Every game totally should be played in order, IDK how anyone can question that.
I would very much prefer finishing SC and TC before diving into Steel.
You're missing Zero and Ao if you want to play them in original order of release.
Every game totally should be played in order, IDK how anyone can question that.
I would very much prefer finishing SC and TC before diving into Steel.
You're missing Zero and Ao if you want to play them in original order of release.
well, I can't help it, if it was up to me, I'd release all in the west.
Third should probably go in the pile with those two though. It's hard to see that one coming out.
Personally, I would rather wait with Cold Steel until Cold Steel II has a release date, because the former ends on an absolutely terrible cliffhanger that's even more cruel than FC's.
Also, going from SC to CS is quite a change of pace. CS is more along the lines of FC whereas SC ramps up the pace from an early chapter onward.
Personally, I would rather wait with Cold Steel until Cold Steel II has a release date, because the former ends on an absolutely terrible cliffhanger that's even more cruel than FC's.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter - Localization Blog #2
Sound like the QA was pretty hard.
And uploading the entire script in a Google Doc lmao.
In some ways, not quite as crazy as you might think - Google Docs is stupid good for out-of-office, cross-timezones collaboration like they needed with Jess (or even as an easy way to send changes to Japan, like we at CF did on This Starry Midnight We Make, though I don't know if XSEED used Docs for that purpose on SC). I do kind of wonder if the Docs devs at Google ever imagined the Docs viewer would be used with a block of text as... large as SC, though.![]()
In some ways, not quite as crazy as you might think - Google Docs is stupid good for out-of-office, cross-timezones collaboration like they needed with Jess (or even as an easy way to send changes to Japan, like we at CF did on This Starry Midnight We Make, though I don't know if XSEED used Docs for that purpose on SC). I do kind of wonder if the Docs devs at Google ever imagined the Docs viewer would be used with a block of text as... large as SC, though.![]()
That's not the way Falcom compiles their files, though. They create a file per 'room', in which a room can be a room, indeed, but also a cut scene or a series of entries in CAPEL. All strings of dialogue that are called in, say, the Rolent Cathedral may have been crammed within a single file.I understand those advantages. But, for me, common sense would indicate to separate the scripts by chapter at least.
You know divide and conquer.
(or even as an easy way to send changes to Japan, like we at CF did on This Starry Midnight We Make, though I don't know if XSEED used Docs for that purpose on SC)
always been meaning to ask, when you lose to a boss and the battle restarts with the boss being weaker, is there a limit to that? or does it just keep weakening the boss until it has like 100 hp or something?
Every time I see this thread bumped I think SC release date has been announced.
That news should be in a new thread, not this one.Every time I see this thread bumped I think SC release date has been announced.
Every time I see this thread bumped I think SC release date has been announced.
As we speak, Im trying to put more of the finishing touches on Trails in the Sky SC for its upcoming English release.
X-posting here
We've come a long way.
But I'm busy with Zestiria! :S
Yes.thank you based xseedis anelace playable?
is there much of a consensus on the best version to play of Trails 1 of the English versions we have?
PSP or PC (steam)? Other than the obvious advantages of each such as portability vs non portable.
Textures are better on PC and some translation errors have been fixed/updated to be more in line with the newer games in the series.
Ohhh thanks! Okay, I guess I'll stick with PC. They seem to be patching it a lot. Something that isn't as easy for them to do on PSP I imagine?
It "can" be done, just it requires them to pass a check with both Falcom and Sony every time they want to push an update. Neither of which really want to deal with it that much anymore.
I just started playing this again amid SC hype, and I'm hoping that someone can help me get situated again. I'm in Bose and as far as I can tell I just Scheherezad in my party (although I don't know why/what her deal is). I just remember doing a quest or two in Bose and getting overwhelmed by the size of the area. It's been at least a year since I played it.
I just started playing this again amid SC hype, and I'm hoping that someone can help me get situated again. I'm in Bose and as far as I can tell I just Scheherezad in my party (although I don't know why/what her deal is). I just remember doing a quest or two in Bose and getting overwhelmed by the size of the area. It's been at least a year since I played it.