Estelle pls
seem pretty OP...
How did I miss this.
Surely Falcom have had multiple chances to tackle the problem since the original PC release but failed to do so... it might not be fixable without completely gimping something else entirely (why do I feel like mouse support is to blame for this?)
Maybe that's why they chose to completely rewrite the game when they ported it to PSP. Is the glitch present in the PC versions of SC and 3rd as well?
Oh yes. The game runs like butter now. I've had zero complaints after that first week, and not a single crash since the hires font glitch was (finally) nailed down.
I didn't even get the chance to experience the chest bug firsthand.
Special Ops team
My play clock is at 36 hours. I just realized you could spin the camera during battle.

How did I miss this.
Aside from the usual variety of small fixes, I've added the ability to disable the right stick camera control, or to invert it. This should be helpful for people who've been having problems or complaints with the feature.
It just surprises me that no one else mentioned it before or after (well, until dragon1893 did). I guess most people maybe don't notice it due to the fact that Camp and Cancel are the same button, so they tend to accidentally back out of Camp when hastily trying to open it? I know I do on occasion.Wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy and just made it up lol. (had a lot of those moments lately from lack of sleep)
Surely Falcom have had multiple chances to tackle the problem since the original PC release but failed to do so... it might not be fixable without completely gimping something else entirely (why do I feel like mouse support is to blame for this?)
Maybe that's why they chose to completely rewrite the game when they ported it to PSP. Is the glitch present in the PC versions of SC and 3rd as well?
Thanks for the steady improvements, XSEED team. There have been a lot of gains since the game first went live on Steam... I'm really pleased with it now.
Bring on SC soon and keep up the fantastic work.
Oh yes. The game runs like butter now. I've had zero complaints after that first week, and not a single crash since the hires font glitch was (finally) nailed down.
I didn't even get the chance to experience the chest bug firsthand.