good Ryo.
Ggs man, great matches. Give it a little time and you'll adjust no prob.
You are ElzaWalker? Sorry, didn't know it was you. Got a pm from spyhunterzero and played him since I left a message for gafers.
I've played you a few times before, your Mature is awesome.
I saw that Terry compliment before stealth edit haha. He's really nothing special at all. I just abused your technique with lows and went from there since he seems to be the only character that is still plays the same to me. But yes, hopefully with more time spent on this game I can learn everything there is to know.
Yeah. I saw you try and punish him a couple of times but to no avail as I would just be blocking by then even though it looks like it should hit. I will call BS when you did that lvl 3 Hyper( Neo Max?) with Andy. I was cleanly on the other side and it still hit Robert![]()
I need to save up money for another HitBox since I lost my first one. I hate using a controller since it either doesn't read my inputs or reads them as other stuff as you saw with random hypers/EX moves happening
Yeah I also get lots of iffy inputs on my pad, which often leads me to eat a big combo. I'm cheap though so I'll stick to it
Hitboxes are interesting, was curious at first since I played a lot on a PC keyboard before getting a PS3 but after watching a video it looked kinda different.