Yeah I really regret picking Normal. Usually in RPGs it just means "grindy" but in this case, it'd probably mean optimizing your gear, orbment loadout, CP use, etc. The
battle (ch.5) actually had me optimizing my strategies and having to think about my moves and I was in real danger, but other than maybe ONE boss where I wasted all my S-crafts in the previous battle (which wasn't the real boss, but preceded it -- I didn't get caught by that again haha) and struggled a bit against the real boss (the one vs the two big-ass dogs, I think end-boss of ch. 2?) but still didn't die, I haven't been in any danger during combat at all. It's kind of boring...
As for why people said that, I don't know. There was this post, among others, on the last page:
Can't say why they'd say this. I'll definitely play CS2 on Hard unless there's a strong reason not to do that.
I might still play 3rd on Normal, though, since TitS seemed a bit more balanced? It wasn't overly hard but several bosses were legit challenging at least and S-crafts, while strong, didn't repeatedly turn the tide as ridiculously as in CS. Unless 3rd follows the same trends as CS instead of earlier TitS games and is also brain-dead easy...