We didn't reach it.
You guys should have ordered 10 copies each. LOL
Approximately how much more was needed for tier-5?
We didn't reach it.
You guys should have ordered 10 copies each. LOL
Ok yeah, loads are leaps and bounds above the first game, at least in the first town. I walked out of a building into the town for the first time, and the load was a few seconds tops.
There's fan translations for Zero and Ao, I know that much. I seem to remember seeing Korean translations for the Sora games too, but I'm not sure if they were official or not.Wow, had no idea these were out in Korean. Might give me some incentive to study harder. Think I'll go to the shop and pick up the first one on Vita. Are any of the other LoH games available in Korean or just the Sen No Kiseki series?
Honestly, the concept for the follow up scenario is great and perhaps the best outside of Ao.The pacing is also a big improvement on the original game. It's also nice to haveSearching for the other characters as the game goes my party this time.adults
The whole thing is a marked improvement overall, IMO. SPOILERS FOR EARLY ACT 1:You're going around retrieving your comrades, but it gives you the chance to see what the war has done to the country, and you're constantly bumping into the primary antagonist. The pacing is way better here than its been in a while IMO.
I also find it interesting that they divided it into Acts rather than Chapters. I'm certainly feeling it in terms of the game structure.
I just entered Act 2, andI now have access to the Courageous and the freedom to go to a bunch of places, find more old classmates or do side stuff. It's almost overwhelming.
Well mine just arrived thanks again to the Falcom Store. Sorry for the terrible picture. Love how Falcom ship them early. However I have no idea when ill ever get to play it as I am still very far behind in my kiseki marathon. I had hoped to be done with it in time for today. Oh well at least it will be waiting for me when Im done.
Going to order this and Sen 1 soon...
Just one quick question: Can you purchase/download DLC from different regions on the same machine? I'm interested in the DLC for this game, but I don't want to screw over my European PSN account.
Going to order this and Sen 1 soon...
Just one quick question: Can you purchase/download DLC from different regions on the same machine? I'm interested in the DLC for this game, but I don't want to screw over my European PSN account.
Assuming you are on the PS3 version then you are fine. The vita has some problems with account switching.
Just create a Japanese PSN account, the downloaded content will work fine on your European account.*
*There are a few things that don't work, but Sen no Kiseki isn't one of the games with issues.
Thanks! Looks like I'm all set to go then.
I was planning on picking up both games later when I had more money, but I don't want to miss out on the timed DLC. Even if they'll add them to the store later.
You can download the DLC now for free, the code is freely available and you don't need the game for it to be saved on your harddrive.
man its crazy how the ps3 ver is sold out all over.
went and ordered through amazon markplace as much as i hate to (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻
Tovar's VA choice is pretty good.
Patch is out. 108 mb on Vita. Adds a new craft for Valimar, a quick party change feature, and a few other new gameplay additions.
Also some fixes and stabilization stuff.