Danny Dudekisser
I paid good money for this Dynex!
Gamestop dude said "yo breh, we'll have the game on Frideh." I was like "Shuaaa?" He was like "YEA."
The same cannot be said for pigs.
Many thanks for those quick answers H.Protagonist, that very nice of you!
Can't wait to get the game myself.
my amazon statement says Delivery Estimate: Friday August 17, 2012
edit: @ H.Protagonist: tell xSeed people that i said thanks for giving us this game![]()
She is XSEED people!
To be honest, I can better relate with a 4/10 review than with a 9/10 one. Last Story is a decent game, very flawed but fun. A solid 7/10 in my book. I can understand why someone would give at an 8, but there are so damn many flaws in the game that anything above that is rather ridiculous.
Called my reservation store and got the same response; August 17th. Better late than never though.Gamestop dude said "yo breh, we'll have the game on Frideh." I was like "Shuaaa?" He was like "YEA."
The frustration is understandable, but we really do appreciate everyone's patience/support of the title. People have had some choice words for me over twitter/FB (-_-) and I just want to assure as many as I can that we're not, in fact, doing this to ruin lives and kill puppies.
As for my role at XSEED, I'm the Senior Editor. I handle the text in the games (in addition to our translator, Wyrdwad, who posts here sometimes). I also moonlight as the community manager on top of that, so I run the twitter/FB, write blogs and do interviews, etc. My role on TLS was very minor, though, as the localization was already done. I had input on packaging/marketing stuff for it, but that's about it.
If you think The Last Story has a better OST than Xenoblade, you are out of your mind. I'm not even a huge Mitsuda/Shimomura mark (if anything, I like Uematsu more) but there is seriously more well-written and memorable music in the first 2-3 hours of Xenoblade than there is in the entirety of The Last Story.
Cool to hear about your role at XSEED. Any chance of you guys doing the same work on Pandora's Tower? Is The Last Story an XSEED test game for Wii owners?![]()
Berry told me they have no plans to pursue games like Pandora's Tower[...]
I just thought of a work around for the cutscenes. I think the system will pause the game if you remove your nunchuk or classic controller from the remote.
ACE+ played a bigger role in the OST than either of them (and Mitsuda only did the vocal theme). And they did an amazing job.
I'm hoping for the best from Last Story's OST but now I'm kind of concerned.
Yeah that's what is so crazy. I think Shimomura was responsible for some of the more ambient pieces but ACE+ crushed a lot of the OST. I was really impressed. Xenoblade has some of my favorite battle themes ALL IN ONE GAME. Can't remember the last jRPG I played that achieved that.
That being said (as this is a TLS thread), The Last Story does have some great tracks. I hope no one thinks I hated the entire soundtrack.![]()
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but there's no way to play this via dolphin if I don't have a wii, right?
If anyone has the ability to cancel their preorders, Deep Discount has it for $30. The only thing is that the game won't ship for the 5-10 days. I'm in no hurry so I went ahead and ordered it from there. http://www.deepdiscount.com/video_game/WII-LAST-STORY
Thanks to CAG for the tip!
Not sure.
If anyone has the ability to cancel their preorders, Deep Discount has it for $30. The only thing is that the game won't ship for the 5-10 days. I'm in no hurry so I went ahead and ordered it from there. http://www.deepdiscount.com/video_game/WII-LAST-STORY
Thanks to CAG for the tip!
That's awesome. I'm assuming that it comes with all the pre-order stuff?
it seems they don't have the artwork and CD so I'll keep waiting for amazon to ship the game =/If anyone has the ability to cancel their preorders, Deep Discount has it for $30. The only thing is that the game won't ship for the 5-10 days. I'm in no hurry so I went ahead and ordered it from there. http://www.deepdiscount.com/video_game/WII-LAST-STORY
Thanks to CAG for the tip!
it seems they don't have the artwork and CD so I'll keep waiting for amazon to ship the game =/
Hope I don't get screwed in doing this. Cancelled on Amazon, ordered from here.
Amazon went ahead and bumped my order to overnight shipping free of charge due to the delay. They'll do it for anyone who calls and complains I'm sure. <3 Amazon so much. They always help you if they mess up.
My copy just shipped from Amazon. Expected to arrive Friday. I've been in a complete media blackout with this game, really looking forward to it.
Just wanted to chime in and say that my order from Amazon has changed to "Shipping Soon", so don't lose hope just yet, fellow Amazon buyers.
Mind if I ask when you guys preordered? Mine still doesn't hasn't shipped and it makes me a sad panda.
Shocked at the negative reception. The Last Story is one of the best RPGs I've played in years.
I preordered from Amazon in March and it's still "not yet shipped". Still scheduled for the 17th though...
I just got home from work a couple of hours ago and it finally says Shipping Soon (meaning today)...
I preordered July 29.......... :3
So much for first come first serve basis haha. I preordered near the end of June and mine still says Not Yet Shipped as well. Just was wondering if there might have been some rhyme or reason to who got a copy shipped and who hasn't yet, but evidently it's not based on first come first serve.
Also, nice to see some Positivity for the Gooch. Glad to see at least a few journalists are seeing something good within.
Preordered July 15th.Mind if I ask when you guys preordered? Mine still doesn't hasn't shipped and it makes me a sad panda.
Mind if I ask when you guys preordered? Mine still doesn't hasn't shipped and it makes me a sad panda.