I dunno I dont think there is a consistent top 4 either lol. I would say Beni and Kyo are the the only ones that are are top in all the lists.
Hwa Jai, Andy are also part of the top 4.
I dunno I dont think there is a consistent top 4 either lol. I would say Beni and Kyo are the the only ones that are are top in all the lists.
Meanwhile we have all these characters that can just hammer away safely at you while you block
Man, I'm so rusty at this. That's what happens when I drop the game until my arcade gets Climax -.- I'm playing again because my local group is gonna start some KoFXIII ranbats next Saturday, so I need to train.
Could someone give me some tips and combos for EX Kyo?
Man, I'm so rusty at this. That's what happens when I drop the game until my arcade gets Climax -.- I'm playing again because my local group is gonna start some KoFXIII ranbats next Saturday, so I need to train.
Could someone give me some tips and combos for EX Kyo?
STA KOF happening again tomorrow. Granted there's heavy streaming competition this weekend but it does look like UFGT KOF ends around the time STA starts.
Players reveal!CEO Jebailey said:I also have a nice announcement for the #KOF13 community to make on Cc live tonight. Stay tuned Mexico and everyone else!
List of characters I come across the most online:
1) King
2) Clark
3) Mature
4) Kyo
5) Takuma
SO MANY KINGS. WTF is going on? Should I try this character to see what's up?
lag fireball
Tornado Kick, Trap Shot x 99999 FTMW!Also King's HD combo is probably among the easiest ones in the game.
Also King's HD combo is probably among the easiest ones in the game.
Damage scales terribly on it though and you need the corner.
Amazing grand final between Bala and Reynald on this week's Runback:
Awesome frame rate.
Bala may be the best KOF player right now.
EVO is gonna be madness.
Yesterday I finally had the chance to go to our weekly ranbats...I ended up in like the top 8.
I wish that said something about how good I am, but it only says how much most of the guys here suck >__>
As long as people like the game enough and want to get better, I don't think you should be too concerned.
Yesterday I finally had the chance to go to our weekly ranbats...I ended up in like the top 8.
I wish that said something about how good I am, but it only says how much most of the guys here suck >__>
Alright, I need some help.
I picked up KOF XIII last week, and I have been grinding it out trying to improve at this game. I am about Intermediate skill level at SSF4, 3SO, Guilty Gear Series, Mortal Kombat... etc. I have been playing fighting games all my life, and more often than not my fundamentals alone can carry me in the early stages of a new game until I get some combos and muscle memory in place.
But this game just plays so differently from anything that I'm used to. Would someone mind sharing their thoughts on a few of these questions that have been plaguing me during this first week with the game?
- Why do I feel like I am constantly at a frame disadvantage? In any Street Fighter game, I feel like I have several options for stopping or countering the other player's pressure. In KOFXIII, even my quickest normals are constantly getting beaten by everything, even after I've blocked what looks like a special move that should leave them at a disadvantage. This results in me constantly trying to counter on wake-up, only to get combo'ed into oblivion every time I press a button. And if I try to simply block, they bombard me with overheads or normals that always seem to leave them at a frame advantage. What the hell?
- Does everything trade in his game? Maybe it's my SF mindset getting the best of me, but it seems like very few moves have priority over others. If I try to counter an opponents attack with one of my own, it almost always trades. Because of this, I am having a very hard time deciding how to counter the relentless pressure that the online competition likes to apply.
I know that this game has a high execution requirement, and I'm realistic in regard to how competitive I will become. As a married, working adult, I simply don't have the time to dedicate to developing insanely damaging combos and setups. That being said, I'd at least like to figure out how to play this game on a fundamental level.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Well, I'm off to get bodied for the millionth time.![]()
Orochinagi's gunsmith blowing Arturo 'EEEeesports' Sanchez up
I wrote a long response on the website but i got an error when i clicked submit.
Manly hug to art.
Just read that
Gunsmith thinks that Arturo is a Capcom guy set to destroy the KOF community or something like that.I don't understand the point of that "blow up".
Just read thatwon as expected.Bala
Gunsmith thinks that Arturo is a Capcom guy set to destroy the KOF community or something like that.
I admit being biased but from what i know KOF was part of MLG Anaheim thanks to Art pushing hard for it.
Using K' I'm practicing his BnB combo (j.C, st.C(1), qcf+A, f+D, qcb+D, qcb+D (whiff), dp+A) But am having a much easier time having the combo connect starting with j.D instead of j.C. The downside to this is that the combo does 299dmg instead of 301dmg. Do you know of any other downsides of starting the combo with j.D instead of j.C? Should I just try and stick with starting it with j.C?
Oh, and is this team compatible at all? Andy/Iori/K'
Using K' I'm practicing his BnB combo (j.C, st.C(1), qcf+A, f+D, qcb+D, qcb+D (whiff), dp+A) But am having a much easier time having the combo connect starting with j.D instead of j.C. The downside to this is that the combo does 299dmg instead of 301dmg. Do you know of any other downsides of starting the combo with j.D instead of j.C? Should I just try and stick with starting it with j.C?
Generally speaking jC tends to do about 2 points more damage than jD with most, if not all, of the cast.
Pick whichever is easier for you, 2 points damage is pretty insignificant.
Hmmm, what's that smell?
The King of Fighters getting its just due.
It took the FGC long enough to no longer dismiss KoF as a 2nd rate Street Fighter.
And the future for the series and SNK in general is looking pretty bright.
Justice has been served.
So in closing I leave you THIS!
Hopefully Climax comes to console really soon!
Well, while a translation would help, it's not that hard to understand honestly. You just need to learn to identify the attacks used and the visuals will be more than enough. It's not like they wrote anything other than the attack names.
True, I still wish the master class videos had them, sometimes they're not really doing combos and I have no idea what the hell they're trying to show.
Only thing that sucks is that I'll always be relegated to playing online as I know no one around my area that plays KOF(Toronto) and the local scene pretty much only plays Capcom fighters. Not that I would be good enough to even compete at the scene level if there was one at this point.
For those that don't know that video is a compilation of combos by SNK themselves, they were posted in their channel during the game's release. The first half is basic and the second is "Maniac" combos where they just go all out.
The master class videos aren't really tutorials, they just get a good player to try out a character for the very first time (he has never used the character before). He messes around in practice and just does stuff to experiment. At the end he tackles the trials for the character and tries to go through them as fast as he can.
I hear A & C Games in Toronto has gatherings on Mondays for KOFXIII. They are also having a tournament on the 24th of June for the game. Try and check them out, I'm sure you'll be able to meet some regulars to play with.