Seth was damn easy even on 'Hardest'Welcome to SNK.
Going back to the boss, it's easily the worst boss encounter this gen. Easily. Makes Seth look good.
Seth was damn easy even on 'Hardest'Welcome to SNK.
Going back to the boss, it's easily the worst boss encounter this gen. Easily. Makes Seth look good.
So i played three hours straight of KoF XIII goodness yesterday ... I'm a convert now. I still haven't tested online play but if it turns out okay for me, KoF XIII will be the only fighting game I'll play for the foreseeable future.
The only problem that I have is that I can't execute anything in this game it seems. I can't get past any trial 4 or 5 in any character in the roster. So much weird inputs and links everywhere. Iori trial 1 is a hard link right off the bat WTF. FADC is nothing compared to some of the stuff they ask you to do damn. Demo play is a nice touch to have but I can't for the life of me understand how the computer can cancel a string of 2B like it's no thing but even if I mash really hard only 1 or 2 hit come out. I think Shen will be my main chicken just because he's one of the rare characters that only have qcf type motions. Not the "oh my god i'm making love to my joystick" type of motions.
I'm seriously starting from scratch here and it's not looking pretty. I haven't touched anything except trial mode and training mode. Thanks Capcom for making me lazy I guess.
Seth was damn easy even on 'Hardest'
Color Edit Mode
Gallery Mode
Good Single Player content. (And by good i mean great)
got to be a joke post
Tutorial Mode
Color Edit Mode
Branching Story Mode
Trials and Survivals
Practice Mode
Gallery Mode
EX Iori, EX Kyo and Mr Karate are DLC only. (Yes DLC characters in fighting games are the worst sin against gaming ever)
Bad boss design is a huge hurdle keeping this game away from attracting a wider audience. You want to make a hard boss fight? Cool, theres many ways to do that, just not the way they have been doing it for the last two decades.
Urg, any word on price? I'm used to just holding select for this shit.
Is he still hard on easy?Welcome to SNK.
Going back to the boss, it's easily the worst boss encounter this gen. Easily. Makes Seth look good.
For $5 you get the character, his stage, 2 music tracks and his trials.
Urg, any word on price? I'm used to just holding select for this shit.
Nothing yet. Mr Karate and EX Kyo havent even been officially announced yet. :0Any word on a bundle? Thanks for the information.
Is he still hard on easy?
I really wonder how the net code going to be for me .
BB was great both of them , SF4 was okay , SSF4 was good , MVC3 Bad , UMVC3 looking bad right now.
EX Iori : $4.99 and it includes: Trials, BGM and a stage.
Nothing yet. Mr Karate and EX Kyo havent even been officially announced yet. :0
Damn dude, how are you privy to such information?
He's Fersis. He knows KOF.
Are you serious with this comment? There are like, zero fighting game bosses that do what you describe. None of them follow the same rules that govern the actual player. All of them are designed to munch your quarters (since they are all arcade games).
The only one I can think of that may be a bit more fair is...Dural maybe? Doubt it.
Are you serious with this comment? There are like, zero fighting game bosses that do what you describe. None of them follow the same rules that govern the actual player. All of them are designed to munch your quarters (since they are all arcade games).
The only one I can think of that may be a bit more fair is...Dural maybe? Doubt it.
FFS! The release date in Sweden slipped to December 2. Two days ago I ordered it and then it was November 25.
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE SNK GAME must be relentlessly delayed? I remember reviewing Maximum Impact 2 and then having it be delayed four months, and XI was something similar. Even if you try to build hype for it, it's pretty damn hard when you can never be sure of the release date.
Yeah, it kinda sucks. I preordered it from shopto in UK, but a bunch of the guys I'm gonna play with preordered from webhallen.FFS! The release date in Sweden slipped to December 2. Two days ago I ordered it and then it was November 25.
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE SNK GAME must be relentlessly delayed? I remember reviewing Maximum Impact 2 and then having it be delayed four months, and XI was something similar. Even if you try to build hype for it, it's pretty damn hard when you can never be sure of the release date.
It's already been mentioned in the thread and on Rising Star's twitter IIRC that it was delayed in some countries because there were more pre-orders than copies printed.
Yeah, the backgrounds look good and I'm glad they didn't put 2D characters on a 3D backdrop. It really gives KOF a style of its own and makes me wish someone would create the technology to make HD 2D games easier for developers. Ideally, it'd allow for games where there's no distinguishable difference in detail/likeness between art and sprite/character model, but practically, I'd be happy if it would allow for true HD sprites along with increased details and animations. It's truly unfortunate that no one sees money in making the technology, and even more so that they're probably right.god damn, the backgrounds are gorgeous. And this game reminded me of how a great stage music should be.
Too bad I blow at this game.
Inputs feel trickier for sure, and the game is not at all beginner-friendly, but I'm sure you'll be able to find shortcuts for certain actions despite the game telling you otherwise. One of Elisabeth's trials made it seem as though I had to link a dp + p into a fb + p, which 9 times out of 10 resulted in a whiff or super, but it turned out all I needed to really do was mash p after the shory to get the follow-up attack. Still unable to link her fb + k into the hcb,f + p (Trial 2), but I'm certain there's a shortcut I'm not yet aware of. Definitely going to have to look at guides for her basic b&b, 'cause I'm looking real bad online (1-7, maybe worse lol), and learn a few other characters while I'm at it (neutered Iori seems to have potential).The only problem that I have is that I can't execute anything in this game it seems. I can't get past any trial 4 or 5 in any character in the roster. So much weird inputs and links everywhere. Iori trial 1 is a hard link right off the bat WTF. FADC is nothing compared to some of the stuff they ask you to do damn. Demo play is a nice touch to have but I can't for the life of me understand how the computer can cancel a string of 2B like it's no thing but even if I mash really hard only 1 or 2 hit come out. I think Shen will be my main chicken just because he's one of the rare characters that only have qcf type motions. Not the "oh my god i'm making love to my joystick" type of motions.
I'm seriously starting from scratch here and it's not looking pretty. I haven't touched anything except trial mode and training mode. Thanks Capcom for making me lazy I guess.
M.Bison in SF II. Perfect challenge as a last boss. He gives you enough room to maneuver and you have to have a play an overall good match in order to take him down (meaning you take all the lessons from fighting the other bosses and apply them all to the last boss)
The solution in alpha games is good too.
I don't think that's true at all since SF2 broke the rules and let charge character throw moves out all willy nilly. You don't learn anything when the computer isn't following the same set of rules as the player.
You know, the one thing I can't seem to do is TAUNT. How do you do it? LOL.
I also forgot all about this "trick." If you press select or back when selecting certain character's colors, you get different looks:
Raiden: Loses mask, gets Big Bear head
Elizabeth: KOF XI outfit (me bouncy part two)
Kyo: KOF '94-'98 outfit
Yuri: Gets ponytail back
Andy: Ninja colors/face mask
K': Multicolored/split-colors on outfit
Joe: Tiger striped shorts
Ralf: Camouflage colors
Takuma: Gets Mr. Karate mask!
Clever color edits is one thing, but I'm very impressed how they've added actual optional sprites. I'm definitely going for old school Kyo (hmm, that actually works) and if I play Andy I'll probably get him a mask.
The Mai flipbook in the instruction manual is a cute touch.
Let me guess: bounce animation?
Let me guess: bounce animation?
Let me guess: bounce animation?
Netcode is scaring me off. Rather than waiting for more netcode posts, I was wondering if someone with a similar connection type to mine could chime in. Hopefully there's someone out there that's comparable.
System: PS3
Physical Location: SoCal (San Diego)
Bandwidth Download: 10-15 MBs
Ping: ~30ms
Local Connection Type: Wired & Wireless (I have 2 PS3 Systems)
Thanks in advance.
I played almost four hours already between last night and a few minutes this morning. My two online matches last night were very good. You can feel a slight delay sometimes, but it's NOTHING like XII was. This morning I fired it up at like 6:45 EDT and must have hooked up with someone outside the US. That was ugly. But that's to be expected.
Living in the northeast, I expect it'll be easy to find good connections on a weeknight or weekend.
And let me tell you, it's the gameplay that makes me want to sit there for hours! KoF just feels like fighting someone. It pisses you off when someone gives you a complete boot in the ass of a whipping, because all the hits feel so meaty! Throw in some awesome stages (love the building in NYC) and of course that fantastic soundtrack and this is the fighter I've waited all this generation to play. I love these characters, all the back and forth in single player arcade mode before a fight, and just watching them move. Super job by SNK. The King has returned!!
BTW, Yuri's top exploded AOF-style last night on a finisher. Red bra FTW.
Thanks and looking to forward to hear your results. I reckon my 10-15 Mbs down is enough ... hopefully my ping / latency is good enough. Of course, there's also locality to other players to factor in too.I'll test that out for you, as Im in san diego as well, on PS3, though my speed is 24mb down (I miss cox lol, had 50+mb down with them, uverse only getting 24 ><) Connection is Wireless or Wired through a 500mb powerline.
Wont be able to test though for a few hours need to finish up a short day at work first
Sounds like a plan. My GT is Dave Long. I'll see if I can clear some friends list space.We should vs eachother sometime as I am North East as well. Hopefully then the connection will stay strong and consistent cause it does same coast play very well.
So if no friends are around and the Online is kind of shitty then what? Practice mode all day?