So let's say if I got all the stat boost items in town, saved, then reloaded to replenish the stat boosts, I could theoretically max out my stats before I consider levelling up a little bit and stuff? Granted, it'd take forever, but you know what I mean.
How's the story for this game? Does it have any or is it pretty much a dungeon crawler with a very light plot. (If it's actually story driven, is it more like standard JRPG fair or does it have some actually interesting or even ambitious stuff going on?)
So let's say if I got all the stat boost items in town, saved, then reloaded to replenish the stat boosts, I could theoretically max out my stats before I consider levelling up a little bit and stuff? Granted, it'd take forever, but you know what I mean.
How's the story for this game? Does it have any or is it pretty much a dungeon crawler with a very light plot. (If it's actually story driven, is it more like standard JRPG fair or does it have some actually interesting or even ambitious stuff going on?)
Story is pretty standard JRPG fare... I liked it but it's not anything amazing. I'd say what's ambitous is how your party is constantly talking amongst itself during the game, almost like a FPS campaign. I think the characterization of your party is pretty good because of all that dialogue.
How's the story for this game? Does it have any or is it pretty much a dungeon crawler with a very light plot. (If it's actually story driven, is it more like standard JRPG fair or does it have some actually interesting or even ambitious stuff going on?)
I'm still waiting to finish Xenoblade after logging in 160+ hours and regret leaving that game for so long and forgetting where I left off sidequests-wise. See ya in 2013, The Last Story!
I think the pacing is kinda alright. Someone brought up FF13 before, and I kinda see where they're getting that. The game is pretty story-driven, but I feel like it has better buildup and tension release (ie: do dungeons, come back to town and do sidequests that aren't always fetch quests), and the characters have better personalities to boot (which is enhanced by the party chat during battle/dungeoning).
Ended up quitting the game a few hours in. Not because it was bad or anything - it was getting to be pretty great. But with law school coming up in a week or so, I gotta adjust. So I'll probably restart the game in a couple of weeks. But it was pretty rad from what I'd played, which is more than I can say about just about any RPG released today... handheld or otherwise.
I really like some of the oddball things this game does, like the random items in chests, the party stat boosting items, picking up junk in the city, even the summon circles as sort of a janky solution for giving you the option to fight extra battles in the scripted dungeons sequences. All of it is rather endearing to me.
The soundtrack is really not very Uematsu sounding at all, I take it he purposefully was going for a different direction given the game's Western inspirations. I was thinking of having him sign my game later in the year, but I might just stick to Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, unless I can somehow sneak in a third.
I had a bit of lag by times, and I was only at the beginning, I'll play a lot more tonight and my guess is that things will get bad when I'll reach the town, we'll see. For what I played yesterday though, it was awesome!
Maybe it won't be as bad as when I tried it during the PAL version's launch.
I really like some of the oddball things this game does, like the random items in chests, the party stat boosting items, picking up junk in the city, even the summon circles as sort of a janky solution for giving you the option to fight extra battles in the scripted dungeons sequences. All of it is rather endearing to me.
It's really the little things that are adding up in some enjoyment.
I don't have a real opinion of the soundtrack in-game yet. I've heard it prior to playing the game, and preferred Sakura Note and Lord of Vermillion more.
You need to set your EFB on RAM and check 'cache' instead of texture. Fix'd pretty much everything for me. I'm running it 1080p no AA (I can add AA habitually but this one seems like its still fragile to mess with.).
The game is pretty smooth for the moment, but I'm having constant stutters during flashbacks, no ideas why these happens...but as long as the gameplay is fine I'm ok with this. Dolphin is always getting better anyway.
How's the story for this game? Does it have any or is it pretty much a dungeon crawler with a very light plot. (If it's actually story driven, is it more like standard JRPG fair or does it have some actually interesting or even ambitious stuff going on?)
wants to be a knight, has a tragic past, and gained a mysterious power from a mysterious temple.
is a princess who is soon to be married to a man she doesn't love, so she longs to escape the castle and see the world.
The "main villain"
Is Ganondorf Dragmire, King of the Gerudo and Lord of the Sith.
Despite this, the cast is endearing. Yurick is a snot-nosed brat (I think so because he keeps berating me and whining about how I'm wasting time when HE was the one who stayed at the inn all night while I was out working.) Mirania looks like she should be the Team Lulu, but she's always talking about food. Lowell is Edgar and Setzer's apprentice, womanizing, but with a level head. Dagran is the Kain, and if anybody on the team is going to betray me, it's BOUND to be him. And Syrenne is the best character in the game because of the scene before you go into the Arena for the first time.
So, while much of it is very much the stuff you'd expect to find in an old Final Fantasy, that doesn't mean it's bad. The cast is endearing, the story has its fair share of mysteries, the combat is fun, the endless fashion show is enjoyable, upgrading is simple to do and easy to understand.
It's a very solid, straightforward AJRPG experience, and thus far, I really am loving it. My favorite characters have to be Syrenne, Lowell, and Mirania. They're absolutely hilarious.
"Zael, if you see a beautiful woman, you have to flirt with her. It's rude not to."
"Does that mean you've even flirted with Mirania?"
"Of course."
"What about Syrenne?"
"Well, Zael, I'm not into men."
You need to set your EFB on RAM and check 'cache' instead of texture. Fix'd pretty much everything for me. I'm running it 1080p no AA (I can add AA habitually but this one seems like its still fragile to mess with.).
The game is pretty smooth for the moment, but I'm having constant stutters during flashbacks, no ideas why these happens...but as long as the gameplay is fine I'm ok with this. Dolphin is always getting better anyway.
GOOD. Yurick is a punk. He's all "Zael, we don't have time for you to waste on super hot dates!"
And I'm all "Oh yeah? It's funny you should mention work. Where were you last night?"
You mean that blur when people are too close to the camera? If yes I think there's nothing to go around it, since its the game's engine that works like that.
FYI: I use DX9 for this one, DX11 cause me some graphical glitches. After many tests, the best way I found to attenuate the blur is to play the game at 4x native resolution, runs good for me and its even more beautiful...fuck.
I think the pacing is kinda alright. Someone brought up FF13 before, and I kinda see where they're getting that. The game is pretty story-driven, but I feel like it has better buildup and tension release (ie: do dungeons, come back to town and do sidequests that aren't always fetch quests), and the characters have better personalities to boot (which is enhanced by the party chat during battle/dungeoning).
Yeah, the game is pretty darn easy so far. Kinda stopped using the summon circles, lol. What's the cap on them, btw?
I don't believe there's a cap on those summon circles. I think you can continue fighting enemies until the end of time! I actually had to use them towards the end of the game because some of the bosses are a bit difficult near the end, or at least I thought they were.
It surprises me at how bland the music is in this game, given the composer. Most of the time, you can barely hear it. It's like Uematsu was ordered to write stuff that's as unobtrusive and generic as possible. The battle music sounds like the worst aspects of today's blockbuster film scores.
The death match you can play as all the characters from both sides good and bad, but from what I see all of those are meet pretty early in the game, I dont know if any new ones are added as u get further in the game.
The Co-Op you only play as the main team
Now the co-op you fight bosses so that could be the only spoilers
Death match is def arena levels so its not a big deal.
I swear, these boss fights are like, so good at making me rage. EVERY fight it's just all, "If you don't do this one poorly explained mechanic, the fight will be a constant struggle as your team mates continue to repeat the same stupid clue ad nauseum!"
Like, my family was yammering so I didn't hear about using Gale in the spider fight. OH HO HO TOO BAD. Freaking tiny spiders mobbed Zael and I damn near broke the analog stick on my classic controller because every time I got one off of me another got me.
I love this game, but MAN do I hate it's boss fights so far.
I swear, these boss fights are like, so good at making me rage. EVERY fight it's just all, "If you don't do this one poorly explained mechanic, the fight will be a constant struggle as your team mates continue to repeat the same stupid clue ad nauseum!"
Like, my family was yammering so I didn't hear about using Gale in the spider fight. OH HO HO TOO BAD. Freaking tiny spiders mobbed Zael and I damn near broke the analog stick on my classic controller because every time I got one off of me another got me.
I love this game, but MAN do I hate it's boss fights so far.
The boss fights are interesting and you have to pay attention to the tutorials about what the abilities do. That particular fight I found somewhat easy once I started exploiting the magic circles on the ground. You can trigger multiple ones at the same time. There is one in particular that causes you to not take any damage during certain attacks. Though you have to be somewhat quick and time your attacks right.
Classic controller Pro feels pretty good to me. I haven't tried it with the nunchuk but the tutorials make it seem like it'd be decent to use as well if you don't have the classic pro.
the only thing that matters in this game equipment wise is the weapon. you should always upgrade it, and never sell them. (at least ones you can upgrade above 300 attack)
I don't think so. The guy in the tavern tells you that upgrading weapons is the most important thing. I like to upgrade armor just for the visual changes.
Enjoyed it... but where as Xenoblade occupied me for an entire month, this managed to keep me entertained for merely a week. But then again, Xenoblade > space-time continuum. Character models look great, combat was entertaining, but the story and setting really let me down (for a game with such a name).
I don't think so. The guy in the tavern tells you that upgrading weapons is the most important thing. I like to upgrade armor just for the visual changes.
I will try again:
There is no "better" controll option.
Wiimote+Nunchuck or ccpro, doesn't matter which one you choose, they are both the same in terms of functionality. there aren't any motion controlls, so you aren't missing/avoiding anything by choosing either.
I can't comment on the ccpro controlls, because I've beaten the game with mote+nunchuck. thats all I meant to say.
So I had to order a new sensor bar since my kittens decided that the cord of my old one was their new favorite toy :/
But it's here now YAY! Got my coffee ready, the Wii all set up and the day off to devote to the game.
EDIT: I really, really wish I had a PC that could run Dolphin. This game would look so beautiful on there. I am enjoying what I've played so far, characters in particular are very likeable.
I tried both but ultimately, the battles didn't feel that much different to me, other than I was just wearing my thumb out with manual. Either way, you just rush into the mob without much strategy. I decided to stick with normal.
I don't believe there's a cap on those summon circles. I think you can continue fighting enemies until the end of time! I actually had to use them towards the end of the game because some of the bosses are a bit difficult near the end, or at least I thought they were.
The boss fights are interesting and you have to pay attention to the tutorials about what the abilities do. That particular fight I found somewhat easy once I started exploiting the magic circles on the ground. You can trigger multiple ones at the same time. There is one in particular that causes you to not take any damage during certain attacks. Though you have to be somewhat quick and time your attacks right.
It doesn't help that there is no tutorial on "how to diffuse spells" there's one for Gale, but if you don't know you need Gale to diffuse spells, you stare at the Diffuse tutorials in frustration as your party members shout "DIFFUSE MAGIC" forever. Meanwhile, opening the manual solves the problem instantly by having a box which reads: HOW TO DIFFUSE SPELLS.
What's the point of having tutorials every twenty steps if they're so poorly labeled that when I need to reread them I can't find what I want?
Anyway, I'm off the one island on to the other, and I think I like the Stealth Armor the most so far. It's sleek. I just can't decide which combination of Red/Black/White I want on Zael.
Yeah, I usually go for full manual like in Tales of games.
Just using the Auto for a bit, I came upon a situation where I was trying to move behind boxes but Zael kept on trying to hit the enemies on the other side. So I'm probably going to go back to manual real soon. To avoid things like that.
I do like the different animations you get with auto attacks but I'd rather not die because Zael wants to smack a guy who's in front of him instead of running past him.