Just quickly put together this graphic for the thread. Feel free to use it in the first post if you want, Gray matter.

Well done.
Just quickly put together this graphic for the thread. Feel free to use it in the first post if you want, Gray matter.
In the survivors mode when you die and your waiting for the round to finish can the dead people from each talk to each other while spectating the alive players?
Never played the multiplayer, is it still worthwhile even if you play solo?
As in the OP it says requires teamwork and communication
Just quickly put together this graphic for the thread. Feel free to use it in the first post if you want, Gray matter.
Yea, that really does help.
Never played before, thinking about getting it on PS4.
what's the overall play time like?
What's the learning curve like, Gaf?
I've played a lot of Gears, but I'm beyond rusty. I'd say that, in general, I'm fairly proficient with TPS games.
It's much more slower paced than other multiplayer shooters. Sticking with your team is crucial to winning. I thought it was fairly difficult when you first start, but it's extremely rewarding if you stick it out. I think it's one of the most intense, entertaining modes I've played for a while.
Hold yourself.Just added myself to the Google Doc. I haven't played this game at all yet but the MP sounds like it will be fun.
I'm so torn on whether to just jump into the multiplayer or the single player. I'll probably do SP first but sprinkle in some MP when my friends are on. This wait, man, this wait.
I'll be jumping into the MP first since I know the SP like the back of my hand.
I'll be jumping into the MP first since I know the SP like the back of my hand.
I'm so torn on whether to just jump into the multiplayer or the single player. I'll probably do SP first but sprinkle in some MP when my friends are on. This wait, man, this wait.
I'm diving right into MP until October.
That will be a perfect time to start my first hard mode w/ listen off run (only played once at launch, on medium w/ listen mode.) Nice and Halloween-y.
Same. So ready for GAF teams to wreck everybody.
Same. So ready for GAF teams to wreck everybody.
how is the player customization in this? i know there are dlc hats and stuff to buy with real money, but are there a lot of in game options to earn/use? can i change the face/color of my character?
Never played MP before as I have a single player preference. Journey doesn't count as it should be played that way.
But this is the game that will get me into MP.
Hopefully I don't get my arse kicked.
Gonna get my arse kicked hard!
So I keep trying to look for players and I can't find any![]()
Hoping we get some sweet MP gameplay footage today during the Naught Dog twitch stream! Little over 3 hours from now
Naughty Dog is having a twitch stream today to talk about the upcoming MP DLC @ 11:30 am PST and 5:30 pm PST. Naughty Dog Twitch Channel
I am level 380 in TLOU on PS3, so I don't know the exact criteria, but when I logged on to the multiplayer on PS4, I was instantly awarded 1000 supplies and 2 extra loadout points to start, which means I have some things unlocked and I know have 11 loadout points instead of 9 for my custom loadouts.
Probably the preorder bonus?
also anybody that plays with me i much prefer supply raid and interrogation over survivors
Supply raid all day everyday son!!
"Financial Plaza" doesn't take placelike I originally thought from the picture of it. It's based on Pittsburg (but I can't remember what part of the game this is). With my luck it'll be aroundinside the hotel, similar to how Capital map takes place mostlythe hotel rather than in it, and has a vastly different interior, as though ND are playing a game of ''corrupt a wish'' with me.outside the Capital Building
They also referenced the other map as ''The Beach'', so it seems to take place onthe beach around Ish's boat, and not inside the sewers themselves. Crap!
No.Hotel upper, Hotel basement, FireFly HQ, or Mall escalator area from Left Behind as MP maps? Disappointing