I just finished chapter 7 and have started spending some time in the battle arena to level up. This game is beautiful. In all ways. I adore the music, love the characters, am impressed by the dialogue and voice work, am awed by the main hub city, and I'm enjoying the story a fair bit. Everything feels like love has been poured into it. I'm really looking forward to just exploring more and being charmed by the story progression.
This is a wonderful and immersive game.
Yeah, there's nothing quite like it on the Wii.
It seems pretty different to other JRPG's in general as well.
Is everyone on GAF done with this game already?
I just finished chapter 19 and am finally back on Lazulis Island.Thankfully, the combat has become a little more challenging, and I'm still having tons of fun with this adventure. I think I'm probably going to spend the next one or two hours of gameplay just going around the city again and exploring to finish some side quests.I loved how they swerved the player and didn't succeed in a prison break. All of the major players also seem to have been revealed, and I'm really enjoying the progression of the story even if I think I might know where it's headed. And OMG Jirall is such an annoying ponce.I do wish the game had a quest log, though!
Well, I mostly mean the fetch stuff like catching frogs, saving a cat, and finding coins.There's also something about selling stuff in the market that I'm not sure of yet.
Doesn't the fortune teller tell you where the frogs are?
Reading through some of the comments...
if you're playing in AUTO mode you're doing it so wrong. Would this game even be enjoyable for anyone in AUTO mode? I dunno, it's completely stupid. Manual should be the default for those playing this game. I feel bad for anyone who plays AUTO.
Anyways yeah one of my top favorite JRPGs, maybe like number 5 or something. I really enjoyed it.
I'm sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread..
amazon has the game now at $30, but I would like to have the artbook of the game, will that version come with the artbook? if not, is there still one of those around?
now that pandora's tower has been announced I want to have all three
I'm sorry if I'm asking this in the wrong thread..
amazon has the game now at $30, but I would like to have the artbook of the game, will that version come with the artbook? if not, is there still one of those around?
now that pandora's tower has been announced I want to have all three
The last stretch of the game is incredible. I lovedThis game gets characterization RIGHT. Mm-mm.when the characters were split up and had to fight in three separate forces, and then they met back up together. All the talk of friendship was really effective.
The last stretch of the game is incredible. I lovedThis game gets characterization RIGHT. Mm-mm.when the characters were split up and had to fight in three separate forces, and then they met back up together. All the talk of friendship was really effective.
And how cool did Lord Therius end up being? So cool.
I'm currently there, and this part just plainly sucks.On the second Lowell/Syrenne part I keep getting one-hitted by 10 enemies at once, while I'm told to escape but can't. And while the game saves at every opportunity (which is a good thing), nooo not here. You gonna repeat the 10 minutes before that over and over again.
I honestly don't get why this game gets so much praise. The difficulty is not balanced, the pacing between the chapters is messed up and optional yet important missables are usually a no-go for me. And in the last chapters the game just throws bosses at you without actually explaining who they are and why they are trying to kill the party.
Finally beat it (23 hours). I tried one of the Epilouge chapters but gave up at another frustrating boss battle. Really disappointing after seeing how polished a RPG can be with Xenoblade. And I don't even mean the linearity, TLS is an ARPG and I'm fine with that. The battle system is ok, but has way too few abilities to select from. The AI is mediocre and keeps standing behind pillars and shooting magic against them, and the music, while from Uematsu, is basically non-existent apart from the constantly remixed title theme and a few good battle themes.
Hope you guys did some of the epilogue chapters likeandDuel with Therius.Zael and Calista's Wedding
Thought it was pretty nice that there was still stuff to do even after the big bad was defeated. In a way it was relaxing since the character's major struggles were over.
I've been spending more time in the Arena early on in the game, as well as doing the various side quests in Lazulis City. Can we talk about how great quick map travel is? Really smart choice by the developers. Many games would benefit from this.
but can we really call it quick travel? it's not like you could run to whereever you want to go anyway... In that regard we'd have to call every stage in a mario game also quicktravel and so on...
It certainly is nice to have but TLS is a compact game overall, if it wasn't in there, I wouldn't miss it as much as say in larger rpgs like XB where it really is essential. In TLS it's just nice to have.
What were some cool random things you guys found or liked in Lazulis City? Here's a list of mine:
-getting a job as a sales assistant in the market and watching Zael's excited animation
-knocking over baskets of fruit and tripping over them again and again
-z-targeting NPCs and having some of them give me loot!
-chase scenes with cats and criminals
-growing pumpkins
This game has a loooot of neat little touches that I really hope people take the time to discover.
I'm currently there, and this part just plainly sucks.On the second Lowell/Syrenne part I keep getting one-hitted by 10 enemies at once, while I'm told to escape but can't. And while the game saves at every opportunity (which is a good thing), nooo not here. You gonna repeat the 10 minutes before that over and over again.
I still get lost in some of the narrower sections of the city, so I'm grateful for map travel.
Just beat chapters 14 and 15 again.Now making the first assault on the Gurak base.
I'm having tons of fun with manual battles the second time around and with taking advantage of every summon circle I can. Currently at level 20, although it's weird that my teammates are asking to be ordered around when I haven't acquired the command skill yet.
I really wonderwhen Dagran betrayed the crew. He WAS the first person Zael saw when he woke up from his first encounter with Zangurak in the castle.
There are a few story points that slightly irk me. Namely, what's up with that white tiger?!
Pretty sure it wasthe guardian of the island or something. Its role in the story is painfully small and easy to miss. Especially considering it is on the boxart.
Oh fuck me. Out of Xenoblade hype (getting it this weekend finally) I tried to play this again and I did the "Trials" but after I fought the, Zael sits in a chair, and you're supposed to press A. Or at least that's what it was last time. The same thing happened right before Imonster after you are poisonedand he'd just sit. I can't press home, and I can't get up. I put it down for like a month last time and came back and pressed A and it worked there. Now I have the same problem. Greeaaaat.activated the island or whatever
Are you talking about just having to push up on the control stick to get Zael to stand up?