36 hours guys. Stay busy on Sunday or Succumb to the Hype.
How is "TitS > boobs" not the thread title for this gamelol
Anyway I'm torn 50/50 on whether I should get this. JRPGs are so hit or miss with me.
Hatsuu tweeted that Sara got the text to be centered before launch.
I saw some complaints about it in another thread so I thought I should report it.
36 hours guys. Stay busy on Sunday or Succumb to the Hype.
Hatsuu tweeted that Sara got the text to be centered before launch.
I saw some complaints about it in another thread so I thought I should report it.
Hatsuu tweeted that Sara got the text to be centered before launch.
I saw some complaints about it in another thread so I thought I should report it.
So if I use a guide written for the PSP version it'll line up perfectly with this one, right? Specifically, a guide pertaining to the side quests.
Related question: can anybody recommend a good, relatively spoiler-free guide for the side content? The ones on GameFAQs look alright, unless there are any other suggestions.
Pretty sure a demo separate from the game itself isn't in the works, most likely due to programming or content unique to the demo (assuming the Japanese PC version had one).Is there going to be a demo?
Gorgeous OT.
It's a tough game to sell, but Hatsuu did an outstanding job on the Steam trailer. I'm not sure if a demo would actually help selling this game, especially with FC's slow start. I was originally put off by the early chapters during the prologue.
Well, I'd argue that it's just as much - if not more in some ways - that you need more time to really GET the gameplay systems in an RPG. It's basically a battle that can only be won with action RPGs that you can instantly get into (I noticed there IS an Ys Origin demo) or through offering a massive demo (this worked for Lunar, DQVIII, and Etrian Odyssey.) Anything that takes a long time to get going or has more complicated systems (or just those that take some time to get) wouldn't work well at all, which is quite a few yeah.Yeah, I don't think a demo would really work with a game like this. The PSP version had a demo in Japan, but I always thought that was kind of weird -- JRPGs just don't really demo well, since they're so story-centric. You're pretty much limited to having the demo be the first quest in the game, since anything else would either be a spoiler or would leave the player wondering what the hell is going on... and the first quest in the game is never a very good representation of the overall product, in *any* JRPG -- a trend which continues here.
I don't feel like a demo's really going to help a game like TiTs that much.
Personally, I'd rather XSEED do multiple trailers that go a bit extra in-depth towards the lore, the mechanics, etc of the game. Showcase the points of the game that tickles the nostalgia of fans of various other JRPGs.
I will buy this game for a forth time and I will not regret it.
The beginning to my personal favorite RPG series of all time. Prob my favorite game series period.
I heard it's region locked in Japan.
I think you can demo them fine as long as you focus on the gameplay aspects which is still a big part of these games considering you typically spend at least 50% of the game, if not more, battling, exploring, or interacting with the various systems (granted I haven't played TiTs yet but, I assume it's not that different from the common mold). They just need really lengthy demos to work well, and there have been some great ones over the years.
That said... I don't disagree about the game actually needing a demo. Seems like there are better things you could spend your time doing instead.
Personally, I'd rather XSEED do multiple trailers that go a bit extra in-depth towards the lore, the mechanics, etc of the game.
I can't think of very many RPG demos that haven't done the corresponding game a disservice. They're really hard to do well, getting the balancing for that section right while also explaining to the player exactly what kinds of tools they've been given in a game they're completely unfamiliar with.
Thanks for the answer. I ask because I'm mostly interested in checking out the battle system.Yeah, I don't think a demo would really work with a game like this. The PSP version had a demo in Japan, but I always thought that was kind of weird -- JRPGs just don't really demo well, since they're so story-centric. You're pretty much limited to having the demo be the first quest in the game, since anything else would either be a spoiler or would leave the player wondering what the hell is going on... and the first quest in the game is never a very good representation of the overall product, in *any* JRPG -- a trend which continues here.
We could look into a demo if you guys really want us to, but I just don't think the effort necessary to make one would really be worth it in the end, as it would be just as likely to give people the wrong impression as it would be to sell them on the game. I think if you're into JRPGs, you're going to be interested in Trails -- no demo required.
Good point about Bravely Default. I actually really enjoyed the combat system and the demo made me interested. If it weren't for the feedback I heard about the rest of the game (particularly the second half) from trusted sources I would have bought it based on the demo, haha...Demos in general suck, but I gotta mention the EO4/Untold demos which are great, they give you the first 1-2 hours of the game, no restrictions at all. JRPGs are long as hell usually, so giving out the first hour or two of the game is a great idea if you're confident that your game is good.
Bravely Default is another excellent demo, fully focusing on the gameplay side of the game, which I found really interesting.
Would love to do, but I'm going to almost be jumping straight into helping edit SC once FC launches and I clear up any bugs that managed to make its way through. Perhaps it's something to consider once we get closer to SC's launch, since it'll be a good way to bridge the two games (obviously going to avoid major spoilers or put up a very fair warning, of course) and keep updates interesting.
So... would I like this? Based on the descriptions it sounds like I really would, but comparisons to Xenosaga (which bored me to tears) worried me, and I asked about a demo just in case I could check out the gameplay (not too worried about the story).
Demos in general suck, but I gotta mention the EO4/Untold demos which are great, they give you the first 1-2 hours of the game, no restrictions at all. JRPGs are long as hell usually, so giving out the first hour or two of the game is a great idea if you're confident that your game is good.
Bravely Default is another excellent demo, fully focusing on the gameplay side of the game, which I found really interesting.
Although I agree on Etrian Odyssey, Bravely Default's fetch quest almost made me lose all interest in the game. I turned out to be wrong, for one half at least, but the demo negatively affected my expectations for sure.Demos in general suck, but I gotta mention the EO4/Untold demos which are great, they give you the first 1-2 hours of the game, no restrictions at all. JRPGs are long as hell usually, so giving out the first hour or two of the game is a great idea if you're confident that your game is good.
Bravely Default is another excellent demo, fully focusing on the gameplay side of the game, which I found really interesting.
In the majority of cases, giving the intro to a game is probably not a good idea. That's the time when the combat system is at its most simplistic, and anybody who's in it for the combat system won't be satisfied, most likely.
Thanks for the answer. I ask because I'm mostly interested in checking out the battle system.
I like many classic jRPGs, but I really hate modern ones. My favourites are from the 16- and 32-bit era; FF4-6, Phantasy Star IV, Suikoden I and II, Wild ARMs, Xenogears, Breath of Fire III, Lufia. I never liked Xenosaga (so comparisons to that worried me), Star Ocean, Saga Frontier or the Tales games at all. The most "modern" jRPGs I still enjoy are Skies of Arcadia and Suikoden III and V.
So... would I like this? Based on the descriptions it sounds like I really would, but comparisons to Xenosaga (which bored me to tears) worried me, and I asked about a demo just in case I could check out the gameplay (not too worried about the story).
Good point about Bravely Default. I actually really enjoyed the combat system and the demo made me interested. If it weren't for the feedback I heard about the rest of the game (particularly the second half) from trusted sources I would have bought it based on the demo, haha...
In the majority of cases, giving the intro to a game is probably not a good idea. That's the time when the combat system is at its most simplistic, and anybody who's in it for the combat system won't be satisfied, most likely.
And even for modern, well made games they can be a pain in the ass to make a demo for.I agree, the combat isn't very interesting at the very beginning of most RPGs.
Demos in general don't help sales so I can see why they don't make them, they also cost money to make.
YOU! Yes, you! The person reading this who isn't double-dipping!
Do you like...
Suikoden's overtly meticulous yet layered world-building?
Excellent music by the illustrious JDK Band?
JRPGs made "like they used to"?
A Japanese game that has none of the skeevy PG-rated hentai mess polluting so many games where it doesn't belong?
People what know how to write dialogue that coulda came out of actual human beings' mouths?
Hatsuu tweeted that Sara got the text to be centered before launch.
I saw some complaints about it in another thread so I thought I should report it.
Thanks for the answer. I ask because I'm mostly interested in checking out the battle system.
I like many classic jRPGs, but I really hate modern ones. My favourites are from the 16- and 32-bit era; FF4-6, Phantasy Star IV, Suikoden I and II, Wild ARMs, Xenogears, Breath of Fire III, Lufia. I never liked Xenosaga (so comparisons to that worried me), Star Ocean, Saga Frontier or the Tales games at all. The most "modern" jRPGs I still enjoy are Skies of Arcadia and Suikoden III and V.
So... would I like this? Based on the descriptions it sounds like I really would, but comparisons to Xenosaga (which bored me to tears) worried me, and I asked about a demo just in case I could check out the gameplay (not too worried about the story).