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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


'enry 'ollins
Hey all!

I've never played any game in the series, but I've always heard good things about it on gaf. Think I'm going to buy FC the next time it goes on sale. So is it pretty accepted that the Vita version will never be localized?


CS1: Man, everyone in class 7 is just so damn boring. I mean, now that the whole random interpersonal drama part is over everyone seems pretty reasonable. Just... pretty normal? Rean is just super generic doormat nice guy. Gaius is just there. Least exotic exotic party member. Fie is kinda one-note. Like the Machias/Jusis interplay though, and level 1 tsundere is getting more tolerable.

All the NPCs are much more interesting! Make the second years the main characters...

Jusis is pretty interesting if you take him as tsundere.
Playing through CS2 now, and man, the soundtrack is tops. One thing that Falcom has actually gotten better at over the years has been doing softer atmospheric pieces (there were a few here and there before). We've had pretty town music, we've had some cool dungeon stuff, but CS 1 and 2 just stepped it up, really bringing direct moods across in a way I don't normally see in Falcom stuff.

But some of the tracks from CS just blow my mind:

Still Countryside
Witch of the Abyss
Ymir Valley Road
The Mysterious Old School Building
Path of Spirits
Land of Blue Skies

all of these are just top notch. I kinda love this expansion of Falcom's sound.

And they still make the best battle music in the biz.
Jusis is pretty interesting if you take him as tsundere.

Please dont do this.

Playing through CS2 now, and man, the soundtrack is tops. One thing that Falcom has actually gotten better at over the years has been doing softer atmospheric pieces (there were a few here and there before). We've had pretty town music, we've had some cool dungeon stuff, but CS 1 and 2 just stepped it up, really bringing direct moods across in a way I don't normally see in Falcom stuff.

But some of the tracks from CS just blow my mind:

Still Countryside
Witch of the Abyss
Ymir Valley Road
The Mysterious Old School Building
Path of Spirits
Land of Blue Skies

all of these are just top notch. I kinda love this expansion of Falcom's sound.

And they still make the best battle music in the biz.

I was just thinking about this. I'd guess it's less "atmospheric" than minimalist and folksy (and for some downright anxietic and mournful given the plot).


Yeah, but I think a game like this is much more suited for the Vita over PC. Unless the PC version is the definitive version? I heard that both the PSP and PC versions are fine.

The PSP version is serviceable, but the PC version is better in every way. HD graphics, 60 fps, improved translation, etc.


PC is 60fps, higher-res art assets and contains text fixes the PSP versions will never get.
Other than that they're identical. Which is a miracle in itself because the original PC versions were 4:3 and lacked certain PSP exclusive additions.


On second thought, yeah PC is the definitive version.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Yeah, but did you guys play your fancy PC ports in bed?
The quality of the mouse controls in FC was what first convinced me the series was something special (don't look at me like that, I now get it's the storytelling/characters ;) ). I can't think of another game like that where the mouse works so well, from the movement and camera rotation to the auto-positioning of the cursor onto exactly what you probably want to click. That and the smoother framerate and higher resolution and text fixes and 3rd coming out... PC all the way imo.


Playing through CS2 now, and man, the soundtrack is tops. One thing that Falcom has actually gotten better at over the years has been doing softer atmospheric pieces (there were a few here and there before). We've had pretty town music, we've had some cool dungeon stuff, but CS 1 and 2 just stepped it up, really bringing direct moods across in a way I don't normally see in Falcom stuff.

But some of the tracks from CS just blow my mind:

Still Countryside
Witch of the Abyss
Ymir Valley Road
The Mysterious Old School Building
Path of Spirits
Land of Blue Skies

all of these are just top notch. I kinda love this expansion of Falcom's sound.

And they still make the best battle music in the biz.

These are lovely, especially Witch of the Abyss. (Which is also kind of notable for being one of the very, very few songs in the Trails series that's explicitly the theme of a specific character.)

Some of my other favorite Trails/Kiseki songs of this type from throughout the series:

Peace Bestowed by Twilight
Aster House
A Still World
Way of the Tree Spirit
Firm Strength (Super Arrange)
Ancient Pulsation
Beyond the Paradise of Lies (Evolution)
A Victim's Past Wish
The Tree at the Farthest End
Temporary Rest
The Golden World (Terra)
Indelible Feeling
Sky of Truth
The Planetary Metropolis - Lexandria
Overflowing Feelings
A Warm Supper
Through the Canyon Road
Silent Exhalation
Into the Abyss

This got longer than I meant for it to, but I couldn't stop thinking of good examples.


Yeah, but did you guys play your fancy PC ports in bed?

I definitely did.

I got a big ass TV and in my room and a wireless headset.

And PC gaming in bed works with a laptop just as well too. Sure, there's no contest against a desktop when you come to performance alone, but who needs performance to run Falcom PC games?
Anyway, that's how I'll play Trails the 3rd and my next FC and SC playthroughs. With fancy graphics. In bed. :)


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You PC master racers took the only thing I had. :(


Still going strong here guys.

FC + SC took < 110 hours. Not a fully complete run, but I was pretty thorough.

30 hours into Cold Steel 1 now. Is it bad that I like Cold Steel better? I LOVED TitS, but this is even better.


The quality of the mouse controls in FC was what first convinced me the series was something special (don't look at me like that, I now get it's the storytelling/characters ;) ). I can't think of another game like that where the mouse works so well, from the movement and camera rotation to the auto-positioning of the cursor onto exactly what you probably want to click. That and the smoother framerate and higher resolution and text fixes and 3rd coming out... PC all the way imo.

It's fine, but I think the movement is pretty clunky, it'd be better if you could click where you to go instead of hold in the direction.

Gamepad feels much better to me, but that works just fine on PC.


From the Sen 2 thread (since it's more appropriate here)

Random question that popped in my head about Ouroboros:
So Wisemann was the 3rd Anguis, Vita is 2nd, who else do "we" (and by that I mean those who've played all the games) know? Who was the main Anguis in the Crossbell arc? I also saw something about Lechter being suspected as an Anguis, haha. Love these games and the wild (deservedly so) speculations.

Major fucking crossbell spoilers, DO NOT READ
Crossbell actually gets two (which is why it's awesome). The Maiden Lady from CS and Scientist Guy who makes all their crazy science stuff.


From the Sen 2 thread (since it's more appropriate here)

Major fucking crossbell spoilers, DO NOT READ
Crossbell actually gets two (which is why it's awesome). The Maiden Lady from CS and Scientist Guy who makes all their crazy science stuff.

Interesting. I'm guessing that's
Duvalie's waifu she keeps talking about. Also, don't you get to fight Campanella in one of the Crossbell games? I would love to finally fight him (?), was sad he wasn't a boss in SC. Tempted to YouTube it. That divertissement chapter in CS2 made me want to play Crossbell SO MUCH MORE.


Still more Crossbell major spoilers

Interesting. I'm guessing that's
Duvalie's waifu she keeps talking about. Also, don't you get to fight Campanella in one of the Crossbell games? I would love to finally fight him (?), was sad he wasn't a boss in SC. Tempted to YouTube it. That divertissement chapter in CS2 made me want to play Crossbell SO MUCH MORE.

You do, and it's a great fight and brings up some more interesting lore theories/questions. But he's an agent/enforcer and not one of the main 7.


Still more Crossbell major spoilers

You do, and it's a great fight and brings up some more interesting lore theories/questions. But he's an agent/enforcer and not one of the main 7.

Yeah, I know, just thought he was cool. Although
considering the mystery around him, including age, gender, his seemingly larger role and ties to the Grandmaster AND being Enforcer 0, he seems to be a lot more than just an enforcer. My personal wild guess is that he's just an extension of the grandmaster, not a real person. Or he's Aidios herself. Lmao


More crossbell major spoilers

Yeah, I know, just thought he was cool. Although
considering the mystery around him, including age, gender, his seemingly larger role and ties to the Grandmaster AND being Enforcer 0, he seems to be a lot more than just an enforcer. My personal wild guess is that he's just an extension of the grandmaster, not a real person. Or he's Aidios herself. Lmao

Those aren't bad guesses tbh. He's definitely the servant/eyes of the grandmaster. My personal theory is that him and the grandmaster are from before the great fall 1200 years ago, which is why they know about all this stuff and have access to a lot of black technology, but I don't have much to base that off so just a random guess.

Young Magus

Junior Member

I read that weissman's position got replaced by a character introduced in Crossbell arc? Dont you fight them?


Huger than huge crossbell spoilers


I read that weissman's position got replaced by a character introduced in Crossbell arc? Dont you fight them?

Yes, and yes. You probably don't want to know who they are as it spoils a big plot twist in Crossbell.


Full series major spoilers, regarding Anguis questions

What we know so far with regard to Anguis identities:

I: Unknown, not many clues
II: Vita
III: Formerly Weissmann, replaced by Mariabell Crois
IV: Strongly suspected to be Lechter due to very similar voice and speech patterns, plus Lechter is very close with Osborne, who had dealings with Ouroboros
V: Known to the other Anguis as "Sinner". Suspected by some to be Barkhorn, one of the Dominion of the Gralsritter and the priest who mentored Gaius, who was also in North Ambria during the Pillar of Salt incident. His speech patterns and voice line up as well.
VI: F. Novartis
VII: Arianrhod (Duvalie's lord, and the one who appeared in Lohengrin Castle)


Full series major spoilers, regarding Anguis question

Confirmed and suspected Anguis so far are:
I: Unknown
II: Vita
III: Formerly Weissmann, replaced by Mariabell Crois
IV: Strongly suspected to be Lechter due to very similar voice and speech patterns, plus Lechter is very close with Osborne, who had dealings with Ouroboros
V: Suspected by some to be Barkhorn, the priest who mentored Gaius and one of the Dominion of the Gralsritter. He was in North Ambria during the Pillar of Salt incident and is known to the other Anguis as "Sinner"
VI: F. Novartis
VII: Arianrhod (seemingly a revived Lianne Sandlot)

I'd be really pissed if Lechtor was one. It doesn't fit his character at all. Especially not his character arc. He's one of my favorite characters in the series along with Kevin, and unfortunately so far he's playing a very specific Japanese archtype of heading towards his death in Sen III as he betrays Osborne and makes a grand sacrifice to save the other children. Since all the good "bad" characters die in Kiseki, would be nice if Lechtor survives Erebonia but I'm ready for the depression ;_;


I'm starting to grind out some combat trophies in CS2 now that my first run is done (interrupts and advantage encounters), so I transferred my save to the Vita copy so I can bring it with to work.

And maaaaaaan everything is so tiny coming from a 65" TV lol. It's still like a miracle to me that a game this vast in scope fits on something so small, heh.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
After finishing Trails of Cold Steel 1, I might have to change my avatar and username.


I'd be really pissed if Lechtor was one. It doesn't fit his character at all. Especially not his character arc. He's one of my favorite characters in the series along with Kevin, and unfortunately so far he's playing a very specific Japanese archtype of heading towards his death in Sen III as he betrays Osborne and makes a grand sacrifice to save the other children. Since all the good "bad" characters die in Kiseki, would be nice if Lechtor survives Erebonia but I'm ready for the depression ;_;
But it fits his characters perfectly. So perfectly that no one has even considered some else for that position. If anything,
it's himself sacrificing that doesn't fit his role.


Crossbell & Cold Steel 2 spoilers

But it fits his characters perfectly. So perfectly that no one has even considered some else for that position. If anything,
it's himself sacrificing that doesn't fit his role.

Disagree completely.

Lechtor is a very, very good guy character. He hides it and pretends to be fumbling along but it's clear he's just waiting for the right moment to save the day. In Crossbell it's so clear he wants to be on Lloyd's team fighting the good fight but he can't because of his position.

I really feel CS3 is going to go into his background more and it's going to be where he makes his move. They've been setting up wavering alliances to Osborne with Lechtor + Claire + Millium, and I'll be really surprised if they don't all defect and if someone has to pay the price for that it's going to be Lechtor because the likeable joking good guy acting like a bad guy has always been the one to die so far in Kiseki


Getting into fetal position when the games break your heart, mind and soul is easier too

This is my favourite answer.

I play in my living room on my couch. Playing in bed usually results in me falling asleep and dropping the console on my face.


CS1: Man, everyone in class 7 is just so damn boring. I mean, now that the whole random interpersonal drama part is over everyone seems pretty reasonable. Just... pretty normal? Rean is just super generic doormat nice guy. Gaius is just there. Least exotic exotic party member. Fie is kinda one-note. Like the Machias/Jusis interplay though, and level 1 tsundere is getting more tolerable.

All the NPCs are much more interesting! Make the second years the main characters...

They get a bit better (Then they kinda get worse in CS2 when kinda stop interacting with each others lol) but yeah, they don't reach FC/SC cast in term of interactions/personality.

It even becomes more obvious when you have guest star party members in CS2 and they are much more interesting to have around because of their history.


This is my favourite answer.

I play in my living room on my couch. Playing in bed usually results in me falling asleep and dropping the console on my face.

This. I don't do a lot of in-bed gaming w/ handhelds, but when I do this is usually the result. I suppose most people sit up in bed to play (like they might do to read a book) but nothing about that to me is relaxing. If you're going to sit up, might as well do it in a comfy chair.

Nyoro SF

The quality of the mouse controls in FC was what first convinced me the series was something special (don't look at me like that, I now get it's the storytelling/characters ;) ). I can't think of another game like that where the mouse works so well, from the movement and camera rotation to the auto-positioning of the cursor onto exactly what you probably want to click. That and the smoother framerate and higher resolution and text fixes and 3rd coming out... PC all the way imo.

I was similar, I was really surprised at how well the mouse and keyboard controls worked given that up until that point I was very much accustomed to Japanese games on PC having awful kb+m controls.
Beds are typically more comfortable than desk chairs?
i find the exact opposite to be true. I'll play games in bed periodically, but usually a half hour or so before I'm trying to sleep at most. My biggest problem with handheld gaming especially with long games is I cant stay comfortable for long. No matter whether I'm on the couch, desk chair, or in bed I can't find a single position that has me comfortable. The requirement for your eyesight and hands to be lined up just doesnt work for me. I thought about this while I was playing cold steel on the couch while lying down the other day and I had my hands completely over my head and off the side of the couch. This caused me to bring a laptop on my last long flight so I could disconnect my hands from the screen on the plane via a gamepad. Desk chair PC gaming I can stay comfortable no problem, mainly because a good desk chair and a desk is already a pretty ergonomic way to sit and I already do so for 8 hours a day at work.

I'll still play handhelds exclusives that I want to. I wont let platform get in the way of enjoying good games. It just makes me thankful that the PSTV exists and I wish the 3DS had an equivalent

They get a bit better (Then they kinda get worse in CS2 when kinda stop interacting with each others lol) but yeah, they don't reach FC/SC cast in term of interactions/personality.

It even becomes more obvious when you have guest star party members in CS2 and they are much more interesting to have around because of their history.
I love the trails in the sky cast, and think it is the better set of games so far, but I still love the CS cast. I think the bonding events hide too much of the greatness of the characters that could be placed elsewhere. Sara however is always amazing and might have passed Estelle as my favorite trails character
CS1 is growing on me. The game formula works pretty well, since all the towns and locales are really interesting with the constantly changing dialogue. Heimdall in particular was a treat, and the plot behind it was pretty interesting. Always great to see the main cast interact with the movers and shakers, and I'm digging the enemy faction. They're designed like Ouroburos from SC but have seem to act and have motivations like the villains from FC, which is the best of both worlds. I hated how SC's ouroburos members didn't really seem human and were completely unrelatable mustache twirling batman villains.

Nord sucks though, almost made me stop playing. Hope they crater the damn place so I don't have to go back.

50 hours into CS1 and attrition has settled in and I'm finally starting to like the cast. I think alot of my initial problems with the CS1 cast was how petty and stereotypical they all were. Now though, I think the writers were deliberate to some extent. Most of the characters in Trails in the Sky were very goal oriented, Estelle is basically living her dream, most of the party members had already established goals and roles to play in the world and the story felt like it was about the party trying to help and positively impact the world.

On the other hand the game goes out of its way to emphasis how alot of the CS1 characters don't know what they want to do with their life, hell I don't think a single character in class 7 has a real concrete goal beyond Laura's "get stronger". There's alot more focus on how the world changes the characters. For once I kind of like how low power-level your team is, it fits with the idea of trying to find a place to belong.

Rean is still boring as hell, and you could probably just replace Gaius with a blow up doll with the word "wind" written across the forehead. I'm not even sure what his role in battle is, everything he can do all the other physical members can do better.


Cold Steel 2's final boss theme might be my favorite in the series from what I've played. So perfectly fitting and emotional, yet different from what most final boss themes sound like. And the title is perfect (To The Glorious Future).


I think the only Falcom final boss theme I've heard that I prefer is the one from Zwei!! Never played that game due to being JP only, but this song and the cute art makes me wish I could.


Cold Steel 2 was definitely a musical tour de force though. That said, Silver Will still reigns supreme.
CS1 is growing on me. The game formula works pretty well, since all the towns and locales are really interesting with the constantly changing dialogue. Heimdall in particular was a treat, and the plot behind it was pretty interesting. Always great to see the main cast interact with the movers and shakers, and I'm digging the enemy faction. They're designed like Ouroburos from SC but have seem to act and have motivations like the villains from FC, which is the best of both worlds. I hated how SC's ouroburos members didn't really seem human and were completely unrelatable mustache twirling batman villains.

Nord sucks though, almost made me stop playing. Hope they crater the damn place so I don't have to go back.

50 hours into CS1 and attrition has settled in and I'm finally starting to like the cast. I think alot of my initial problems with the CS1 cast was how petty and stereotypical they all were. Now though, I think the writers were deliberate to some extent. Most of the characters in Trails in the Sky were very goal oriented, Estelle is basically living her dream, most of the party members had already established goals and roles to play in the world and the story felt like it was about the party trying to help and positively impact the world.

On the other hand the game goes out of its way to emphasis how alot of the CS1 characters don't know what they want to do with their life, hell I don't think a single character in class 7 has a real concrete goal beyond Laura's "get stronger". There's alot more focus on how the world changes the characters. For once I kind of like how low power-level your team is, it fits with the idea of trying to find a place to belong.

Rean is still boring as hell, and you could probably just replace Gaius with a blow up doll with the word "wind" written across the forehead. I'm not even sure what his role in battle is, everything he can do all the other physical members can do better.

Gaius is a super-dodger. Once I missed scanning a mob during a boss battle and decided to just commit suicide by never attacking. Everybody died except Gaius, who killed the boss instead through dodge-countering.

And that's an interesting comparison with the Sky casts. On the flip side, Sky's setting is super dull.
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