The spooniest Spoony Bard that ever spooned or barded, that's why.
Trails FC+SC Spoilan
Is probably the greatest villain of all time.The way he planned everything out and set up Joshua to be his eyes and ears on everything Cassius was just.. amazing. The reveal itself still gives me the chills to even think about, and the way he breaks down the events that happened in the Ark was seriously some of the creepiest dialogue I have ever read in a JRPG, that was some fucked up chain of events.. but of course how can that not happen? How can people not be addicted to miracles and become so dependent on them.
All I'll say is
someone's read Childhood's End.
Note also Estelle "Spitting Hot Fire" Bright WON that pre-fight rhetoric battle too, AND the one against Col. Richards.
Note also Estelle "Spitting Hot Fire" Bright WON that pre-fight rhetoric battle too, AND the one against Col. Richards.