The Awesomest
Oh yeah, what controllers can we use for this game?
First print editions comes with an artbook and special packaging.
Also of note, Amazon's page for TLS now lists it as shipping in 2-3 weeks ._.
EDIT: Wow, Gamestop doesn't even have a release date anymore. Did this get pushed AGAIN?
I would say so too; one of the first things I didI also recommend people turn on manual attacking. The auto attack can get really annoying later in the game if you're trying to get to a specific enemy, and you keep snapping to enemies in your area.
So I just dropped by GameStop to see if they had any in, and (surprise surprise) they didn't. He said they should get some in this week, but he also showed me that there wasn't a street date listed for it in the system (as in there was nothing where it should say S/D: MM/DD/YYYY).
He was awesome enough to give me the soundtrack for going through the trouble though![]()
So GameStop Preorder comes with the artbook, or Amazon? Because I preordered from GameStop. I don't care if they're NOT offering anything, but if they are, I wanna be prepared to pick that up, too, while I'm there.
I figured my Amazon order would have shipped by now. I'm starting to get the feeling that we're in for another delay.
What do you guys think? Budget is pretty tight right now but I don't want to miss out. Should I pick this up now or will I be able to drive down to Best Buy or Fry's in January and grab it at my leisure?
edit - grammer
What do you guys think? Budget is pretty tight right now but I don't want to miss out. Should I pick this up now or will I be able to drive down to Best Buy or Fry's in January and grab it at my leisure?
edit - grammer
IGN: Do you anticipate a limited run for the game? If demand is present, will you consider manufacturing another run of the game?
Berry: Yes, we do anticipate a limited run for the game as we already have a number in mind of how many units we can expect to sell of this title, and all our pre-production efforts will be geared towards being able to manufacture a final number somewhat close to our initial estimated number. It's too early to start thinking of doing additional runs, but as a general policy we haven't been very active on doing reprints of our other titles so far.
GameStop said it will be in Thursday.
Haven't read the review, but story is cliched and camera can be bad, though control is good; however, overall it is a game quite better than sum of its parts, any score below 7 is caused by a bad review; depending on personal and subjective expectations, it's something like 7-9GameInformer gave this a 6/10 or something. I said "god damn" but I finished taking a shit before I finished reading the review. Said something about cliche story and bad camera and controls.
I will still give it a shot of course.
Destructoid Review - 4/10
In trying to get Nintendo to release The Last Story in North America, I count myself among the most vocal of petitioners. As a fan of Mistalker's work and a lover of Lost Odyssey, I considered it the perfect swan song for the Wii, the kind of game that could embody everything good about the Wii (and there was plenty of good) one last time. When Nintendo refused to release it, I was among the angry and the riotous.
So, what do you do when XSEED does what you wanted Nintendo to do ... but it turns out that what you wanted wasn't very good? Those who never cared will most certainly jump into the fray to laugh, because if there's one thing the gamer community loves, it's schadenfreude. Others will gladly spin it into a moral about being careful what you wish for. In any case, egg will be introduced to one's face.
To very vocally demand something, only to review it negatively when it comes out, is a tricky matter regardless of who turns up to crow -- a matter that involves putting pride on the line and preparing to deal with a torrent of smugness. However, the honest reviewer must bite the bullet and face the tormenting crowd with gritted teeth.
In the case of The Last Story, I can only admit that, yes, this is what I asked for ... and no, I don't want it.
The Last Story introduces a real-time combat system that, while noble in its intent to shake up the genre, is so poorly implemented that it actively ruins any fun that could be had in the game. It attempts to blend various elements from action, MMO, and strategy games, but by adding so many ingredients to the mix, the end result is unchecked chaos.
Compounding the disorderly ruckus is the fact that so few controls are relied upon to perform multiple tasks. Zael both walks and attacks using the analog stick. He uses cover, dodges attacks, and performs special moves using the same button. He vaults over cover and guards using another button. This leads to each fight frequently become a direct battle between the game and the player, as one carefully edges around enemies to avoid hitting them, or tries to dodge an incoming blow but ends up crouched next to a small wall that was too close. Zael will dodge instead of pulling off a special move because the player didn't come to a dead stop before holding down the dodge button, and good luck trying to distinguish which walls can he can run up and which ones he can't. Then there's the crossbow, which is essential in some areas but is slow to use and leaves Zael wide open to attack.
Just in case you're still confused as to what the issue may be, let me repeat for clarity -- Zael walks and attacks using the same analog stick.
Pretty much completely disagree with Sterling's review, I really liked the game and the combat is extremely enjoyable. Not the first time I've disagreed with a Sterling review though, and it certainly won't be the last.![]()
I did 30 offline and 30 online hours of this when I was in Japan. I plan to do it again for this U.S. release. Awesome game. Can't wait to get my copy!
Oh man, I almost clicked the review, too. I can't take anything he says seriously. The man must be terrible at videogames, or something.Jim Sterling review = LOL
Sterling has serious trouble figuring out how to actually control games, or investigate in-game configuration.
Can't find this game anywhere. Checked GameStop, Walmart, Best Buy, Fry's and even Toys R Us. Does ANYONE in the freakin U.S. have this game yet lol?
What he is saying is bullshit, plain and simple; nothing is wrong with the controls when you turn off the auto-attack.Sterling mostly complains about the controls, and how a lot of things are mapped to only a few buttons. Would using a classic controller change this?
And Kid Icarus.I suspected Sterling may have been off his rocker. He seemed to have screwed up other reviews in the past too, like Vanquish.
Destructoid Review - 4/10
In trying to get Nintendo to release The Last Story in North America, I count myself among the most vocal of petitioners. As a fan of Mistalker's work and a lover of Lost Odyssey, I considered it the perfect swan song for the Wii, the kind of game that could embody everything good about the Wii (and there was plenty of good) one last time. When Nintendo refused to release it, I was among the angry and the riotous.
So, what do you do when XSEED does what you wanted Nintendo to do ... but it turns out that what you wanted wasn't very good? Those who never cared will most certainly jump into the fray to laugh, because if there's one thing the gamer community loves, it's schadenfreude. Others will gladly spin it into a moral about being careful what you wish for. In any case, egg will be introduced to one's face.
To very vocally demand something, only to review it negatively when it comes out, is a tricky matter regardless of who turns up to crow -- a matter that involves putting pride on the line and preparing to deal with a torrent of smugness. However, the honest reviewer must bite the bullet and face the tormenting crowd with gritted teeth.
In the case of The Last Story, I can only admit that, yes, this is what I asked for ... and no, I don't want it.
Constant framerate issues. There is pretty much no instant in the game where the game has a stable framerate.Guys this game is one of the best games I ever played. The reviewers a complaining about some weird issues. I liked the voice acting, the story, the battle system is possible the best JRPG batltle system yet. There were some occasional framerate issues, but it doesnt ruin the enjoyment.