You shouldnt judge the characters by their trials though, they can be needlessly complicated even in their low levels.
You shouldn‘t judge the characters by their trials though, they can be needlessly complicated even in their low levels.
Oh so the trial combo's aren't necessary?(Sorta like the SFIV trials?) Where can I find lists of basic BnB combo's and how can I find out which characters would suit me best? Terry and Robert felt great when playing through trial mode, but I guess my 3rd character is completely up in the air. I initially wanted to learn either K', Iori, Kyo, Ralph, Maxima, Ash, or Mai, but all their trials were ridiculously hard on the first level alone so I just gave up.
Oh so the trial combo's aren't necessary?(Sorta like the SFIV trials?) Where can I find lists of basic BnB combo's and how can I find out which characters would suit me best? Terry and Robert felt great when playing through trial mode, but I guess my 3rd character is completely up in the air. I initially wanted to learn either K', Iori, Kyo, Ralph, Maxima, Ash, or Mai, but all their trials were ridiculously hard on the first level alone so I just gave up.
I do think you should give Kyo another go, his basic stuff is not too hard and gets you good damage (something into qcf+D->rdp+Bxxair Orochinagi->hcb+K in the corner for example)
I'll try him again. So far I've slightly narrowed it down to Kyo, Mai, Andy, Iori, Maxima, and Ralph. I would love to learn K' but I guess since he's high execution I'll leave him out until I learn the ins and outs of the game.
Are there any good streams of KOF XIII casuals or tourneys? Twitch never seems to be streaming any KOF stuff unless it's a big tourney and KOF just happens to be one of the games included.
K' is a beast but he needs a lot of execution. When in doubt I always say GO MAI!!
The runback is tonight I think. Why don't you look up some youtube videos?
Levelup does the runback every thursday at 9 pdt. Iplaywinner does real honest sundays almost every sunday starting around 1 pdt. And local battles is usually streaming on saturday nights for kof, casuals or tournaments.
Can I unlock more colours through playing arcade/story mode? It's almost impossible to find a match online without me not filling some unknown conditiions.
You can grind Versus mode with the CPU, will only count for non-random teams though. If you are on PSN, we can have some matches.
Yep I am, what's your PSN?
ElzaWalker, but before I forget, where do you live? I'm in Oklahoma.
Toronto...dunno how good the netcode for this game is.
Other than Hwa Jai who are the best characters in this game?
i'm always up for KOF if you want to play, just send me a message. you have to build a friendlist of players if you want to keep playing and get better. i have about 3-5 players online playing KOF in the prime time.
Are you on PSN? This would be a lot easier if there was a PSN/Live list of usernames int he OP
i am, but you're not in europe![]()
Things I don't like is lack of sprite filter options(kof12 and back had it wtf). My pixel art hurts.
What does [break] mean exactly? I've been working on Andy's BnB's from the the dream cancel wiki and that keeps coming up for his combos into supers.
That's like putting a mosaic on pornography.
What does [brake] mean exactly? I've been working on Andy's BnB's from the the dream cancel wiki and that keeps coming up for his combos into supers.
The mechanic was first introduced in Mark of the Wolves, it lets you cancel the recovery on a specific special move and leaves the opponent in a juggle state for further comboing (SF4 incorporated it as well, think DP> FADC> special/ultra). Breaking doesn't require any meter to do though.
You can break Andy's hcf+K with B+D (do the move and hit BD the moment the first hit connects), in MOTW every character had a move that they could break but in XIII only Andy has one.
Mr Karate also has one for his uppercut (as part of his movelist is based of Marco "Krushwood Butt" Rodriguez"
The mechanic was first introduced in Mark of the Wolves, it lets you cancel the recovery on a specific special move and leaves the opponent in a juggle state for further comboing (SF4 incorporated it as well, think DP> FADC> special/ultra). Breaking doesn't require any meter to do though.
You can break Andy's hcf+K with B+D (do the move and hit BD the moment the first hit connects), in MOTW every character had a move that they could break but in XIII only Andy has one.
Okay, got it. Seems like my team's gonna be Andy, Robert, and Terry as I have the easiest time using them, and they're very comfortable to play.(Tried using Shen, as he's supposed to be a low execution character, but his hop attacks seem to have much stricter timing than all the other characters I've tried out so far) I'm still really interested in using Iori, Kyo and especially K' though. What makes K' so hard to use? And is Iori hard to play?
I know this is pretty late, but KOF XIII will be the first tournament shown on stream later today at 1:00pm PST on
Before that, probably at around noon PST, Hellpockets and I will be having a FT10 for $100 money match on stream as well. the tournament features many games, but it's also a charity tournament. Any help by spreading the word or simply being a viewer would be awesome.
somebody pls delete ex kyo's, i hate that shit.
We will be going live with drive cancel at 10pm EST so drop on by in chat if u have any questions or just want to watch casuals, tune in. Cheers!
Stream is at
K's not hard to use, well sure if you try to go for hard HD combos or stun combos like Bala then heavy execution is required but overall he's not a tough character to learn. He has solid specials and can do good damage for little meter. One of your main objectives as a K' user is to get your opponent in the corner, once there you can pretty much start bullying them. Crouching lows into Triggers are his best friends.
Regular Iori? Again a great character and does excellent damage off of very simple combos. A character based around speed and mixups with very very safe pressure. There's lots of great footage of him in action available via players like ChrisKOF, Bala etc.
And what exactly is the difference between Iori and EX Iori? Just the addition of zoning tools at the expense or some inside game?