The matchmaking has borked up again. I was having no issue last couple of nights, now I can't find a damn game. Doesn't matter the game type.
So lame.
Having issues with forming parties... pretty weird stuff.
this is getting infuriating
i dont have the time to sit in lobbies for 15 minutes looking for a game
what the hell man, cmon
Matchmaking has been dead for the past half hour for me.
Anyone else getting fuck all?
i suck at this game but its oddly addicting. maybe a pride thing where i refuse to rage quit. played til 4 am on fri/sat morning until we finally won a game lmao
matchmaking is dead
takes 20+ minutes of sitting in no-party supply raid to get dumped into an in-progress match
I sprint to supply boxes all the time.![]()
I was having a hell of a time getting into anything, but finally was able to get into Survivor (no parties) for a round.
Played with some dude who kept talking and trying to be strategic, but ended up flipping out and yelling "OH MY GOD FUCK THIS GAME" when he got killed haha
I sent one--I'm CST but I usually am on around 11PM and laterso umm who sent me those friend requests? and what timezone are ya'll?![]()
Does this game have zero concept of what matchmaking is?
Like, three games in a row. Couple of 1's versus peeps in their 20's. Just rolled over.
GG Naughty Dog.
(And I say that as someone that REALLY enjoyed Uncharted's multiplayer until Naughty Dog ruined it 'Call of Duty'-fying it with 1.05 in Uncharted 2.)
It's even worse on PS3 when you're rank 0-20's going against two 200-300's. It's like "really, Naughty Dog?"
Even worse is when you get a 100 with three 0-20's and you're facing off against a 300 with 0-20's. The 100 will run off to try to solo while getting creamed by three people (generally the 300 and two low ranks) while you (0-10) try to heal them/support them only to run off like rabbits.
I hate the fact I have to deal with 50+ rounds of this TWICE to get the two faction survived trophies. Uncharted wasn't this sadistic for people that didn't care about the multiplayer with that. "Hey, you just have to complete a few rounds with versus and co-op and then you can forget it if you don't like it. Cool?" Here: "Fuck you guys, you're gonna have to survive a meta game and hope your team does okay-ish to survive for 'twelve weeks!'" :|
(And I say that as someone that REALLY enjoyed Uncharted's multiplayer until Naughty Dog ruined it 'Call of Duty'-fying it with 1.05 in Uncharted 2.)
Ditto. Shame we have come to this.
Playing with randoms isn't the best. Anyone partying up right now? Send me an invite.
RJN is my ID
I sent one--I'm CST but I usually am on around 11PM and later
Finally a wingg guys. after you guys left i played another round of interrogation against those same guys and won. all thanks to me of course! /s but hey i got revenge! lol
Fuck anyone that...
-Buys the Enforcer; because they damn well can't use the stock guns. How can the accuracy, recoil, and rate of fire be so good? Really unfair, even though it's a low price; it's pathetic of Naughty Dog to do that. Needs to be nerfed.
-Uses the Bow; honestly? Do I have to explain this? 2 hits to the body, a ridiculous rate of fire, and no reload basically. I refuse to use (heh) this weapon. Honestly takes no skill, and the fact that you don't show up on radar paired with the fact the thing makes near no noise when I have my headphones on full blast is ridiculous. Needs to be nerfed.
-Throws Molotovs. Honestly fuck these things. It's really just pathetic when someone camps in the back of the map behind a wall and waits for me to get close enough for them to kill me with one. Way overpowered, and should not be insta-kill. Takes the skill out of the game and pretty much breaks it, especially when you can carry multiple. Needs to be nerfed.
Okay, I understand that Naughty Dog needs this stuff in the game to celebrate the casual gamer or people who really don't have the skills to use anything else. I just really wanted some skill based MP, but these things ruin it for me. Hopefully ND sorts this stuff out fast.
Edit/TL;DR Rant over. I missed skill based games.
Joke post? No point ever complaining how people play a multiplayer game. Just outplay them.
Fuck anyone that...
-Buys the Enforcer; because they damn well can't use the stock guns. How can the accuracy, recoil, and rate of fire be so good? Really unfair, even though it's a low price; it's pathetic of Naughty Dog to do that. Needs to be nerfed.
-Uses the Bow; honestly? Do I have to explain this? 2 hits to the body, a ridiculous rate of fire, and no reload basically. I refuse to use (heh) this weapon. Honestly takes no skill, and the fact that you don't show up on radar paired with the fact the thing makes near no noise when I have my headphones on full blast is ridiculous. Needs to be nerfed.
-Throws Molotovs. Honestly fuck these things. It's really just pathetic when someone camps in the back of the map behind a wall and waits for me to get close enough for them to kill me with one. Way overpowered, and should not be insta-kill. Takes the skill out of the game and pretty much breaks it, especially when you can carry multiple. Needs to be nerfed.
Okay, I understand that Naughty Dog needs this stuff in the game to celebrate the casual gamer or people who really don't have the skills to use anything else. I just really wanted some skill based MP, but these things ruin it for me. Hopefully ND sorts this stuff out fast.
Edit/TL;DR Rant over. I missed skill based games.
I've started using the shorty in mp and man does it do work against armor. One shot takes away armor and another downs them.
Fuck anyone that...
-Buys the Enforcer; because they damn well can't use the stock guns. How can the accuracy, recoil, and rate of fire be so good? Really unfair, even though it's a low price; it's pathetic of Naughty Dog to do that. Needs to be nerfed.
-Uses the Bow; honestly? Do I have to explain this? 2 hits to the body, a ridiculous rate of fire, and no reload basically. I refuse to use (heh) this weapon. Honestly takes no skill, and the fact that you don't show up on radar paired with the fact the thing makes near no noise when I have my headphones on full blast is ridiculous. Needs to be nerfed.
-Throws Molotovs. Honestly fuck these things. It's really just pathetic when someone camps in the back of the map behind a wall and waits for me to get close enough for them to kill me with one. Way overpowered, and should not be insta-kill. Takes the skill out of the game and pretty much breaks it, especially when you can carry multiple. Needs to be nerfed.
Okay, I understand that Naughty Dog needs this stuff in the game to celebrate the casual gamer or people who really don't have the skills to use anything else. I just really wanted some skill based MP, but these things ruin it for me. Hopefully ND sorts this stuff out fast.
Edit/TL;DR Rant over. I missed skill based games.
Edit 2: Add new Gamemode for people who actually want to play without handicaps