I see a decent amount of people using them, but the in-game chat kind of sucks. It breaks up a lot, and the party chat is way better.
Ahhh... FUCK this shit. I just had the most useless team of randoms I've ever encountered. Fun = 0. Rage = 100. Sometimes I really hate playing this..
yeah the game really isn't all that fun unless you're in a full 4 person party
yeah, there's a definite pull on the crosshairs - I just assumed it wouldn't be as strong as in SPI've never experience any aim assist in TLOU MP.
Just have to beat the Firefly campaign and I'll have my platinum! I haven't played interrogation yet, what is it?
What's your tag? I just got on!We need 2 more! Join us.
Ahhh... FUCK this shit. I just had the most useless team of randoms I've ever encountered. Fun = 0. Rage = 100. Sometimes I really hate playing this..
Anyone got a party going and need another? PSN: ScareGoat
or should i say shawwwttyy
actually i think i got my final, preferred loadouts:
shorty or (revolver)
hawkguy 3
first aid 2
covert 2
(pistol auto zoom 1)
i initiially rolled reviver 2 instead of covert 2 but even as a support class the utility just isn't there
This right here. The amigo that I play most of the time with, and I, are very communicative -- calling out enemies, planning routes and such -- yet we stick to party chat. We feel guilty about it, but every time we've attempted the open chat it's been a choppy mess.
Does ingame chat stop you talking when you're dead? If so then party chat could be a little OP if you're guiding from beyond the grave![]()
Pretty new to the MP. Having fun though. Just got the captains hat which I wanted. Wtf is the deal with the 'Enforcer'. The only way to get it is to buy it?
You can try out the enforcer in one of the preset loadouts.
Thanks. So the only way to have it without paying for it is in a preset load out? Bit annoying but better than nothing
How come when you respawn you have your secondary weapon equipped instead of your primary? Kinda annoying to have to switch everytime.
So GAF, I've played about 6 matches so far and I'm really bad at the MP. Won about half but the wins had nothing to do with me. I'm not really getting many parts at the end of each match, <1000, and I don't know how to earn more like the other players.
I've been throwing everything I've got at the enemy and they just aren't going down. I just finished a match where I thought to play at a distance and could have sworn I have had about 4-5 kills... I looked at the stats and i had 0. Revolver head shots don't down an enemy apparently. Reversely, 2 shots to the torso with an assault rifle seems to down me. I've had people run through my bombs and molotovs and not go down. The only time I seem to successfully kill is with melee.
I don't know how leveling works, I'm still at 0 (if that is indeed the level number) and everyone I match with is anywhere between 10-40. Maybe they have perks etc where I haven't unlocked anything yet.
Two games ago some guy on my team was yelling at me for following him, so i suppose a decent team makes a big difference.