I don't know if you guys heard, but perhaps you would be better off watching Sword Art Online.
Wait, is this remotely true at all? Since sword art online is on Netflix maybe I should watch it in parallel while playing this game lmao.
I use a Dual Shock 3 w/ the Mayflash adapter. I posted before earlier in the thread about how the default mappings were a little whack (this was in Xinput mode, however). I've since switched to the adapter's DirectInput mode and regained use of the trigger buttons.
I don't know about you or anyone else, but I remapped them to classic PS1 jRPG configuration, accordingly. Then again, I kind of had to:
Inverse camera control. Aw yiss.
I did resort to Xpadder to be able to use the Dpad. I feel this works quite well for me, it's second nature almost. Only Camp being the same as Cancel throws me off, but as I recall there were a few jRPGs that did weird things like that too.
Looking at your controller setup makes me feel like I missed the opportunity to map my buttons for lazy one handed gameplay, Suikoden style. Oh well, might try it if I decide to play through again.