Is Mai's NEOMAX 0 frame startup AND full screen? It's ridiculous and I love it.
So the other played has to stop pressing buttons when she has it?
Is Mai's NEOMAX 0 frame startup AND full screen? It's ridiculous and I love it.
So the other played has to stop pressing buttons when she has it?
Are all the characters well balanced or is there a few broken/abused online guys?
Alright guys, after two hours of this tutorial, I'm going nuts and my wrist is killing me. I cannot for the life of me pull off a max drive cancel. When exactly do you input the second action? I can pull off both moves smoothly but as soon as I try to put them both together I fail,miserablyI've been looking up YouTube videos and trying to find info online, but I'm not exactly getting any helpful info. This is for Kyo's super special->neo max super that's in the tutorial.
Edit: Nevermind, I FINALLY got it. Damn,it feels good when you figure something out and achieve what you've been working at for so long lol.
I downloaded the demo from Xbox Live last night and tried it out for 5 minutes quickly. Man I felt so out of place. I haven't touched a KOF since the early 2000's and when I tried to do certain things my SF instincts kicked in. But as I quickly found out, that stuff doesn't work. This may sound silly but I feel kind of scared about taking the time to learn this game. The SF series is where I feel so comfortable and anytime I drift away from that(even when trying other Capcom fighters), I just feel so lost that I want to give up immediately and go back where I feel at home.
But rest assure I will give the game more time and probably even buy it. Even if I never fully get into the game, I still want to support it by buying a copy.
I can tell you now, learning this game has improved my SF4 game.
Execution barriers w/ no comeback mechanic is what pure honest fighting is about baby!
Is Mai's NEOMAX 0 frame startup AND full screen? It's ridiculous and I love it.
It freezes time. I ask Jaguar the same question at NEC. Is too good, lol.
Back home, downloaded the demo.
Yeah, i can't appreciate the sprites with that blurry shit all over them. I would have an easier time accepting this same engine with Atari 2600 graphics. I can appreciate XBox Live Indie Games with 8-bit graphics a LOT more than i can appreciatte what the sprites here look like.
People worked really hard on those sprites, and then someone came over and put vaseline over it all. Never used filters, never will. Even with pixel-doubling, a "no filter" option was a must for the last real pixel-art fighter.
KOF is my favorite series of all time, but i can't support art getting shitted upon. I'll get it in a month or two, but i have half-a-dozen games that don't rub me wrong like this, so they'll take priority.
Never tought i would feel better about a Mortal Kombat than a KOF...
Playing the game in arcade mode
-Looking for a match
-found a room & connecting
-room is full
Now i hope they correct this fast
I'm watching the stream right and I have a question, how are they getting their custom soundtrack to play like that? It's playing what seems like team.character specific songs from KOFXI. How do I do that with mine?
I'm watching the stream right and I have a question, how are they getting their custom soundtrack to play like that? It's playing what seems like team.character specific songs from KOFXI. How do I do that with mine?
Go to the Sound Options and select Type BI'm watching the stream right and I have a question, how are they getting their custom soundtrack to play like that? It's playing what seems like team.character specific songs from KOFXI. How do I do that with mine?
Go to sound options in the option menu, there is a choice between A and B version music. A is XIII arcade and B results in those old themes.
It's the "Track B" side the soundtrack, you can select this option under the sound options on the Options Menu. Plays KoF XI Music for teams in that game, NEOGEO Arashi No Sax for Flames Iori, Kim Team's KoF 96 theme, Geese's theme for Billy Kane, and some other oddities here or there.
Go to the Sound Options and select Type B
Which stream are you watching, just got here.
No, it's a filter. The sprites in KOF13 are sized about the same as the sprites in Guilty Gear, e.g. they started work on the game when 480i was still the standard. Because 720P is not a clean 2x resize over 480 -- it's 1.5x, specifically -- they had no choice but to put a filter over it. If you have Arcana Heart 3, try turning off the graphics filter in that for a similar effect. You will not like the results.Is it really a filter, though? I thought that was just SNK's style of shading their sprites. They look more detailed in comparison to Capcom sprite work, but look grainy in their effect. O thought it was just a stylistic decision present in all their games that I just didn't agree with.
As much as I prefer the crispness of the native res sprite, I'm not willing to take it over the absolute wrecking of details that happens when you do a nearest-neighbor at anything other than an exact doubling.
Easier execution on sf4 is a great thing though. Rids a barrier of entry to the metagame, which is what fighters are TRULY about.
I actually find SFIV harder than this execution-wise. Timing button presses has always been much more of a pain for me than performing precise stick motions.
Thanks for this post. I don't feel as bummed out about the lack of filtering options now.
Quick question you may or may not know the answer to--
What was going on with the sprite sizes in XII? Where they at 2x when zoomed in? I feel like I noticed a slight filter and a little bit of "nearest neighbor" going on occasionally.
You know.. ive always bitched about SFIV one frame links and how theyre a big part of the high level play.ah, i thought i was the only one. one-frame links killed me in SF4. this, though, is just old-school quickness imo.
I played with a guy 4 green bars and it was almost lag free, best online experience ever... then we played again with 4 green bars and it had like 3 seconds delay.tested the netcode for a few hours. started to play my neighbour for a start. yellow connection with slight delay, we both have different isp and he's on wlan. it's playable, but you can't take it serious. tried some yellows with strangers as well, same result.
found a guy with a green connection and stuck with him for an hour. it was buttery smooth, no delays or other problems. it's up there with the best fighting game connections if you can find somebody that cares about his internet.
now on to friendlist these people asap.
Reminder that qualifiers for SCR 5v5 at Southtown is streaming today at around 1 PM PST.