Gunstar Ikari
Unconfirmed Member

- Title: The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2: The Price of Desire (Majin Shoujo Episode 2 -Negai e no Daika-)
- Platform: Nintendo 3DS eShop
- Genre: 2D Action Platformer
- Developer: Inside System
- Publisher: Flyhigh Works (Japan) | CIRCLE Entertainment (North America and Europe)
- Release Date: November 4, 2015 (Japan) | December 17, 2015 (North America) | February 11, 2016 (Europe)
- Price: 800 yen (Japan) | $6.99 (North America) | TBD (Europe)
- Official Website (Japanese)
- English Trailer

Zizou Olympia is back! In this sequel to the original Legend of Dark Witch, Zizou investigates the actions of the nation known as Germa. Germa intends to declare war on neighboring country Liana, and has sent a team of elite researchers called "Ich" to infiltrate the nation. More platforming action, wacky enemies, and awesome powers await!

The game has many similarities to the Mega Man series: select from eight bosses, shoot everything in sight, take down the boss and earn their Technical Skill! However, the Enforcement Slot meter adds a new dimension to the game. This gauge increases when you collect the Tres that is released when enemies are defeated and can be redeemed for powerups. Be careful, though! Taking a hit will decrease the Enforcement Gauge, and losing a life will cause you to forfeit all of your enhancements!
The Tres that you collect, in addition to raising the Enforcement Slot gauge, also serve as currency that the player can use to give their character more permanent stat boosts. Also, be on the lookout any strangely-placed platforms; invisible Pura Syega gems might be hiding there!

- Revenge Magic: As you take damage, the gauge next to the lifebar fills. Once it has enough energy, press the Revenge button to unleash an ultra attack!
- Capacity Meter: In the first game, using a Technical Skill took some energy out of the Enforcement Gauge. Episode 2 has changed that. Now, Technical Skills (and normal shots from that matter) reduce the fast-recharging Capacity Meter. Don't get caught in a jam without enough Capacity!
- Expanded Customization: In addition to the normal status-raising shop (known as the Growpart menu in the first game), players can now customize their Enforcement Gauge! Papelne (you might remember her!) presents the options to the player, who can then use their Tres and Pura Syega to upgrade their Gauge and add new options. Due to this, some changes have been made to the Pura Syega system: there are now four in each stage, and they no longer boost stats by themselves.
- Magic Item: Single-use items! Players can take their Tres over to Al (you might remember her, too!) and buy items that restore health, saves the player from a pitfall death, or locate Pura Syega.
- Very x2 Easy Mode: Remember Easy Mode from Mega Man 10? It's kind of like that. Perfect for your little nieces and nephews!
Or yourself, nobody will judge.
- After Talk: Cute skits between the characters. These are unlocked as you defeat bosses.
- More Minigames: In the first game, players earned Syega by clearing Playing Levels (in-game achievements) or by finishing the game. Syega is used for the Syega Shop, which applies fun effects on subsequent playthroughs. Episode 2 now gives the players more opportunities to earn and spend their Syega. In addition to the returning Poker minigame, there is now Rudymical and Syegacha. Rudymical is a simple little rhythm game where the player takes the role of Rudy (one of the eight bosses) and slices Boing Boings (one of the eight Technical Skills) to the rhythm of the music. Syegacha is a machine where you insert Syega or Play Coins and receive Gallery items.

Note that these screenshots are taken from the official website, some of which were published when the game was still in development.

Part of The Legend of Dark Witch's appeal is its colorful cast of characters. Let's meet them!
First, the player characters:

Now, the devious bosses:

Even more bosses await once "Ich" has been defeated!

Q: Why is this game $6.99? The first game was only $3.99!
A: Episode 2 has much more content than the first game, seeing a more than 50% increase in stages alone! For what it's worth, Circle did try to mitigate the cost increase by using the USD-Yen exchange rate instead of just swapping Yen for USD, as they did for the first Dark Witch.
Q: 60fps or 30fps?
A: The game runs at 60fps, minus the rare slowdown here or there.
Q: The first game doesn't utilize 3D. How about this one?
A: Unfortunately, still no 3D.
Q: Is there a demo?
A: Circle usually releases their demos (when they do release a demo) some time after the game is released, so no. However, the first game does have a demo that you can try. Just be warned that Klinsy is no slouch!
Q: What is Blocking?
A: Tap forward or backwards when an incoming projectile attack is about to hit the player and the character will parry it! You have been keeping your 3rd Strike skills sharp, right?
Q: Hey, the first Dark Witch didn't release in my country. Will I miss out on this one, too?
A: Circle is utilizing IARC with this game, meaning that it should release in countries such as Germany that did not receive the first game. The jury is out on whether the first game itself will release in these nations, however.
Q: Gunstar, your OT is poverty.
A: Yeah...

The first game, The Legend of Dark Witch, can normally be found on the 3DS eShop for $4, as well as Steam for $5. If you have a JP or HK PlayStation Network account, you can also buy the game on the Vita. The Steam version has HD menu assets and allows you to save Ghost Data if you clear a stage without taking damage. Aside from that, it's up to personal preference.