anyone up for a 4 v 4 private match? We need two more players.
Sure. lZR0COOLl (lower case L's)
anyone up for a 4 v 4 private match? We need two more players.
Seen this happen so many times now. Never remember this happening on PS3.This happened last night:
People just like to complain about everything instead of realizing they're the problem.Used the Enforcer for two matches and it's shit. 4-5 shots to kill is considering OP?
@Naughty_Dog 37m
We pushed Live Update 1.01.012 for #TheLastOfUs Remastered earlier & seeing vastly improved matchmaking times. Still working on more updates
Was much quicker for me tonight.Pls confirm. I don't want to waste another hour tonight playing a total of two games...
Yea I definitely think it's a mistake not to release the maps free.
There's enough microtransactions in the game already (too many honestly). At least give us the maps free to keep the player pool united.
Agreed. ND looks really shitty right now. Broken ass multiplayer more than a week after launch, dlc everywhere, and more to come. They're my favorite dev but they're definitely nickel and diming the shit out of their fan base right now. I expected better of them.
It's Naughty Dog's only true failing, IMHO. I don't think I've played any other MP game that consistently broke up teams, hung up pre-match, or froze post-match than Naughty Dog MP games. It's fucking sad. But I love them SO much.30 mins... cannot get into solo supply raid.
I have never witnessed a dev fail so hard at matchmaking.
There is something amiss with their multiplayer team. That sense of pride in their product that the SP team deliver on just dissipates. I loved Uncharted 2's MP, because the core gameplay (which the SP team designed) is so great. The MP team eventually ruined that by messing with that core and changing player health. They made that same mistake with Uncharted 3, also ruining and changing it from its Beta and MP preview.
But Naughty Dog is known for pushing the envelope, and the MP team is no different, even when they are going in the wrong direction. Naughty Dog, when I payed full price day-one for your game a second time, I thought that it was the 'all-in' edition. Ok, maybe I don't get access to 20% of all of the games' weapons, or 30% of all of its skills, but at least I get to play the game for its natural lifespan with everyone else who also wants to do that. More paid DLC just fucks that novel concept up. Heck, isn't there going to be more weapon DLC too?
If they want to split the community further I'm ready to move on.
I must be in the minority.
The maps aren't going to be free and I'm cool with that. Not because I don't think they should be free, but because buying a season pass doesn't entitle us to every piece of DLC ever released.
The season pass ordeal is not the issue here. Naughty Dog is in the wrong.
How is ND in the wrong here? Just because another developer decided to release free maps doesn't mean that everyone had to do it.
I'm not defending the idea of releasing paid maps, I should be really upset since I'll be playing this far past the release of destiny which is everyone's next MP game, but I'm not. I just don't understand why this is such a big deal, that's all.
It's not that GG is doing free maps either: A big selling point of the game was a unified player pool. They talked about how one pool= better matchmaking, faster matchmaking, etc.
No one has a problem with a multiplayer game being monetized with map packs. But a re-release of a year old game? That's when people get a little upset.
Now they want to give us more maps that will hurt both those who do buy it and those who don't. Matchmaking will get worse, games will get laggier.
This is on top of charging for on-disc, old content, which they technically got away with because they never advertised it for the Remastering.
Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.
Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.
I bet you also shiv from behind
I don't like this MP at all, I'm just not used to a slow pace. I have a feeling I'm going to burn myself out doing these trophies for factions, because if I get to Week 12 and lose everyone, nerd rage inc.
Hate multiplayer trophies![]()
Those 100% Loss Events are scaaaaary. I think I have 2 to go.
Yet to use a Healing objective... Easy enough?
And I think I'll use Bow Downs for the other. 3 downs with anything is fairly simple.
Does anyone else not use Purchasable Weapons 95% of the time? I find they're far too circumstantial to justify, especially when you're forgoing a silencer and/or skill, etc.
So? From my understanding, the less people, the better, since it operates on percentages.It's not just the avoiding 100% loss though. The first target is still 60% loss. Even if you ace it you're still losing 20% :/
I am loving this new loadout I've put together:
Enforcer, Damage Marker 1, Hawk Eyed 3, Scavenger 2, with 2 points left over that I can't decide what to put them into.
Scavenger 2 makes me automatically pick-up the blue supplies that enemies drop when I down and execute them. I HATE having to pick these up manually, since sometimes they are thrown a fair way away from the downed body, even through walls so they're outside a building when you killed someone inside. It makes for stupid errors when you're hunting around for blue supplies, sometimes getting killed in teh process. Now I just run over to the dead body and I automatically pick them up. No need to even stop running.
Don't you need a certain population by the end to unlock stuff? Don't know if the trophies have any population requirement other than 'survive'So? From my understanding, the less people, the better, since it operates on percentages.
I don't think that's a by the end thing though. So you could ramp up to that number then let yo peeps die for efficiency.Don't you need a certain population by the end to unlock stuff? Don't know if the trophies have any population requirement other than 'survive'
I don't think that's a by the end thing though. So you could ramp up to that number then let yo peeps die for efficiency.
That's the final trophy you unlock for platinuming every game on PSN.Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.
Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.
Playing this with randoms really really sours my enjoyment. It's not so much about rolling with a team that wins all the time, but randoms do the stupidest things sometimes. Some act like they don't know how to revive at all. Some run off solo and get shot up by the opposing team that's rolling as a group. Really pisses me off. lol
Correct.So scavenger 2 doesn't automatically give you the supplies - you still have to run over them?
Thanks. And you still think that is worth 4 points? I guess the double ammo is pretty useful too..
Hmmm how about silenced enforcer, damage marker 1, covert 2, hawk eye 3? The covert lets you more easily get around the flanks of enemies, and the silenced enforcer keeps you off the radar as you light up the bad guys for everyone? I need one more loadout point though for that (or could go silenced 9mm for now)
I foolishly rushed a match because I knew the mission was going to give me the beret, now I have 17 hungry and 9 sick while having to get 105 supplies a match. Shit....
does anyone know at what point each additional loadout point is added? I know the max at 13 happens around 7500...but I can't seem to find when level 11 and 12 happen.