KOF13 is $30 on Amazon for the next hour.
You want to make a thread for that?
Also does anyone want to try to get some games in? I live in Oklahoma, USA. PSN is ElzaWalker.
KOF13 is $30 on Amazon for the next hour.
Played an hour of XIII after SFxT... sogood.gif
Kudos to SNKP for making one of the best fighting games ever.
Most improved sequel ever? I believe so.
Yup. KOF XIII has a damn solid and focused core gameplay (They had the chance to rebalance the game which SFxT didnt).Like going from slow-mo to full speed. Dat precision and flow.
Yup. KOF XIII has a damn solid and focused core gameplay (They had the chance to rebalance the game which SFxT didnt).
SFxT: Cross Counter, Cross Assault, Cross Cancels, Gems.
KOFXIII: Hyper Drive Cancel.
I respect Capcom trying new stuff but XIII solid almost old school design is beautiful.
Also: 30 frames charge moves!!!
BTW im not trolling SFxT.
KOF 13 is pretty cool. I suck at it, but then again I barely get to play anything anymore so its to be expected. Today, someone brought up CVS3 in the Mahvel thread and I put up the topic in the theory fighter thread for folks to make dream roster's for.
The thing is after spending all that time thinking about SNK characters I realized one guy that I would really REALLY like to see make it into a KOF game somehow after playing him in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.
Lee Pai Long from Art of Fighting
Its like combining Vega, Blanka, Choi and ton of others into one extremely mobile guy. How does everyone here feel about this long lost SNK character? Good choice? Bad choice? Broken tier? Just thought I'd talk about SNK cast in here since they have a character log so long they could make self crossovers for years.
For the most part, my interest in SFxT is all Tekken based, Tekken being my favorite fighter. I was never a fan of SF4 since it didn't really feel like anything new, especially with all the characters coming back with minimal changes - plus I got tired of facing all the alternating Sagats - Blankas matches. Anyways, I always had a soft spot for KoF and KoF XIII, simply put, was done right.I feel really disillusioned with Capcom's direction since SF4 to be honest. I gave up after SSF4 (which I played the shit out of still out of love for competition) and really wish SFxTekken would click with me but it just doesn't, even with my favorite character of all-time kicking ass.
KoF XIII, for as much as I haven't been able to really put in the time to be good in any real capacity, just blew me away. It spoke to my old school leanings while being fresh and flashy. It did in its presentation that which I had hoped Cacpom would do moving onward from Third Strike.
At heart, I will always be a SF guy but KoF is keeping that torch lit for me right now.
Is there any news at all of any additional character dlcs coming?
Oh ok. Well at the very least that should get me out of corner lockdown.
My other issues with Duo is his really hard to land crossup and the st.C reset after rekkas not coming out online.![]()
doubt it. the game is balanced, i wouldn't want them to ruin that. work on the next game instead.
IIRC you can use cr.A instead.
Isn't Climax supposed to have balance changes?
So no new cast till 14? I can live with that. I hope 14 has a mode that lets you use strikers again. Those were fun.
I checked on something today too. I wanted to know if there was a KOF artbook in print. Turns out there is, but its 92 pages and costs over $20 and from what all the reviews state it has a lot of pinups of K, Kyo and Iori in it from the comics. Like most of the book is that...considering Capcom artbooks near 300 pages for that price I can't really go for this.
This sounds fun and I know the artist in particular is great, but imagine how huge and awesome an SNK fighter-pedia series of artbooks would be! Over $60 and easily over 300 pages is doable given concept, seperate costumes, notable pinups, and just trying to cover EVERY cast member ever they've used in any of their fighters.
A man can dream cant he![]()
More like bug fixes.
as for Anti-Andy, I think anyone with a 1f move cuts down on Andy's options some. Clark probably does very well vs Andy, I think Raiden does also.
I feel really disillusioned with Capcom's direction since SF4 to be honest. I gave up after SSF4 and really wish SFxTekken would click with me but it just doesn't, even with my favorite character of all-time kicking ass.
Legendary Professor said:The counter video states these things-
- The first hit on a counter does 25 percent more damage (ex: if it's a 2 hit move, you only get the bonus on the first hit)
- Moves that stay locked on the opponent during its full animation (like Ryo's Ryuko ranbu) does zero damage on its first hit, so there's no damage bonus.
- If you counter an opponent that's in the air, they'll continue to have a hurtbox. Doing so with a normal move will let them recover quickly so it's hard to get an additional hit into them unless you're anticipating on it. On the other hand, hitting them with a CD will leave them vulnerable til they land.
- Special throws are the easiest moves to counter because they're suseptible til the recovery animation ends.
- Moves that make the opponent slip back on a hit will cause wire damage on a counter (they'll ricochet on the wall).
The Elisabeth vs Clark video is.. cripes, it's basically a long video that tells you there's no easy way of getting around Clark when you're playing her and you have to make good guesses.
Same here my good man.Yeah I tried SFxT but it didn't really click with me. I'm going in harder on KOF13 because of it.
I dropped Duo and replaced him with Kim, so new team is EX Kyo/Kim/Kula. Kim is a bit tough to play because of his unsafe stuff but so far he's a lot more fun to play because of his aerial options.
I need to play Robert more, seems like a fun character.
did the unique arcade pre-fight portraits ever get hacked? i want some artwork from those.
did the unique arcade pre-fight portraits ever get hacked? i want some artwork from those.
fightersgeneration.com has some of those.
You want to make a thread for that?
Also does anyone want to try to get some games in? I live in Oklahoma, USA. PSN is ElzaWalker.
I think I played you a couple nights ago. Not bad.
Surprised I got 3 bars, the other OK player I play was 2 bars.
I think I remember you playing Arcana also.
Ogosho won't be going to MLG. He was supposed to be invited by them together with a number of other players from Europe, but they told them at the last minute that they never sent any invites like that. He's complaining about it on Twitter and I'm sure the others will follow. Right now, he's streaming while boozing and complaining about this whole incident.
Also, RF didn't get an invite to begin with, so he's not going. Tokido isn't planning to go either. To put it another way, MLG won't have any Japanese players.
Twitter comments from Ogosho:
"Regarding America, D44 was able to make contact with their guy in charge, but he was told that there wasn't anything like that to begin with."
"A number of players from Europe also fell victim to this incident, and they can't do anything about it. They(MLG) probably didn't mean any harm and it's hard to figure out where this all started to begin with. I wasn't sure if I could go there so I'm not angry, but I'm appalled at this whole situation."
Professor posted something about what appears to be a misscommunication between MLG and some foreign players
I really hate how I practice a bnb for like half an hour, then take it online and I can't land it once even after setups like empty jump -> low...
I think we found your problem.
It's not the lag, it's the nerves. Moving opponents make everything harder...![]()
I take new characters to arcade mode to see how well I KOF is now at Godsgarden.
KOF is now at Godsgarden.
Professor posted something about what appears to be a misscommunication between MLG and some foreign players
KOF is now at Godsgarden.
Wow.I take new characters to arcade mode to see how well I adapt to them, definitely not representative of real opponents, but they are moving. That usually makes all the difference.
KOF is now at Godsgarden.