Jesus Christ takuma's shitty jump arc and lack of anti-air is killing me
Takuma best anti air is his dm
Jesus Christ takuma's shitty jump arc and lack of anti-air is killing me
I find it hard to approach with Robert. All these combos I've practiced and I can't get in. ;_;
Jesus Christ takuma's shitty jump arc and lack of anti-air is killing me
Just purchased the steam edition and this is the first KOF I've ever played. I'm not sure why, but I'm having a hard time adjusting to the game. Even just linking crouching normals together is giving me a hard time. I can't seem to do them quick enough.
Any tips? I'm usually a SF, BB and MvC player. I haven't played any fighting games in about half a year and even my directional inputs are kind of bad right now.
Sure it's been asked... but is there a fighter pad that works on the PC and consoles?
Sure it's been asked... but is there a fighter pad that works on the PC and consoles?
My bad. I didn't mean gamepad. Just one of those fancy arcade stick setups.
You chain them, you don't link.
what's a good beginner team/characters? i tried playig elizabeth because she looked interesting but im having trouble doing just her bnbs![]()
since there is no demo for the game, anyone knows if this game would run on a acer laptopwith a integrated graphics (intel 4500)?
Welp, didn't take long for PC to die. No playermatches. :/
We knew it was going to die quickly. Some games are just not for some platforms. (Not Genre mind you but really if anybody expected KOF of all things to thrive they were not looking at things right)
maybe if it had *cough* GGPO *cough*.
does anyone have any good anti king strats, keep on getting zoned out and then she does this jumping kick attack when I try to advance. I play Terry, Maxima, Iori. Also any scrubs on here wanna play with me, my steam tag is Oidokun.
Improved netcode can only help.It's not the net code that hurt this game, it's it's focus and steam's demographic. It's not wide enough to hold this game up. It has numbers yes, but are there enough people in it for KOF? Most certainly not. GGPO would have been awesome but that would hold help hardcore heads who followed this in the hope that this would be good enough to expand the player pool.
Improved netcode can only help.
is the netcode really improved? Like GGPO improved or simply less laggy than console? oh i see, the answer is no.
is the netcode really improved? Like GGPO improved or simply less laggy than console? oh i see, the answer is no.
I sent you an invite (mrteachwell is my steam id). I'm also looking for scrubs, noobs, and all sorts of beginners to play against as this is my first real fighting game since tekken 3 over a decade ago. I haven't got a 3 man team yet but would love for some friendly players to play against and practice some bnb's with (that's really all I'm confident in doing at this point, I'll save the hyper hops for later).
Slightly better than SF4's netcode.
I don't know why people are so eager to discuss the death of a fighting games scene that is not SF4/Marvel. it happens in every single fighting game thread even when there is no real basis for it.
thanks, will wait for a steam sale then and hopefully I'll have a new laptop thenFrom what I've been reading about your specs, no, it probably wouldn't run optimally on that laptop at all. Had a similar problem with a laptop and similar specs recently. If anyone knows otherwise, please correct me.
It's fine for me and I live in Florida.If you live in the South Eastern states and don't care for the single player experience or don't have local players in the area, don't get this game on Steam for online play. The latency is horrendous. Even 3 bar matches are unplayable.
Florida is it's own thing. People in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina don't get good connections on this game.
Florida is its own thing. People in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina don't get good connections on this game. You've got a huge Hispanic (they love KOF) population there with a healthy fighting game community.
Plus whatever you find as acceptable latency isn't what I'll find acceptable. There are some people that can play with latency. I can't. These 3 bar matches people talk about play like pure shit for me.
30mbps. Seriously.... It takes about 5 minutes to find one match with 3 bars. South eastern united states don't believe in anything that's not MK, SF, or Tekken. And on PC it's even worse. If you guys are talking about console play then you don't understand.
It's times like these that I wish companies would allow cross platform play,
It's times like these that I wish companies would allow cross platform play.
It's not the net code that hurt this game, it's it's focus and steam's demographic. It's not wide enough to hold this game up. It has numbers yes, but are there enough people in it for KOF? Most certainly not. GGPO would have been awesome but that would hold help hardcore heads who followed this in the hope that this would be good enough to expand the player pool.
wait, so are you talking about latency or about the amount of available players?
And on the players note, I don't know what's up but I think there may be another search result problem like in the beta. There are over 300 people in-game atm(SF4 has just over 400 for comparisons sake) and I can't find any player or ranked matches when searching. This leads me to believe that there must be some problem with users not coming up in the search results even though they are hosting matches. There's no reason why SF4's player and ranked matches are teeming with players, while you can't find anyone on KOFXIII(Unless you yourself host) when there are only 100 more people playing the game.
I mean, the player/ranked situation is like how it was back when the beta first started and there were only 30-35 people online at any given time
Slightly better than SF4's netcode. So yes, it's much improved.
on 2/3 barsI found it on par with SF4 red bar or empty bar connections. there is at least 3/4 second delay....considering that game is much faster, it alters gameplay a lot.
for 4 bars the opponent has to live in the same country or city with me.....which makes it pointless.
Been playing KOFXIII on Steam and all have been good lag free matches. Bay Area, California.
Netcode is not the issue for me..BUT getting beaten up so badly by others is so painful!! It demotivates me so much! All these dream cancels, HD combos and what not just driving me nuts..I JUST CANT DO THEM!! Yet other people online are using them like its nothing. I just watch my ass get handed to me. I get so frustrated and that anger is then vented on other people at home who I love dearly. Straight out wrong and this makes me want to avoid playing it.
I have been a KOF fan from since 1998 (see my UserID). I bought KOFXIII on 360, PS3 and now on Steam. But these ultra combos/cancel stuff are way over my head and this makes me avoid the game and not have fun at all. Yet then I get this guilty feeling of not playing it since I have been such long time KOF fan.
I know i know..keep practicing...but just wanted to share my feelings that is all.
I understand how you feel. I've been a KOF fan for a long time, with 95 being my first. The last one I played was 2003, so I'm not accustomed to all these new mechanics, but nevertheless I will just continue to practice. I do hope the rumor of the next KOF going back to its 98 roots is true though.
Also I'm from the Bay Area as well (San Francisco to be exact), feel free to add me and we can play sometime
Been playing KOFXIII on Steam and all have been good lag free matches. Bay Area, California.
Netcode is not the issue for me..BUT getting beaten up so badly by others is so painful!! It demotivates me so much! All these dream cancels, HD combos and what not just driving me nuts..I JUST CANT DO THEM!! Yet other people online are using them like its nothing. I just watch my ass get handed to me. I get so frustrated and that anger is then vented on other people at home who I love dearly. Straight out wrong and this makes me want to avoid playing it.
I have been a KOF fan from since 1998 (see my UserID). I bought KOFXIII on 360, PS3 and now on Steam. But these ultra combos/cancel stuff are way over my head and this makes me avoid the game and not have fun at all. Yet then I get this guilty feeling of not playing it since I have been such long time KOF fan.
I know i know..keep practicing...but just wanted to share my feelings that is all.
I can understand this a bit. Around mid-last year, there wasn't much I could do but be a punching bag for the close-enough online competition, and got me angry often afterwards. What really helped me improve and quelched the anger a lot was having a training partner. Talking to someone about why I got my ass kicked with a friend helped A LOT. If you can get one or two, or a group to practice with, I think it could be very beneficial for you.
3/4 second delay sounds like console version. I have had one match with delay that bad. I find it pretty playable on 3 bars. 2 bars is rough, 4 bars is perfect.