Zero no Kiseki Chapter 1
I'm more scared about the quality of it, tbh. The head of the project is... stubborn and has some crazy ideas, to say the least.
Has there been any news since the creator's anti-XSeed tirade?
I hear Rixia Mao is very wholesome.
Two new ones. The Zero ones are about a Remiferian backalley doctor helping corrupted politicians for massive amounts of money. The Ao one is called Sunny Side Agnes, which takes places in Calvard. It's about a frustrated journalist called Edwin Arnolds.I'm curious. What books are there in Zero and Ao? Because in CS1 and CS2 so far, there is one new book each and one reprint from FC/SC each. And iirc in FC you could also read an old book from one of the pre-Kiseki LoH games. So what's in Zero and Ao? Just brand new books? No reprint from previous games?
Suddenly realized how weak class 7 as compared to evenClass 7the SSS team.Could barely Duvalie , while the SSS won against Duvalie who went all out in Ao unless i remember wrongly
So after seeing the ending, I am confused at what Cold Steel 3 would be about?
So after seeing the ending, I am confused at what Cold Steel 3 would be about?
CS2 certainly did raise a lot of questions, didn't it? Some more minor questions:Probably stuff with (CS2 End Spoilers)and so much more. The few things I listed above are like only the tip of the iceberg in terms of things I can think of off the top of my head.the annexation of Crossbell, fighting off Calvard, what the hell is Osborne really, what is Oroboros' retaliation going to be for Osborne taking over the Phantasmal Blaze plan (which presumably would garner the Sept-terrion of fire), will the Grandmaster show up, what exactly was the Shadow Trial why was it sealed in the first place and what else is going to show up as a result of the events @ the Infernal Tower, what are the giant knights like the one in Nord, what's up with Western Erebonia, aftermath of the war and shift in power balances in Erebonia, the rebuilding of the Bracer guild in Erebonia, what really happened to St. Sandlot, why is the Rose Door in Loengrin inactive (since it wasn't a shrine, was there a Divine Knight there once?), what happens to a Divine Knight after it's awakener dies,
I imagine my questions will only grow exponentially after playing 3rd.
Probably stuff with (CS2 End Spoilers)and so much more. The few things I listed above are like only the tip of the iceberg in terms of things I can think of off the top of my head.the annexation of Crossbell, fighting off Calvard, what the hell is Osborne really, what is Oroboros' retaliation going to be for Osborne taking over the Phantasmal Blaze plan (which presumably would garner the Sept-terrion of fire), will the Grandmaster show up, what exactly was the Shadow Trial why was it sealed in the first place and what else is going to show up as a result of the events @ the Infernal Tower, what are the giant knights like the one in Nord, what's up with Western Erebonia, aftermath of the war and shift in power balances in Erebonia, the rebuilding of the Bracer guild in Erebonia, what really happened to St. Sandlot, why is the Rose Door in Loengrin inactive (since it wasn't a shrine, was there a Divine Knight there once?), what happens to a Divine Knight after it's awakener dies,
I imagine my questions will only grow exponentially after playing 3rd.
HopefullyCS2 certainly did raise a lot of questions, didn't it? A more minor one:What happens to Ordine now that its Awakener is gone - does it get a new one? Why did Ouroboros want Valimar and Ordine to fight?
To answer one of those questions, Celine explicitly said thatthere was indeed a Divine Knight in Lohengrin Castle once.
CS2 certainly did raise a lot of questions, didn't it? A more minor one:What happens to Ordine now that its Awakener is gone - does it get a new one? Why did Ouroboros want Valimar and Ordine to fight?
If you haven't already, make sure you give NG+ a spin for its exclusive quest. It delves much deeper into these matters and sets the stage for CS3.That's what I figured. I was wondering sinceDreichels piloted Valimar, what if Sandlot has/had one too? ... Being from that era and all. The whole thing about her not being dead and Zephyr trying to bring back the boss raise a hell of a lot of questions about presumably dead people being alive.
Like I mentioned, when an Awakener dies, what happens to their Divine Knight? Since the trial is necessary to pilot one (I presume anyways), do they get resealed and a new Awakener fights Loa Erebonius? Does it have to be recovered/resealed ala Valimar in the Old Schoolhouse by a Hexen Clan member to facilitate the system? What is the full system? Additionally, we only know for sure that Valimar and the Vermillion Apocalyspe/Testarossa have been active in a previous conflict, iirc.
I wanna know every bit and detail about these little and big things soooooo baaaaaaddddd.
If you haven't already, make sure you give NG+ a spin for its exclusive quest. It delves much deeper into these matters and sets the stage for CS3.
CS1 endgame spoilers:What the hell, apparently an entire's month of plot takes place offscreen? A vacation to Ymir? An audience with the Emperor? I'd rather play that than more drudging along in mines or doing MORE fetch quests.
I've looked ahead a bit and saw that there arechapters. Can anyone spoil me on how long SC keeps up the9shtick?"Ouroboros member experiments with Gospel shit, we come in to stop it and proceed to get wrecked by said member"
Going from CS --- > TiTS has been an amusing experience so far. So many continuity nods and callbacks (callforwards?). Already immediately intrigued by Joshua's character since (CS1 stuff)Sharon seems to know him?
Strega sneakers are basically the Zemurian equivalent of Air Jordans.
Awesome little wrinkle in the fiction. You playing this on PC? Moonlight will be happy! ^_^/
Playing in 4:3? For what purpose?
Playing in 4:3? For what purpose?
Does CS get any better? I'm atand it's just... Boring. I've started circle skipping all the dialogue outside of the main cs, and even some of those. They linger so long on plot points that were shit to begin with. Do you really need ten hours+ forthe town with different districts connected via tramI don't think anything of consequence has happened in the plot at all, just awful anime tropes dragged out like a Family Guy punchline."he fell and touched my boob, I hate him!" And "I don't like this Jaeger because reasons!"
I loved Sky, and CS is bumming me out.
It's likely material they wrote, planned, and then had to cut later in development. It seems quite obvious thatthe entire Ymir part at the very least was meant to have been part of the game. They included a Drama CD in the Japanese version, which XSEED has translated here: and it's pretty long. It would have been a mini-field study at Ymir, Towa would probably have been a playable character, and while fighting the boss Rean would have gotten his upgraded S-Craft. In fact, there are a bunch of events in the Drama CD which are directly referenced multiple times in Cold Steel 2, so it had to have been a major actual part of the game at some point.
In the audio drama "Returning Home," he decides to go for a soak in the hot springs during mixed bathing hours, only to walk on Alisa and Laura, who are under the mistaken impression that it's women-only hours. He gets a terrible beating before Alisa and Laura find out to their horror and shame that they're the ones in the wrong.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but with the Trails of the Sky series, on Japan's PSN, FC and SC are now on sale.
(Battle objectives?)
Sprites >>> 3D
Those sprites are pre-rendered 3D, though, yar? I think it's a wash.
Noob question about the series because it seems interesting. Which game should I start at in order. Are they connected and is the a big High School setting. The High School setting is something I loath. The only series I able to tolerate it is the Persona series otherwise I have a hard time playing them.
Noob question about the series because it seems interesting. Which game should I start at in order. Are they connected and is the a big High School setting. The High School setting is something I loath. The only series I able to tolerate it is the Persona series otherwise I have a hard time playing them.
Yeah, those are pre-rendered and incredibly ugly to boot. People just forget about them because the character portraits are decent.
Those portraits are ON POINT, sir!
TiTS: Hey here's a map
Me: Thanks
Me: Oh It's useless
If you were fine with it in Persona, then the same will likely be the case for Cold Steel, as there are similarities.Noob question about the series because it seems interesting. Which game should I start at in order. Are they connected and is the a big High School setting. The High School setting is something I loath. The only series I able to tolerate it is the Persona series otherwise I have a hard time playing them.
Zero no Kiseki Chapter 2:
Lloyd is amazing in this chapter. I'll write up a summary of the whole thing sometime next week but my god. His absolute sincerity makes him completely tone deaf which leads to amazing dialogue results. Even against villains. lmao
Don't be like me, I didn't realize until halfway through FC that holding down SHIFT will tell you which direction the exits are... (at least I figured out that hitting V brings up the local map).
"Not everyone plays on keyboard!"![]()
I just realized I have no idea what the controller buttons are for map direction and usage...
Zero and Ao Evo are 50% off as well if anyone was curious. I forgot to pick then up last time they were, little over 5100yen for both.