Also, I'm not sure how anyone can play this game without using the invisible in listen mode while crouched perk.
The bow is amazing if you're sneaking or the enemy isn't focused on you. If you're using it in a firefight its not that good.
Also, I'm not sure how anyone can play this game without using the invisible in listen mode while crouched perk.
is there any greater fear than when one of those 100% moments appear?
So how many survivors do you need to rack up to complete a journey successfully?
I think only 1. As long as you don't completely die off.
Oh I see. Doesn't seem so bad then.
Man, I really want to play right now but I'm drained.
spoilers for the MP 'story'
Don't fail
Week 6, Day 1
Week 8, Day 2
Week 10, Day 3
Week 11, Day 6
Week 12, Day 4
Is there a limit on the types of missions you can do. So can I only do somany healing teammates missions? Or can I do it all the time?
I think three times is the limit. I did healing mission thrice and now it shows complete, now I can't do it again.
My emblem
I'm so fucked. I think I've done three healing missions already lol.
Correctit doesnt carry over between stories right?
is there any greater fear than when one of those 100% moments appear?
I'm so fucked. I think I've done three healing missions already lol.
I'm so fucked. I think I've done three healing missions already lol.
The 100% missions are extremely easy providing:
* You do them on Interrogation. Why? Because everyone pricks around in this mode so you have pretty much up to the full time limit to work on your mission choice. With 3 days to roll with you should easily complete the minimum requirement in just one day's worth of Interrogation. Do another if you miss out.
* You ensure you left the easiest tasks alone for when you come across the 100% missions. All the other missions either add population or remove a lower percentage so you can use the harder tasks on those as if you fail, no big deal. The easiest ones are the Downs, Executions, Marks, individual weapon Downs, etc. and they should be left for your 100% missions.
It's very simple to get through.
Anywho I just finished my second Faction 12 week mission so that's 2 dots next to my name now and the final multiplayer trophy left to obtain is now acquired. On to single player to Platinum!
Gift-giving and healing are the easiest as they require no skill
I love it. I want to copy it. Let's start a movement.
I don't think I did a single one of those. :lol
Oh well, I had more than enough missions remaining to easily complete the 100% missions.
Speaking of completed faction stories, seeing people who've completed 3 or 4 faction stories already blows my mind. Crazy how much people get through.
As a guy with rifle with no upgrade, unless I get a headshot, even if I hit a guy with bow first, I lose the encounter. I guess, it's more of being a level 0 guy in this MP is no fun and frustrating.Yeah, bow is my main and you can pull off downing someone head on if you're fast and lucky but most of the time a rifle will beat you.
It's fun, but not OP. A lot of shortcomings to round it out.
As a guy with rifle with no upgrade, unless I get a headshot, even if I hit a guy with bow first, I lose the encounter. I guess, it's more of being a level 0 guy in this MP is no fun and frustrating.
As a guy with rifle with no upgrade, unless I get a headshot, even if I hit a guy with bow first, I lose the encounter. I guess, it's more of being a level 0 guy in this MP is no fun and frustrating.
Mine is hard to see.
I love it when I throw a smoke bomb and then rush in and get molested by 2 dudes after realising I didn't stun them. lol
Teammates running off so my "support" class can't heal and revive them. Pisses me off.
I also hate having to double-tap to get my smoke bombs out. It's extremely cumbersome, so it throwing the damn thing from cover. Ugh, I miss Gears/Uncharted's cover systems. D:
That said, landing a smoke rushing up as someone is pinging you and nailing the person you smokedfeels badass.just to die after
Welp. I'm totally boned since I used healing missions on non-100%ers.![]()
I could do the gifting one I guess. Seems pretty easy.
Who here has purchased a survival skill? I have not yet, but if I do I might as well find out which one is worth the money if any at all.
I bought one of them. Agility maybe? I can't remember.
Yeah that's the one I was eyeing, the most expensive of the bunch, but seemed useful for the amount of crouch walking you tend to do.
Pretty good. I remember hearing that song in PlayStation Home which makes sense.I was messing around with sharefactory and noticed that a song called "Shivers" was there, so I quickly threw together this mini shiv montage for shits and giggles.
I was messing around with sharefactory and noticed that a song called "Shivers" was there, so I quickly threw together this mini shiv montage for shits and giggles.