Gray Matter
They got a patch to get out and they teased some DLC for Factions
I know they will keep updating it to keep the game running, but DLC, I'm not getting my hopes up.
They got a patch to get out and they teased some DLC for Factions
When? Where?
I'd love a new mode. I don't like the idea of a hardcore mode, but something without boxes could be cool. Sometimes I'm frustrated by how the position of the boxes dictates the flow of players through the map.
Anyone having issues going online?
i havent played the MP since sometime before the interrogation mode was introduced for the PS3 version. I'm picking it back up now, just got the PS4 version. Any tips to help me out? I remember that i shouldn't run, to open them sweet item boxes, and that smoke grenades tend to stun enemies so you can run up and shiv them. Not sure what has changed in the last year or so but i just wanted to see if you guys had any solid advice.
Eric Monacelli: Yes, we’ll have some cool TLOU MP news at the PlayStation Experience, will you be there?
More hats please.
More hats please.
You can never have enough hats.Lol. Don't you have enough already?
sarcasm, I know.
More hats please.
F2P incoming. I called it.
F2P incoming. I called it.
And yeah, that means more hats of course...
Gold samurai helmet: $59.99Maybe they'll charge $40 per hat from now on...
I wonder what the surprise is? I know it's new DLC, but what type? Weapons? Maps? New game mode?
Åesop;139007251 said:Here you go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm wondering, in case there's a new map, which map area/assets from the single they can recycle this time?
Sewers seems unlikely, since there's part of it on the beach level. Maybe the museum and hospital, but I'd like to see a "woods" map, based on that area:
So was there no real announcement? Just a joke post?
The one Aesop posted is. There will be a real one at the playstation experience next month.
Oh okay.
I know the chances are slim, but I hope from some kind of horde mode.
Restore your licenses on PS4.So how the hell do I get my Online Pass PS3 DLC to work on my Ps4?
I downloaded them all in the store on my app. Then went to the my ps4 and it all says "purchased" but I can't equip it in game...
I've just started playing Interrogation mode for the first time. Totally loving it, but why the hell are people treating it like TDM.
That game mode is broken, instead of opening the safe people farm the enemies for parts. Which is why I don't play interrogation.
That game mode is broken, instead of opening the safe people farm the enemies for parts. Which is why I don't play interrogation alone.
I've barely been on the receiving end of a farming session, but when I am, I turn it around real quick.
Anyone else think the MP news at PSX will be the announcement of F2P?
What else could it be?It has to be more than that. Why spend money and time to announce something so small at big event.
What else could it be?
I think F2P his huge news.
No. That was debunked.Wasn't it confirmed to be new DLC? Weapons, maps?
No. That was debunked.
They were actually talking about TALKING about the process of making the DLC that they already made.
They didn't actually mean brand new DLC.
Anyone else think the MP news at PSX will be the announcement of F2P?
Yeah, makes sense. Hopefully with some additions.
Honestly I would love to free up space on my HDD by getting rid of SP that I've played a million times.
And I want horde mode or something co-op. But that's a long shot.