I just played a match of Interrogation that was so excellent and close I almost want to retire forever for fear of spoiling it.
The loadout I've been running with:
Burst Rifle
Brawler 1
First-Aid Training 2
Covert Training 2
Explosion Expert 1
I've considered dumping Explosion Expert in favor of Covert Training 3 but I dunno how useful that would be without silenced weapons.
Actually, Covert 3 is -very- useful for front-line combat. If you're marked by Hawk-eyed 2, your opponent can read all of your actions and movements even when you're behind a wall, making killing them a lot harder than normal. Normally cautious enemies will also beeline if they know your exact location and know you're facing the wrong way, turning bad situations to worse situations quickly.
For extra fun, try diving into cover and pulling out a Shotgun while using Covert 3. Rushers will hate you when they can't see the Shotgun until they're staring down the barrel. Also a great weapon when your cover's blown and you need to kill people quick and get the hell out of there. If you're aiming for a Shiv kill, you should be trying to get close anyway. May as well make the most out of when things go south.
But does it come with The Gif?
Are any of the DLC skills 'must haves'? I'm enjoying the MP and wondering if any of the skills are decent enough to maybe pick up a bundle with them. Also the four weapons, does buying them allow you to use them as your main weapon on your loadouts or are they purchasables?
Enforcer is a cool hybrid of the Pistol and Revolver. High accuracy, high firing rate, little recoil, 4 shots to down, only 1 loadout point. Prefer the feel of the Revolver though which happens to be free.
Double Barrel is if you want the Shorty but don't want to drop your Pistol/Revolver or if you simply need some extra firepower but can't afford a 3-point purchasable.
Specter, eh, not much experience with that. I'm a maniac so I'd be okay with the Assault Rifle.

Not much experience with the Launcher either, sadly.
Of the four weapons, only the Enforcer is -not- a purchasable.
Edit: Whoops, didn't see the DLC
skills part.
Agility 2 is great on a few maps. Damage Marker is eh if you're used to marking normally. Fortitude 2 has its uses. In one match, I shot a guy twice to finish and had to run as his ally was coming, not realizing I needed three to finish until I ran. When I ran back, it turned out his friend had Reviver 3 and suddenly I had two guns pointed at me. Didn't end so well. Personally though, I'd recommend trying not to go down in the first place. Scavenger has its uses in Supply Raid and Interrogation. Gunslinger is eh. Better off getting a second weapon. Bomb Expert is pretty good. Executioner is good for early-match part boosting, though you should switch loadouts mid-match to maintain effectiveness once you've got your weapons upgraded.