CC Asia's Xian playing some local KOF
CC Asia's Xian playing some local KOF
Have you been having problems DCing rekkas (assuming you play those characters) into EX versions of those moves, if that character also has a DP move?
That's what I'm getting all the time with Kensou...
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, I also want a really good pad for this game. Stick just isn't feeling right. Any recommends?
So many half circle moves... This game is hard. ._.
I'd also recommend the official SLS Saturn USB pads, the Hori Fighting Commander 3, and Fighting Commander 3 Pro.
It depends on your d-pad preference.
And how are the hero characters in this game(Terry, Kyo)? I've always flocked to them because they were similar to Shoto's in the SF games. Are they ass or something because I didn't see them being used at NEC.
They're still really solid. Terry is better now than in arcade if that means anything.
Either corner yourself before beginning the combo or do qcb+A (x2) drive cancel hcb+B/D after landing the C after the command throw.
And how are the hero characters in this game(Terry, Kyo)? I've always flocked to them because they were similar to Shoto's in the SF games. Are they ass or something because I didn't see them being used at NEC.
Thanks for the help!
but the demo of that combo pulls it off mid-screen without a drive cancel I think... qcb+Ax2 DC, hcb+K? are we talking about the same combo or you can add whatever you like inbetween to land it?
The Saturn USB pads won't work. They don't have a PS button.
The PS3 has much better pad selections. What other than the MadCatz can anyone recommend?
Does Terry have the MOTW outfit? I love that outfit and I'll pay for it if it's DLC, just wondering if it's there or has been announced at all. And does it matter which version I get or is one version superior to the other?
Terry has his original outfit with the red hat, there has been no word of a MOTW outfit DLC.
Haven't heard anything about either version being inferior to the other, both seem solid.
Does anybody know the name of a good Leona player japan or otherwise? Looking to do some studying while it's slow at work.
Might be able to provide a few vid links, at least:
(From Arcade here, should still apply): -First Min is some Leona combo practice /setups
There's some Leona in this 22 min vid somewhere (first match has her..) wish it was timestamped somewhere:
The Fatal / Cool Conclusion 2011 series from the KCE guys, starring Leona's combos at the beginning *For thie first 1:25* Starring Arcade Takuma Glitch!:
Sorry they're not more focused :|
No worries.Can never have too much KoF13. Thanks for the links.
Edit: Is there a source for frame data?
NP. And here's some frame data compiled by the Southtown crew:
Most XIII sources don't seem to site much frame data, but that's generally because alot of the info seems to be similiar between characters (Such as close C's being as fast, if not faster, than As, A's being 4 frames, etc).
A lot of this could have changes on console. Some things have been made more punishable (Leona's Weak Grand Saber) and others have been made faster (Her Strike Arch), and noone seems to have accounted numbers for any of that yet.
Oh, and Dreamcancel has been compiling the "Master Class" and KCE test vids of carious characters on their youtube:
It's not exactly direct frame data, but there should be a lot of testing of what is and isn't punishable in there.
[W]/{S}/EX Moon Slasher (-21/-30/-21)
<Notes:[W]/EX atk's frame is when you crouch block>
Low Grand Sabre(-7)
High X-Calibur(-5)
<Notes:after cancelled f+B>
Leona's rush swipe (dunno the name...charge back, forward move) is safe on block, right?
That info appears to be from a 2010 issue of Arcadia, so the arcade version.
So stuff may or may not apply to the console version.
Ah, yeah. Looks like that move was changed for console.
Ground Saber has longer recovery when blocked. About even when fierce version gets blocked.
played some local versus today. easily the best fighting game these last two years.
that is all.
Yeah as long you do everything in order you can put whatever you want inbetween moves.
Can't argue with that.
It's my favorite 2D fighter since CvS2. Simply amazing.
Shame about the netcode.![]()
At least the netcode is better than CvS2's
TheAnswerKof said:We'll be streaming in about 2.5 hrs. Featuring @balaLuisito and Romance.
WHat's the equivalent for KOF?
Are there unlockables?
Are there jump/short hop cancellable normals?
Are there roll cancellable normals?
How vulnerable are rolls?
I need tips on how to do dp cancel into hcb x 2, help?
I need tips on how to do dp cancel into hcb x 2, help?