I like how everyone's this hype, and they haven't even introduced Estelle and Joshua yet. I'm sure their appearance will cause the fanbase to meltdown.
Wait what?! Has this been confirmed?
I like how everyone's this hype, and they haven't even introduced Estelle and Joshua yet. I'm sure their appearance will cause the fanbase to meltdown.
Wait what?! Has this been confirmed?
He will slow down because his summer break doesn't last forever.
Don't click this if you don't want Gaius spoilers:A proper Fie vs Shirley fight is kinda already in the cards. We might just get bamboozled by promotion material but that was exactly part of my point. There is reason to be optimistic.We will also likely get Laura vs Stahlritter at least if not more.
As there has been more and more stuff coming out a lot of concerns I've seen should be eased(not necessarily squashed just toned down) based on what the promotion material says + looking back at how other games handled themselves that didn't get fucked by various dev difficulties not relating to the game content itself. So based on what I've caught following all the dengekis so far stuff like class 7 getting proper moments and stuff to do has only become more likely. And I've been the person that originally though we would only have the people that didn't get storylines before involved majorly but in contrary all of them seem to be getting involved. I was also part of the camp thinking a couple different people likely going to get the shaft with the huge volume but as I've learned more that absolutely also doesn't need to be the case.Let's take him as an example his whole potential storyline of possibly becoming a squire of the gralsritter/or dominion itself doesn't need to properly resolve in Sen 3 alone. You do the reveal, give him a super badass moment and make it clear he's going to be a remaining variable involved with the church in further games and I totally believe that would be satisfying enough and wouldn't take all that much story space away at all.urgh. That's why it's so tiring people not seeing the things that are being said and it's frustrating when people constantly point out "hey look evidence is building up that is pushing against a couple of worries a lot of people had" are just ignored.
It just feels like I'm repeating stuff I said ages ago again but I hope this time people take notice.
So this is pretty cool:
There's something about the CS3 designs that make Class VII look so much more mature and confident than their CS2 and especially their CS1 designs. I'm not sure if it's the pose or clothes or something else, but I'm really digging them for the most part.
Source. It's amazing to see your favourite characters mature like this.So this is pretty cool:
Rean looks like he gained a few pounds. The fact that Millium doesn't get a comparison is kind of sad, game-wise. Forever a loli, I suppose. Fie's outfit is still hilarious to look at. At least she's not sporting that awful one bright-colored shoulder pad that a lot of the bracers seem to have.
That being said, ALFIN. WHAT HAPPENED. If I couldn't see her legs, I'd say she was on stilts, that's quite a growth spurt. It's honestly a little weird, especially with all the lolis in the cast who haven't changed at all.
O_OObviously, you haven't seen Cedric yet. The twins aren't called the Imperial Treasures for nothing.
Obviously, you haven't seen Cedric yet. The twins aren't called the Imperial Treasures for nothing.
Insane how much better the CS3 designs are
Insane how much better the CS3 designs are
I really need to get around to playing this. I have Trails 1 and 2 on Steam. I should just dedicate the next year of my life to Trails and the Witcher trilogy, both RPG series that I really want to play but I haven't because I know they will be a huge time commitment.
Well, except for Fie and Millium. It's like they doubled down on the terribleness.
And yes, your avatar is amazing.
I really need to get around to playing this. I have Trails 1 and 2 on Steam. I should just dedicate the next year of my life to Trails and the Witcher trilogy, both RPG series that I really want to play but I haven't because I know they will be a huge time commitment.
On the one hand, even with a full year, that's going to require a lot of time. On the other hand, both series are pretty much at the top of the list of my favorite video game narratives.I really need to get around to playing this. I have Trails 1 and 2 on Steam. I should just dedicate the next year of my life to Trails and the Witcher trilogy, both RPG series that I really want to play but I haven't because I know they will be a huge time commitment.
Whilst I have to say I've never been a huge fan of Elise as a character, her design is consistently on point.
That being said, ALFIN. WHAT HAPPENED. If I couldn't see her legs, I'd say she was on stilts, that's quite a growth spurt. It's honestly a little weird, especially with all the lolis in the cast who haven't changed at all.
With all the lolis? Everyone's grown up!
Barring Millium, but that was expected
With all the lolis? Everyone's grown up!
Barring Millium, but that was expected
And Towa, but she's a lost cause.
She comes across more like a ridiculously short woman than a loli
She comes across more like a ridiculously short woman than a loli
Oh, I was looking at it more from the "everybody grew" angle rather than the loli angle. I mean, she started from Rean thinking "I thought she's younger than me" and - if her Tokyo Xanadu is any indication - at 23 she'd look exactly the same.
and I suspect Towa is a fairy like the ones mentioned in Erebonian Folklore.Millium and Altina can't grow up
and I suspect Towa is a fairy like the ones mentioned in Erebonian Folklore.Millium and Altina can't grow up
Nope. The Erebonian Folklore chapter describing fairies is specific enough about them being small and hardly growing physically after a certain period. Margarita does have the right personality, though, whichI think Margarita is more like a fairy.
At least Laura doesn't have a skirt this timeThose new designs are pretty good for the most part, but I am still annoyed by their sheer refusal to let the girls wear pants.
Like, come the fuck on already. Especially Laura, she's a swordswoman, GIVE THAT POOR WOMAN PANTS PLEASE
And I'm gonna pretend those boots are finally flat-heeled because fuck high heels forever
Where is Sara the best female character?
If you pay attention she appears in the new CMwhen they are facing against Arianhord
Main problem with new designs, more than Gaius getting that typical Erebonian trifold-bangs hair (which could sort of make sense if they bring it up in a reunion scene?), is needless belts. Some of the new belts are simply overkill, even if the characters' silhouettes and color schemes still work well. I also dislike the new illustrator (they also worked on Tokyo Xanadu's characters), at least for promo art of characters like Agate who has slimmed-down eyes and a lack of detail/shading that's common in these illustrations, even compared to the previous artist.
Hair problem's more likely on the character designer(s), not the promo artist, but it's annoying regardless.The artist seems to suffer not only from a case of sameface, but samehairstyle. Unless it's a new fashion trend in Erebonia with the bangs for guys or something.
I'm replaying through FC because why not and there's a bit of dialogue that struck me (FC and SC spoilers)Joshua thinks he's met Kloe before when you first see her. Is it ever expanded upon? I assume it would be related to his past as an Enforcer, but I can't remember either game ever spelling anything out about a mission related to Kloe or the royal family?
I'm not far into 3rd, so it might be explained there, I guess.
As someone who will first jump into Cold Steel with the Steam release, I must say I quite like the idea of the characters changing outfits and growing up throughout the games. It seems really endearing and I quite like the designs.
... that said, I'm gonna have such a hard time choosing which characters to play with ;_;